MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > This is Mary Magdalene

This is Mary Magdalene

Say something nice about her.


She remains Anna Nigma - Peter Cook


Cool name! Almost as good as Shy Tanya.


Her boyfriend can turn your glass of water into wine.


If he was really the son of god, he’d make it beer!


If his dad let his only son get nailed to a cross I shudder what he would do to us.


Well that's the thing isn't it ? Poor old Adam and Eve got thrown out of the Garden of Eden for eating the wrong kind of fruit ffs. Fast forward however long and humanity tortures and murders God's only son and God says " No biggie, you're all forgiven now ! " What the...!?


Yeah it's just too messed up. When I was going through my religious education (against my will) as a kid the shot the teachers and nuns who would tell us was just hysterical.

I was around 10 at the time but when we were told Jesus could see the future and saw we would sin but died for our sins anyway".

WTF does even mean and if he could see we were going to win them why die for us???I


The slightest bit of analysis ruins just about every religion I know of. Only the buddhists, minus the reincarnation stuff, are vague enough to be interesting.


I even find the Buddhists to be a bore. If I had to choose anything it would be the old Norse Gods only because that would be my distant heritage.

Having multiple Gods and Goddesses does make more sense than one God who supposedly looks after everything and yet doesn't.


Having multiple Gods and Goddesses does make more sense than one God who supposedly looks after everything and yet doesn't.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me, for I am a jealous God..."

Um, did he literally just admit that there ARE indeed other gods, and his justification for stopping us from checking them out is something as petty and pathetic as jealousy? What if these other gods are really laid back and cool and have amazing tricks up their sleeves? I'm just really stunned that God basically admits there are others like him.


And isn't God supposed to be infallible and yet he is now jealous?

The amount of changes they had to do to Christianity to get the European Pagans to accept it is amusing anyway. Most of the traditions we in the West think are Christian are actually Pagan anyway.

We're still worshipping those old Gods!



Dios mio! Aye carumba!


i see nothing


Nothing to see. It’s just a parody of the - This is “insert woman’s name here” - poster guy.



This is a fail thread.


All my threads are fail threads. It’s kinda my thing.


Link doesn’t work for me either…It’s part of your charm, keep being you Amigo😃


Lol it’s not an actual link.


Great disappointment.


All the photographs from that time period have been lost it seems. There still might be some of her cam shows around. One of them was in a manger if I recall correctly.


