MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who else stopped watching Star Trek afte...

Who else stopped watching Star Trek after Woke Trek

The distinguishing element of Star Trek was not the Enterprise, the Klingons, or explorations of new worlds, but that of into ethical matters, discussing them with a depth that most other sci-fi runs only scraped the surface of. Terrorism, genocide and conflict isn't just a mindless space war, but a philosophical arena as well. (It may have been cheesy and virtually always on the side of the humans but what do you expect.)

Its later runs are so politically appeasing and toothless, and without the gonads to challenge conventional thinking is there any point to it? That's what I ask myself when they start throwing feminism or whatever around.


Watching Star Trek reruns in the 70s was one of my favorite things in life and I also enjoyed TNG in my 20s. But the last Star Trek I have watched was Nemesis and I really wish I had never even seen that. I have had zero interest in seeing any new Star Trek. Between beating a dead horse and spiraling into goofiness I have no interest in watching any Star Trek again other than the occasional rerun of the original series and TNG (not Picard).


The straw that broke my back, was the repeated retro cons, eliminating everyones colonies or empires, the klingons, the romulans, teh vulcans...

Woke ass fucking nonsense.


I only enjoyed the original series, the Shatner one. It too had a fairly diverse cast and included possibly the first white and black kiss which was pretty progressive for the time.

The rest of the Star Trek series and movies with the exception of The Wrath Of Khan movie bored me.


I stopped watching during the later seasons of Next Generation. Unlike the fans, I just can't stand Data.


I never liked Data either. Never understood the fuss about him.

I did like Wesley. I was shocked to discover I may be the only one.


I didn't like Wesley either.


LOL! Poor Wesley.
The actor told everyone at a Trek event how unpopular Wesley was. That's how I found out. I liked him on Big Bang Theory, too.


Star Trek is supposed to be woke. I suggest you find a different franchise.


Bullshit. It was ahead of its time. Woke is the opposite, stuck in the sexual revolution and race riots


Woke = aware of racism and injustice

Roddenberry was very woke and had addressed it in his diversified hiring practices and progressive social commentary episodes like "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" about racism with 1/2 black and white alien species that warred among themselves to extinction.

That episode was banned in the South.


Honestly, I haven't watched Star Trek since TNG/DS9/Voyager.


It was always a little woke, no? I don't think the newer entries to the ST universe overdo it.


I just watched the first episode of Piccard. Seemed a little woke with casting. How woke is it?


More woke than a george Floyd documentary rammed in a feminists asshole
