MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Animals don't have an afterlife

Animals don't have an afterlife

They are not immortal souls, according to the Catholic Faith.

So love them while they're here. It's all they get.


You lost me at

according to the Catholic Faith.




Bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!


They are not immortal souls

Wouldn't that imply animals have "mortal" souls? If yes, what would be the use of having a soul? just asking.


Perhaps their spirits can exist while this world exists. This world shall end.


Possibly, I mean it could make sense as we don't truly know the rules of the universe nor the afterlife.

If this was the case, would it imply that animals can reincarnate? It's an interesting thought, prolly more complex than I could be able to understand, and I'm not versed in the Catholic faith. I'm prolly going to pounder about this for a while now haha.

Nice and interesting thread. It was something I questioned when I was younger. I never really received a proper answer though.


Neither do humans lol.


We do, actually.

Why is terminal existence a Laugh Out Loud proposition to you? I seriously expect a reply from you. Do you relish being a triviality? I sure as Hell do not, so I reject the notion.

I do, however, think the boilerplate “lol” is the refuge of trivialities; along way “just sayin’” and “y’know what um sayin’?”




I'm an atheist but all the cynical anti-thought protests of atheists on this thread make me lol and roll my eyes.

And I agree, non-human animals do not have the same level of self awareness and ethical judgment as humans and thus are lower on the qualitative scale of life.

I love theological discussions. At what point in evolution did primates acquire a soul?


That's absolutely discriminatory.

Since the Vatican and other religious organizations are the legal representatives of God, they should take responsibility. I would suggest to ban those organizations until God changes it. It seems that God, like Putin, he needs to be sanctioned or he won't take action. Just because you're God, that doesn't mean you're above the law.


The Lord God MAKES LAW! I mean that with all my heart.


How do they know humans do?

