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I would really like to know

What is it you all seem to dislike so much about musicals?

Reading Hownos's post about least favourite genre, musicals seems to be at the top. I love musicals, but I am a theatre kid. I guess I just want to know what it is that makes them so unattractive to others. Horror I get why people don't like, but what did musicals ever do to you all?


I don't hate musicals; some great songs have come from this genre.

I think it works best in fantasy films, like Annie or The Wizard of Oz. In real life situations, people don't just drop whatever they're doing and break into a song-and-dance routine. It's this sort of random silliness that causes some people to be turned off by musicals.


If the music is part on the story I am ok with it but , like others have said, when music becomes part of the conversation that I do not like. What is surprising is how many musicals have won oscars. I tried watching them but could not.


I owned a VHS of Fiddler on the Roof for years. I really liked that movie.

The last musical I watched was The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was a midnight showing at a theater frequented by college students. I was caught completely off guard when partway into the film, it shut down, the house lights came on and it became an interactive event. Students dressed as characters from the movie were parading through the aisles while singing some of the songs. It was such a flamboyant, colorful experience...I'll never forget it!

At this point, I just feel that I've become apathetic but I don't hate them.


It's better than coming OUTside!


Wtf is that supposed to mean?


That's what the audience shouts when Riff Raff tells Brad "Come inside."


Gotcha! It's been so long that details like that elude me.


I hope you sat in the aisle seat for the best experience.


Can't remember my seat but it doesn't matter. I'll never forget how blown away I was by that performance.


Unlikely you were in the aisle seat if you can't remember. Virgins (1st time viewers) get a surprise because the half-naked performers will sit on your lap, flirt and sing to you up close. I forgot NOT to sit there the first time I went.


Yeah, I was a first and only time viewer and naive, which is why it caught me off guard. I just had an awareness that it was popular, had a cult following.


I went twice. My theater shows the movie while actors perform simultaneously on a stage in front of the screen. They also walk down the aisle singing to people in their seats. The audience brings toasts, newspapers, lighters, rice and other props to interact while dancing, singing and shouting scripted funny lines in answer to the movie's dialogue.


I hate Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals. Hate them! Also hate Rocky Horror Picture show.

Other than that, I am fine with musicals. They can be great. Sound of Music is a favorite of mine (see how I got War into your peanutbutter?) Also love: Little Shop of Horrors, Grease, FotR, Wizard of Oz, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, My Fair Lady, Chicago, The Muppets (2011), and animated Robin Hood (1973).

And, of course, that one musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


I love musicals, BUT there are a lot of them that have only one or two good songs and the rest are garbage.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend had some really great musical numbers. Ditto "Scrubs." And The Simpsons.


Not one of my favourite genres, but I enjoy them if the music is good. My problem with most of them is that I usually don't like the music.


Probably depends what sort of musical you were first introduced to. I had no idea I liked musicals until I saw Pink Floyd's The Wall.


It breaks the fourth wall and takes me out of the scene. The music generally sucks. And when they dance, it doesn't make sense how everyone knows the dance moves.


That's what I love about them. Not that the music sucks, but the dancing.


I feel like it only works for the stage.


I danced for around 20 years, I always wished it worked in real life. Singing too.
