MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you know of someone who has a skill.....

Do you know of someone who has a skill...

... that he/she is so exceptional at it, that anyone in the same field just cannot compete ?

For me, it's Jeff Dunham, and he is a ventriloquist.

Anyone else ?


Great musicians, athletes, artists, writers, film-makers, dancers, inventors, explorers, scientists - all are amazing - that is the beauty of excellence. It shines in its own light.


Me. I'm the bestest message poster on all IMDb spinoff movie boards




That's what my dear sweet mama always tells me. She wouldn't lie about that!


Liam Neeson in Taken.




That's all I can think of whenever someone talks about skills.


Can't compete? I saw Jay Johnson in his Broadway show Jay Johnson: The Two & Only! and he was fantastic.


Bruce Lee


I'll second that!



No one in their right mind would run toward nunchucks.


Honestly, the whole thing about one guy taking on multiple attackers is really the stuff of movies. He is still the king, though.


Good stuff.


Art Bell. He had a great voice, was a great interviewer, had lots of charisma, ran his whole show (which had millions of listeners worldwide) by himself from his own house, didn't screen his calls (that alone made him better than any other major talk radio host that I know of), and was an expert on the technical side of radio broadcasting (he had a ham radio license since he was 13).

On top of all that, he broadcast from the middle of nowhere in Nevada, very close to Area 51, "from the high desert" as he called it, during the dead of night, which created the perfect atmosphere for the eerie topics he usually covered.

I listened to his show just about every night from about 1997 to 1999, and even talked to him live on the air a few times (which never would have happened if he'd had a call screener like everyone else), but then I got a job in early 2000 with "normal" hours (which sucked, because I've been a "night owl" by nature since I was born), so I couldn't stay up to listen to him anymore. But that was pretty much the end anyway:

Bell was the original host of the show, starting in 1988. He announced his retirement in 2000, but would return as show host, retire, and return again a number of times.[15]

George Noory and every other replacement host they've tried is terrible IMO.


Art Bell was one of my favorite radio host. He was very opened-minded with every caller and topic. Very creepy show sometimes. I stayed up all night to listen.

George Noory went downhill so I stopped listening to him.


Yeah, I tuned in to Coast to Coast AM at some point in the early 2000s and it was George Noory; he sucked. Whitley Strieber, who took over Art Bell's Dreamland show, was even worse. I'd rather stare at a broken radio than listen to that guy drone on and on. He's a big name when it comes to the topics of aliens, UFOs, and such, but that doesn't automatically make him a good radio show host. It's like Nights with Alice Cooper. Just because Alice Cooper is a good musician, that doesn't automatically make him a good DJ / radio show host.


Noory was the weekend host and became permanent when Bell left. I thought he was fine for a long time, although not as good as Bell, of course. I heard Streiber and the other hosts, but I thought Noory was the best of the group. After a while, Noory's show became too politicized and conspiracy theories too crazy for me.

I guess you missed it when Bell's wife died of asthma and he met and became engaged to another woman within the same month as her death. She was a listener who had sent her condolences. His announced engagement was his strangest show yet. He moved to the Philippines to meet and marry her. He had guts! They had a daughter together.


Ned Ryerson did the whistling belly-button trick like a boss.


Opening day today! ⚾⚾⚾

Vin Scully - longtime Dodgers sportscaster
