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What would you rather…?

Get soccer kicked in the jaw

Get a large but not deep knife cut on your leg?

I rewatched Halloween Resurrection (yeah, I really did that) and it inspired me this question. It happens not once but twice and both times Michael is the one getting the kick and dishing the knife cut.

Very hard to answer I think.

I’m still not sure but I think I’ll take the cut on my leg.


Knife cut to the leg, anything to the face is going to show for a while. Trust me.


So if I understand correctly you care more about what shows more than what hurts more?


No, I just don't need anymore tiny cuts to my face...I already have one on my chin.


There was a girl in my high school that had a cut below her lip and I always found that sexy.


Would you rather read nothing but War and Peace or nothing but Harry Potter?


Harry Potter.


Thank God...I'll make it easier for you guys




war and peace.


Cut on the leg, hands down. I can live with stitches. Hell, cut both legs. They took a 2" long cyst out of my jawbone in 2005. It had displaced so much bone that it was as thin as an eggshell and the cyst was laying on top of a major nerve. Ever since I've had a real phobia of getting hit in the face and my jaw shattering. If I had gotten a good whack in the jaw, it would've shattered and would have had to be rebuilt with titanium and false teeth. Then half that side of my face would be numb for life. Not cool. Anything but the face. A good kick to the face can shatter bones without pre-existing weaknesses.


It would be nice if part of the deal was to have a surgeon on hand for the leg wound. Things can go bad fast with a cut or puncture in the right spot on the leg.


shiiitt The man with the glass jaw !


If I get kicked in the jaw, do I lose any teeth?


broken jaw only and a light concussion


Concussion is a deal breaker. I'll take the knife.


Really? Having both fractured and dislocated my jaw (simultaneously from one incident), I can confirm it's a bitch. Not so much the pain from the actual break, but having your jaw wired shut for 4-6 weeks really sucks. I'd take a light concussion over that any day of the week.

Although we do both agree on taking the knife over the kick to the jaw, even if for differing reasons. So cheers to that.


Concussions are constant and there is really no guaranteed way to fix it.


I assume by 'constant' you're referring to potential long-term damage? While I certainly wouldn't discredit such a concern, I've personally never heard of anyone suffering permanent brain damage from a single, light concussion. Those kind of issues usually result from repeated, severe concussions, like those sustained by boxers or football players over the course of a brutal career.

The brain can obviously be touchy, though, so your worry is understandable.


That's what I'm talking about. I just wouldn't want to take that risk.


Who would you rather read J.k. Rowling or Louisa May Alcott?


I would rather get kicked in the jaw.


good 1


I'd rather put up with a Harry Potter film than a Little Women film. JK wins by default.


I still haven’t seen Harry Potter. Do you recommend it?


Well Yes...I'd go with the Audiobook.. Jim Dale has won awards for it.


I've only seen 3, 4 & 5. I'd recommend part 3.


Only if you're kid or watching it with your kid(s.)


If you think thats true I can't help you.


I did watch it alone (well, with my friends but no kids) in the teather once. And it bores me. It's just basically Nonsense: The Movie. Or, Alice in Wonderland type of thing, which I also never liked.

But then I have a kid and he asked to watch Harry Potter so I watch it again with him. It was way better this time seeing his enthusiasm and fantasy.


Well I would say listen to the audiobooks. Its a game changer.


Nah, I just find "hey it's magic!" boring.


Its not magic, its a boy who has been cast out, rising to destroy someone who has put everyone down.


My kid loooooooooves Harry Potter though. He watched the entire series back-to-back multiple times, eventhough he needed 1-2 days for each movie. But it would be a fortnight of Harry Potter everytime he started.

He even makes fanfics / comicbooks starring Harry Potter characters and the stories are even more ridiculous and make no sense. And everytime I said "why this," or "what is happening" he will answer "it's Harry Potter logic!"

He seemed so proud of his literary nonsense stories.


Listen to the Audiobooks...Its word for word not like the movies.


Yeah the books are a lot better than the movies. The movies changed a lot and left a lot out. I think the first two movies were best, closest to the spirit of the books, but the third movie was a huge disappointment to me because it really butchered the story of the third book (I think the director never even actually read it, just had it summed up for him by somebody). The later movies weren't as bad but they never really recovered for me. I found most of them pretty forgettable. But I love the books and always have.


Oh, are you saying it’s just a kids show?


It's an Alice in Wonderland type of thing, where everything is explained by "well, it's magic." It needs a high amount of whimsical thinking, like what most kids have but adults lack.


If you're confused listen to the audiobooks, they are word for word of the story.


I've never read Louisa May Alcott (not that I wouldn't; I just haven't), but I've read J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books and I already know I love them, so J. K. Rowling.


Here's one from college

Drink a cup of pickle juice

or a cup of sweetened condensed milk.


Like Eagle brand you mean? I'll drink the whole bottle if you let me!!


Oh god we're not compatible...I've been drinking pickle juice for pleasure for years...Ahhh.


Not compatible? Are you kidding me?? We can't be happier with each our favorite thing with no sharing Sharon!




Pickle juice hands down. I drink it already


Go to the moon, or go 250 feet down into the ocean.


Less scary fishes in space


To the moon!


prooobably the cut to the leg.

a solid kick to the jaw sounds like something that could very easily lead to a lifetime of misery.
