MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Gender Neutral Awards

Gender Neutral Awards

There has been some controversy recently with the Brits introducing gender neutral categories, as opposed to the 'Best Female Artist' or 'Best Male Artist', because, as many of us predicted, it's usually women who end up getting marginalised and squeezed out, when recognition isn't guaranteed for either women or men.

But, as the Brits have no doubt observed, many artists are now identifying as non-binary/gender neutral, and so, it's inevitable that awards committees and guilds will start reflecting that in how they break up certain categories going forward.

Although I doubt there is *any* system that will please everyone, surely the best possible system (i.e. the least unfair) would be to do what some Scandinavian countries do with respect to executive board representation, which is to say that 40% of a company's board must be women (and from what I gather the same rule applies to men; in other words, 40% of a company's board must also be male). Thus, even if a company isn't 50:50 split between women and men, *at most* only 60% of the executive board would be made up of one particular sex, and the opportunity for discrimination/sexism is significantly minimised.

AMPAS, for instance, could do away with the Best Actor/Best Supporting Actor and Best Actress/Best Supporting Actress categories, whilst still ensuring a *minimum* number/percentage of women were still represented, by saying that a Best Lead Performer and a Best Supporting Performer category required at least 40% women and 40% men. At worst, at least 4 of the 10 nominees would be women, and going back to the basis for the change (i.e. non-binary representation), if 4 of the nominees are women, and 4 of the nominees are men, the other 2 nominees might, potentially be, binary/fluid. At the moment, the percentage of non-binary people is less than 20% of society, so even if only a maximum of 20% of potential nominees could represent this demographic, they still wouldn't be marginalised (UNLESS, by some unlikely outcome more than 20% of the year's best performances were given by the 0.1-2% of the population that is so far estimated to define themselves this way).

Like I say, this might not be a perfect option, but it's possibly the *most* perfect option available.


Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.


this will just make award shows that more irrelevant.






Give it a break.


You are trying too hard.

I came here five years ago to troll and be a jerk but I found many of these posters so charming and clever that I quit my foolish ways and stuck around…it turned out that just another trolling target became my favorite spot on the ‘net. There are good people here.

Stick around and you’ll see, in the meantime you aren’t fooling anyone with your routine.


'Trying too hard' to do what?

Honestly, I'm baffled.

You think this is 'trolling'? Or a 'routine'?

I'm simply giving my honest thoughts.


Yeah, your pretentious act is pretty see-through and boring.

Just figure you met some good posters and try to fit in.

We need new blood here at MC, we’ve lost a few great ones of late.


Once again, why am I 'pretentious' for pondering stuff I find interesting?


Good luck👍


You only post about hot button topics. You know damn well the things you post trigger the sensitive and weak minded. Stop playing stupid.


Why is it 'trolling' to post about stuff that's in the news/on a lot of people's minds?

Maybe that makes me 'unoriginal' but it hardly makes me a 'troll' or even 'pretentious'.

Also, nothing I'm saying is particularly offensive. Why would it trigger the 'sensitive and weak-minded'? Just talking about sensitive issues shouldn't trigger anyone. If it does, they have a problem. However, I'm not the type to speak insensitively and recklessly about a given issue. But I will not stop talking about things *entirely* for fear of causing 'offence'. That's just extremist silliness.


Why is it 'trolling' to post about stuff that's in the news/on a lot of people's minds?

It's not and that's like 99% of the threads I start. The only difference is...I post in the politics section where it belongs. Everyone over there is already fired up. Here you're just trying to get a rise out of people who are just trying to chill and shoot the shit.


I thought this was a 'movie thread'. I'm primarily referring to movie awards. This isn't really about 'politics', and quite frankly, I'm fed-up with everyone politicising everything. Can't we just have a civil, sensible, non-partisan discussion without everything being about politics?


Why are you sure this person is new? It seems like a regular with a new sock. I'm not saying people shouldn't have socks but Jesus be more original. All the puppets lately are just reboots and remakes. What we need is for real actors to come back to the boards like the original forums on IMDB. That's what made those boards so fun. Lots of the trolls were actors in character practicing for a role.


Perhaps it is a sock.
I can’t think of any act more boring and pathetic than operating sock accounts on a little entertainment website that most people never heard of but here we are…

Eh, the beat goes on.


Why not get rid of awards altogether? Seriously. Those award shows lost their luster 20 years ago and are just PR vehicles for the most powerful and wealthy studios. Just have a ceremony that honors the year’s greatest achievements in acting, directing, etc… Stop picking one winner because we all know that the one picked is rarely the best.


Well, for the studios there's a big financial incentive to saying this film is "The winner of 8 Academy Awards" etc.

As for the rest of us, some of us enjoy discussing the best film, performance, effects, screenplay, cinematography, and so on, of the year.

Also, I'd say that over the last decade or so, AMPAS has actually chosen some worthy winners, like Parasite and Moonlight.


I see nothing wrong with that


Gender neutral awards are reason #3124 of why I plan to go on a spaceship and leave Earth one day.


Your trolling is garbage. I'm pretty sure most didn't get past the first two sentences.


Then the awards should be based on sex instead of gender. Then you will still have men and women, and the freaks will have to pick one.
