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Good films with lots of shots of space and space station

There is a video game it is call Elite Dangerous it is the new version of old 1980 game. It is a v beautiful game and has made me want to watch space films every day.

So there are obvious ones like

2010 (this is very good I have never seen before, it take away some of the original but very good film)

And many others, but what are they


Outland (81)

Sean Connery plays a cop at a mining operation near Jupiter who’s trying to bust up a drug ring… Quite a good movie👍


I will see if I can watch this thank you


Start Trek II is the best of the franchise.

And if you want a semi-decent film with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many shots of space ships and space stations, then Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


Yes I have thought about star trek but still not checked these films out recently, so I will start with these


Star Trek: the motion picture was an absolutely great movie, would not change a thing.


You didn't mention Gravity (2013). If you haven't seen it put it at the top of your list.


It is high on list but I am waiting to watch because it sound a very difficult experience


Gravity is amazing. The shots of space are impressive and watching Sandra Bullock float around in her underwear is also quite good.


Battlestar Galactica (the series) has really nice space scenes.


I have been watching it, I like it very much but I only have first series, but very good show. It is sort of entertaining and warm, but also has much danger and is In empty space, has good character. Good show


Ad Astra (2019)
IMO it's not really a sci-fi mind you, more like what I'd like to call a "futuristic fantasy" just like a medieval fantasy movie, but instead of medieval times, it's set in the future.


I watch this and Brad hanks voice was so annoy that I struggle with it. He was just the same tone of voice for hours and it was very miserable. but I could have pay more attention to this films plot if I am being a completely a truth type guy.


Salyut 7

It's a Russian film with subtitles, almost entirely set in space. It has some very realistic space walk scenes, more so than Gravity which were a bit video game like in comparison,


That is an interesting one thank you


Passengers (2016) - a gorgeously shot movie


Life (2017)
