
Does explaining something to another man make you a mansplainer?

Signed, million man.


Honestly, who the hell knows anymore?
If I tell my wife how to use the snowblower or chainsaw am I Mansplaining?
If my wife tells me how to use Bleach or clean the oven is she Ladysplaining?

This shit has gotten really out of hand.


Yeah, my wife throws that tern around and it feels weird.

Signed, million man.


Stupid term. The social media has made too many people too ‘precious’ and funny to themselves.

Hold down a job, maintain a marriage, pay your bills and don’t be such a bunch of navel-gazing pussies.

Nobody gives a shit about cute little terms🖕


Yeah, that shit's annoying. I remember this one time, years back, I was sitting at a local diner with a friend & her friend.

They were having an intense argument about the name of an animated character. Neither of them could remember it. I happened to know the character's name & I said, his name is Terry McGinnis

That's literally all I said. And the chick got so mad, you'd think I said something offensive or disrespected her.

She was like "I don't need you to mansplain anything to me" & just went on a tirade. I just left. My friend later spent like 5 minutes just apologising. lol


There does seem to be an enormous ‘Cult of The Offended’ going back at least twenty years.

I no don’t bother talking to the hysterical types, it’s a waste of time.

Just the term ‘Mansplaining’ suggests men are prone to sexist or belittling behavior and I should find that insulting by the current logic.

But I don’t as the current logic is half stupidity and victimhood.

Be nice but exit the area when somebody uses these dopey social media terms.


I'll never argue or engage with those types of people.

It's literally useless & just a waste of precious oxygen.

You could legit argue with a piece of rock & it would honestly have the same effect.


You weren't mansplaining, you were eavesdropping.


I mean, we were literally having lunch together.

It's not like I went over & was like, "Excuse me, actually..." & all that shit.

We were even talking about the Justice League animated show a lil while before the argument started.



Mansplaining is when someone with no or incorrect knowledge on a subject tries to convince another person who is an expert on the subject that they are correct and the expert is wrong.

This idea has been adopted by Internet women to tell of all the times they were told idiotic theories about their bodies by men. Stories like men telling women to just hold in their period in the same way you control your bladder 🤷🏻‍♀️

There was another one I read about a man berating a woman over what the author of a book meant (I forget what the topic was). To him he was absolutely right, she was wrong .... the woman was the author of the book. He still wouldn't admit that he was wrong.


OK. I get that. But earlier tonight I asked my wife if she knew how a diving bell worked. She said no then I went on to explain how it works. She then proceeded to tell me I was mansplaining. I think I was wronged or she was fucking with me. I'm still confused.

Signed, million man.


That is not mansplaining.

Your wife is being dismissive of you, or just not interested in the subject.


Yeah, probably right. I think she just likes to throw that term in my face.

Signed, million man.




According to the Mansplaining Algorithm, it is not mansplaining if she asks you for information.

But if she asked for information and *then* accused you of mansplaining, it means you either went on far too long, or strayed from the original question into mansplaining.


I'm sorry sweety, but no. Let me tell you what it actually is. So when a man explains....

oh, wait




The rain in Spain stays mainly in the mansplain




If anyone has trouble understanding what mansplaining really is, there's an algorithm! No, really, there is. There are versions all over the internet.


If the woman divorces the man, is he then ex-plaining stuff to her?


Why does such a term even EXIST and does so in the ways in does?

And by man one means a man in general or a man who by say nature or whatever refuses to be civilized and prefers savage and primitive characteristics instead?


And what if you are a NICE and CIVILIZED male gendered human being?


The term has become woke speak for every time a man explains something to a woman. This is why the term is invalid. And can be ignored.
There was however a legitimate meaning; When a man who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about trying to lecture a woman who does know or might even be an expert. This was the correct way in which to use the term. Having said that, I still think the term is woke and shouldn't be used. What I mean by woke here, is that it is sexist against men. Why create a term that is only critical when men do it? We don't have a term for Womensplaining, so why single out men. The only "people" who would do that are Wokies; Denigrating men is part of their ideology.
In my opinion any person who uses this term is being obnoxious.


No, it is a term describing those occasions when a man explain things to a woman, while paying no attention to her prior level of knowledge. If her knowledge is greater than his, or greater than he assumes it is, and he does not listen to her when she tells him this, then he is mansplaining and she is pissed off.

Here's a simple algorithm.


I already explained that in my post. What I'm saying is why single out when men do it. What do we call a woman who is explaining something to men that they know nothing about, but the man is an expert. Is there such a term as "womensplaining", if not, then "mansplaining" is a sexist term invented by degenerate wokies in an attempt to denigrate men. It is obnoxious.


Apparently "mansplaining" is common enough that the term for it has become widely adopted, where nobody actually says "womansplaining". Perhaps that's because it's less common, perhaps it's because the sort of man who would object to womansplaining the most never listens to what women say, perhaps it's because straight men use "nagging" instead.

Did you notice, "mansplaining" is in the site spellchecker, and "womansplaining" is not?


My spell checker sees both as incorrect.

The idea that nagging might be the woman version of "mansplaining" is interesting. Though, I think that nagging is more like complaining that a man is not doing something that he is expected to do, or is doing something that he shouldn't do. Would you agree?

I think you are right that the term probably emerged because it might be more common among men doing it to women, on the other hand it might happen just as much on the other side, but men simply don't care enough to give it a name. It seems like men complaining about women is frowned upon in contemporary society, but women complaining about men is encouraged. Again, I think this comes out of woke culture, since their ideology is hostile to men, especially straight white cis men.


We have different spellcheckers??? WTF??

Anyway, after I posted that, I had second thoughts as well, as "nagging" does indeed mean telling a person to do something they should do but are not doing. However, it has other meanings, including "one person telling another person anything they don't want to hear", "repeating unwelcome statements", and possibly "ill-informed lecturing within a relationship". Which is a stretch, I admit.

And I believe "mansplaining" came out of feminism, not Wokism, and there's a difference. Feminists and Wokists are currently at daggers drawn over trans rights, don't get me started.


Yeah, I don't know about the spell checker. I think my spell checker is from my browser 'firefox'. It works on every site the same way. Whenever I type a misspelled word, it is underlined in red. I can then right click on the word, and a menu opens up with a list of correct words. I then select the correct one and if fixes the word for me.

As for the intersection between feminism and wokeness, I think the two pretty much overlapped completely, however with the emergence of trans people there is now a split in the movement. The feminists are still "woke", but because they don't worship trans people, they are considered not woke enough, and therefore are infidels that must be excommunicated from the cult. This is how the cult operates, it essentially cannibalizes itself. It is often more hostile to its members who question its orthodoxy, than its enemies, like conservatives and right wingers. I think it's because its enemies don't care, the woke cult doesn't have much power over them. But it has significant power over its members. If you get cancelled or shunned, you pretty much lose all your friends, your entire social circle. Where as conservatives already have their own social group, so you can't really cancel them.


Is it like manscaping?


More like manslaughter

Signed, million man.
