MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People Who Take to Social Media to Destr...

People Who Take to Social Media to Destroy Others Are the Lowest of the Low

I've been bullied, abused, assaulted, threatened and driven psychologically sick, by the behaviour of certain individuals in my life BUT I would NEVER take to social media (i.e. Twitter) to publicly denounce and destroy all the various individuals who have done these terrible things to me.

I've noticed a trend among the types of people who do this. They're often very fragile and (at the risk of being seen as homophobic) often gay, and seem to have a permanent chip-on-their-shoulder, and a very childish/emo-style wounded attitude about them.

Here's my advice to them: GROW THE FUCK UP. Life isn't always easy. MAN THE FUCK UP and GROW SOME BALLS, instead of behaving like a spoiled, petty, vengeful, spiteful, tell-tale brat who can only derive some sort of solace and 'strength' in life by destroying other people because they made you feel sad. 😢🎻

We've all had negative experiences. Some of us, like me, are still coping with them. Yes, it hurts, but that does NOT give you thr fucking right to tear people down.

If I kill the people who bullied, threatened and sexually assaulted me, will that some how make my life better? No, of course not. It will just make other people's lives shittier.

So STOP this petty, vengeful, spiteful bullshit, and focus on your own life, or maybe it's too sad and pathetic that all you know is destroying other peoples.


“GROW THE FUCK UP. Life isn't always easy. MAN THE FUCK UP and GROW SOME BALLS”

Indeed. Add STAY THE FUCK OFF TWITTER and you’ve solved your own problem.


LOL. Too true.

I've stopped posting on Twitter, since I returned to this place. It was driving me insane.


It’s a cesspool, you wouldn’t get me on there if you paid me.

I completely reject the insinuation that the main perpetrators of this behaviour are gay though. Firstly, how do you know the sexuality of every mean spirited person on Twitter? Also, there was a politician a few years ago who absolutely dominated Twitter and was notorious for “publicly ridiculing” anyone and everyone who challenged him. He was the archetype of the behaviour you are denouncing and as far as I know he isn’t gay. Fuck, I hope he’s not anyway 🤢


By the looks of his posting history, he’s trying to bring the trollish twitter crap here.


I'm extremely anti-homophobia. Always have been. But look at the two creeps who have emerged from the woodwork to attack Jonathan Majors. There's a very wounded, uptight, sanctimonious aspect about them, of people who feel aggrieved with respect to their identities and are lashing out at a heteronormative Black man who has succeeded where they perhaps haven't. It's, alas, very common in my experience.


I’ll take your word for it, to be honest I don’t even know who Jonathan Majors is or why anyone would lash out at him.


It’s probably best to avoid all of that social media stuff. One could argue that MC is somewhat similar to social media because many of us are not trolls and exchange our honest opinions but aside from MC I do no gabbing online.

Two of my good friends haven’t talked for years because their wives had a big Facebook brawl over something very silly and it ended their friendship.

It’s all BS…’Hey, look at my meal, look at my vacation pictures, check out my weight loss journey…ME, ME, MEEEEE!’

Piss off.


I agree - I only post here and on Cruise Critic, but that is more of an information site and is fairly strict with what can and can't be posted.


It’s funny to me that when I see your handle I immediately envision a cruise ship lol😄

I’ve never been on a cruise but I hope to someday.

You should start a thread about your cruising, it would be neat to hear about your favorite experiences on the water!


I love to talk about cruising and my travels, but think it would probably sound like bragging.

Andy seemed to get away with it, but not sure I could pull it off like he did.


The OP doesn't deserve any sympathy. They are constantly trying to start race battles, then act like a petulant child in posts like this. This is not a person trying to avoid conflict by any means. These are just a few of the recent comments the OP has made in other posts:

"Rich white people always like to identify with oppressed people. It makes them feel better about their own privilege, whilst still flaunting and abusing their privilege."

"In the oppression Olympics RICH WHITE WOMEN will ALWAYS (sadly) trump BLACK MEN."

there are a certain number of *privileged* *white* women who do exert their power over men, including *oppressed* *Black* men, within certain environments, but they're okay with passive and simping beta men (most of whom are white), less so trans women, who they regard as a threat (or, more accurately, demonise as a threat, for daring to undermine the power they derive from their 'victimhood').

"No doubt some sanctimonious, simping (WHITE) asshole will accuse me of being a 'misogynist'/Andrew Tate fan, or some such BS, but who am I defending here? That's right. BLACK MEN! I'm standing AGAINST RACISM. So they can shove their privileged, daddy's little girl, white feminism up their spoiled derrieres."


That's his game. He claims to be extremely woke and progressive, and then supports right-wing talking points. Like he's doing here.


Yeah, I think he's purely trolling. I don't think he believes his own bullshit.


He's not good enough at trolling to pass as a real progressive, and too in love with the sound of his own voice to learn.


"One could argue that MC is somewhat similar to social media..."

There is a big difference between MovieChat and idiotic sites like TikTok. The latter is for narcissists and people of low intelligence with the attention span of a two-year-old.

MovieChat is closer to the original "message boards" in which posters would engage in intelligent discussion. The problem with these newer idiotic sites is that they rely heavily on visual content, which is perfect for users who are too lazy to read. And these are designed to make it easy to upload content; it requires almost zero thinking to post a video. That explains the quality of content, which is easily disseminated and subsequently contributing to the polarization, fragmentation and dumbing-down of our society.


People come at you because you are a pathetic, trolling, racist piece of shit, and you know exactly what you are doing. These are all taken from recent comments you've made, you pathetic tool. Take your feigned outrage someplace else.🤣🤡

"Rich white people always like to identify with oppressed people. It makes them feel better about their own privilege, whilst still flaunting and abusing their privilege."

"In the oppression Olympics RICH WHITE WOMEN will ALWAYS (sadly) trump BLACK MEN."

there are a certain number of *privileged* *white* women who do exert their power over men, including *oppressed* *Black* men, within certain environments, but they're okay with passive and simping beta men (most of whom are white), less so trans women, who they regard as a threat (or, more accurately, demonise as a threat, for daring to undermine the power they derive from their 'victimhood').

"No doubt some sanctimonious, simping (WHITE) asshole will accuse me of being a 'misogynist'/Andrew Tate fan, or some such BS, but who am I defending here? That's right. BLACK MEN! I'm standing AGAINST RACISM. So they can shove their privileged, daddy's little girl, white feminism up their spoiled derrieres."


Another race battle you've tried starting:

Kanye, Cosby, Irving, R Kelly, Nate Parker, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Herschel Walker, etc etc
posted 2 days ago by HarveyManFredSin (1844)
15 replies | jump to latest
When will the BULLSHIT end?

Just be 100% fucking HONEST, for a single moment. You all just want to cancel Black men entirely, don't you?



more racism from the OP:

posted 2 days ago by HarveyManFredSin (1844)
Fucking hell.

I'm CERTAIN there is a campaign being waged (ironically by people who self-identify as 'woke') to cancel as many talented, up-and-coming Black men as possible.

Fucking militant feminists (most of them white) seem to have a BIG problem with any other marginalised group, including trans people, Jews and PARTICULARLY *Black* men, other than themselves.

Seriously, maybe it's time to ignore these SPOILED, ENTITLED, ME, ME, ME, PRIVILEGED 'feminists', because their BULLSHIT, isn't only hurting rich straight white men, but every other group, including marginalised people like BLACK men.

Fuck them. 😠


I post here on MC, which is usually positive & affirming, on FB, which since I control my page is usually pretty good, and on a local newspaper forum which is generally toxic, but its a habit I can't break.

Social networking, especially when anonymous, surely exposes a lot of our underlying emotional baggage connected with varying interpretations on things, political views, personal grudges (and affiliations) that tend to develop, provides avenues for bullies, drama kings, nervous nellies, attention hoahs, along with some cool folks you tend to admire.

Compared to chimps, though, we're pretty cool.


I learned a long time ago to steer clear of social media. Haven't been on FB or anything else besides here for at least three years. It's a waste of time and people are too obsessed with other people's lives.
