MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > October horror crapfest

October horror crapfest

Tired of October being such a bad month for movies. All the umpteenth sequels to the B movie horror films are released in theaters. Then cable drags out the tired old horror films it runs every year and strings them together with some stupid theme - “Fright Night”, “Chuckyfest”, “Scream-a-thon”. What a cheesy month for movies.


I hate horror movies. They're not scary. Movies can't be scary, they're just movies.


love watching the old horror movies much more than the blood fests now


Horror movies are inherently cheesy and stupid .
not much you can do about it .


Oh boo hoo...


I'm not sure if you're criticizing horror movies, or the TV stations that play them. Depends what you're watching. Here are a few from the top of my head. I avoiding ones like The Exorcist, The Shining and Carrie:

Carnival of Souls
Les Diaboliques
Peeping Tom
The Innocents
The Wailing
Deep Red
The Curse of Frankenstein
Day of the Beast
House of Usher (1960)
The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
Black Christmas
The Devil's Backbone
The Body Snatcher
In the Mouth of Madness
Eyes Without a Face
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage


Criticizing the whole tradition of October being horror film month just because of Halloween. They most re-run or regurgitate the teen blood fest films like Friday the13th, etc.


Nice to see a couple Gialli in your list. 👍


Who doesn't love a good Italian overdubbed horror film?


I’ve been thinking that for years but I was just waiting for someone else to say it. I’m with you brother!!


Do you also hate December because it’s nothing but a string a smarmy, overly emotional, cheesy Christmas movies?


I don’t hate October. I don’t hate December. I just hate the cheesification and repetitive year-after-year slog of these lazy film trends.


I love Halloween. I love horror movies of every decade (not all of course, there's a lot of crap too).
