MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you know how to touch type?

Do you know how to touch type?

I never learned. What surprised me, when I went back to college in the early 2000s it seemed like lots of younger people could touch type, but I don't know if they were taught or just learned to type real fast and it just appeared that they were touch typing.


Sort of. I never learned any formal technique, but for the most part I can type without looking at the keyboard.




Yes. Dear ol' Mavis Beacon.


15 or 20 years ago I tried to lean with a computer program, that sounds familiar. It's like playing a video game (ay least part of it was like that). I gave it the ol' college try but gave up. Too bad, because it's a nice skill to have.


Yeah. I bet it was Mavis Beacon. I learned because it was one of the pieces of software that came with a new PC back in... I dunno... '98, '99.

I never got hugely good at it -- I'm not super-duper-fast at it -- but I think slowly anyway, so it probably works out.


Yes. Typing was an elective in high school. I'm glad I took it๐Ÿ˜Š

I'll say this, its scary to watch some of our kindergartners type by the end of the year, fast. That and watching them go to websites on their own, without permission. Scary!


I don't know how I learned to type, but I type very fast with my eyes on the screen.

I think my need to rant overpowered all my other neural circuits, and forced the eyes and fingers to get on with the job...




Ah, that's why you can't operate the SHIFT key!


Yes indeed...Thank you 7th grade typing class!


Haha... me too. But I never do enough practice on the numbers row and their shifted keys (!@#$%^& etc.) So I still need to peek the keyboard whenever I need to type those characters.


I definitely peek for numbers and symbols too!


I don't do it the correct way, but I type without looking at the keyboard. I can only do it while sitting in a certain position at my PC with my keyboard, which is leaning back in my chair, and swiveled at about a 45-degree angle to the keyboard (which is the same way I've sat at my PC since I first got one in 2001 and couldn't yet type at all without looking at the keyboard). If I were to sit up straight and perpendicular to the keyboard, my error rate would go from practically zero to pressing the wrong key almost every time.


Despite having taken high school typing class - where we were told if we found ourselves in military service being able to type might keep one off the front lines - I'm not all that good at it.
Definitely can't look at a piece of paper and rip through the text easily. I have to peek at the keyboard even though I'm well acquainted with where the letters are. So it's a little fast but not genuinely speedy.
Worse is when I tell myself to let it fly, inevitably I will have some dumb mistake in nearly every sentence. The word "same" comes out a-s-m-e. When I write the word "does", I look up and I see "doesn". I always add an N like I'm about to spell "doesn't" but why? Whenever I mention Emmylou Harris, it comes out Emmylow. And I literally did that the first time I wrote her name here, and I had to fix it.
I must be stunad, (as opposed to stugots).
