MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Good movies that (mostly) take place in ...

Good movies that (mostly) take place in a single location

I recently caught Phone Booth on TV. Really good film.

What are some one-location-based films that you like? Here are some of mine

-12 Angry Men (1957)
-Die Hard (1988)
-Rear Window (1954)
-Panic Room (2002)
-The Breakfast Club (1985)
-Buried (2010)
-Snowpiercer (2013
-The Raid (2011)
-10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
-127 hours (2010)
-Locke (2013)
-Ex Machina (2014)
-Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
-John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
-Reservoir Dogs (1992)


Right now I’m watching Elephant song (2014) and it mainly takes place in one room. It’s pretty good.


Will add it to the list.


I will share with you the review I prepared for my weekly thread but please don’t show it to anyone else. You might not want to add this movie to your list after reading this:

I am not surprised that this was based on a play since it mostly takes place in one room and consist of a strictly dialogue driven movie. The pros: the actors were able to pull it off with strong performance. The direction was good and the music moving. The cons: the unraveling final payoff was not strong enough to match the long, slow, intriguing and hypnotizing build up. My rating: 6/10



Das Boot (81)

Holy Moses, do not watch this if you’re claustrophobic😳


I got it bad, man! If claustrophobia was a super power, I'd be a superhero.

Eh, who am I kidding, I'd most definitely be a Super Villain


I don’t like tight spaces either.


Great pick!


I had a buddy who joined the US Navy and was on a submarine. He said everything was tiny, you’d crack your head on the little doorways. NO THANKS!


Welcome to Mooseport: this film takes place entirely within the single location of the town of Mooseport.



Never thought of that!


Nick of Time (1995) - Not only does it take place in just one location, a hotel, it also proceeds in real time.


Haven't seen it a long ass time. Will have to rewatch.


I was gonna say 12 Angry Men as-well




Around 80 % of the movie takes place within the Casita.
And except for two flashback scenes, 95 % of the plot takes place within the same valley.


Mother fucking Circle 2015

Incredible movie. Free on YouTube. Fucking watch that shit.


Seen it. It's really good.
