MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you know how to touch type?

Do you know how to touch type?

I never learned. What surprised me, when I went back to college in the early 2000s it seemed like lots of younger people could touch type, but I don't know if they were taught or just learned to type real fast and it just appeared that they were touch typing.


I can touch type really fast without looking at the keys, in fact I'm doing so right now.

It's just muscle memory from extensive use of a keyboard in my case, no teaching, no time put into trying to do it. Just muscle memory built from habit. It's just instinctual at this point.


85 wpm baby !!!


Footage unearthed!


Typing really fast is good when you’re only trying to Look busy


No, I was never able to learn it, maybe I’m a bit clumsy:/
I took a typing class during Senior year of High School and got assigned randomly to a seat near a tall, shapely black girl, she may have been 17 or 18, so just about my age at the time and boy was she really pretty!

I tended to date white and Puerto Rican girls back then but I asked her for a date in the middle of class one day. She shot me down, she said her Daddy was some big shot Black Church Preacher and he didn’t like white guys anywhere near him and his house.

The typing teacher, an old Black Crow of a woman overheard this exchange and loudly stated ‘You are one crazy white boy!, Shogun!’

The entire class laughed and laughed at me, I never got a date with the sexy Black girl and I can’t type worth a damn after all of that!

They say ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ but god damn, why am I constantly getting beaten up?!? I just wanted a sexy tall Black Girl to date and be kind to…Jeez!

Forget typing Buddy, we keep laughing or we start crying…forget the losses.


What's funny to me is I had no idea that such classes were being offered in schools. I thought high school typing classes went out sometime in the 1960s. I don't recall typing being offered in my high school (I'm Class of 1977).


Strange…I was class of 91 in Yonkers, New York.
The typing teacher was fair enough to give me a 70% which was quite fair I think.

This Black Girl was tall and cute, perhaps a bit ‘big,’ just a bit on the ‘heavy side’ which for whatever reason I tend to favor. I like a big girl…that’s possibly impolite to mention but I’m not a liar😄


Learned in high school. One of my few skills 🤣


Never learned. I am such a bad typist that some people think I can't spell very well. Ironically, I've actually won several spelling bees growing up.


Yes. Learned from a mandatory Freshman High School course.


Nope. Too young for the 60/70s era if secretaries & too old for the computer generation ☹. I jab those buttons with my right index finger 💩


I learned to type (on a typewriter) in HS. In college, most things were handwritten, except term papers, which wasn't a lot of practice. In grad school, writing my dissertation i started getting good. I'm basically on a keyboard all the time at work, now.

I'm comfortable at it but no where near the speed that professional typists have!
