MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why was John Lennon murdered?

Why was John Lennon murdered?

In the 1980, when Mark David Chapman shot and killed him, what was his motivation behind the terrible deed?

Also, has he been released and where does Chapman now reside?


I don't know why he was killed but may he R.I.P.


He wanted to be famous. He was going to kill someone else, but realized Lennon was closer. He was also obsessed with him.

Hopefully, he'll die in prison.


Rubbish. The Nazis had learned how to brainwash people into killing people at the trigger of a certain word and then forget they even did it. Their policies were all carried over to the United States in Operation Paperclip.

John Lennon was assassinated because of his huge popularity and his efforts for peace and against the military industrial complex.
Think of it
JFK, RFK, MLK, Gandhi all assassinated by a lone crazed (yeah right) gunman, all who believe in nonviolent conflict resolution and who most opposed the military of foreever war that plagues our world today.

Look up Manchurian Candidate.


JFK and RFK waged a brutal campaign of terrorism in Cuba. Just because they were skeptical about the viability of an invasion of Vietnam specifically doesn't make them peaceful people. The only reason we're alive today is because Khrushchev realized what a warmongering lunatic Kennedy was during the Cuban missile crisis and he chose to back down rather than risk thermonuclear war because Kennedy was willing to slaughter most of the human race to stop the Soviets from doing the same thing to him that he was already doing to them in Turkey (basing missiles right outside their border), because the Soviets and Cubans doing that hurt the US's prestige. Nobody in power actually believed that the Soviets intended to use the missiles; they were there for deterrence, to stop the US from invading Cuba or attacking Eastern Europe. They were there to level the playing field and establish strategic equilibrium. Kennedy was willing to kick off an apocalypse rather than allow the USSR and Cuba to get away with standing up to his empire. Khrushchev on the other hand chose humanity, and essentially capitulated entirely to prevent war, humiliating himself and his country and tanking his political career. Kennedy wouldn't have done that.

Manchurian Candidate is a work of fiction. And if the US was really able to kill people so easily, Fidel Castro wouldn't have survived literally hundreds of CIA-backed assassination plots and died peacefully at the ripe old age of 90. Plenty of enemies of the US establishment end up living long lives. Not all, but many. Kim Il Sung, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Enver Hoxha, Ho Chi Minh, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Ayatollah Khomeini, and a great many others, whom the US tried but failed to eliminate and they ended up dying of old age (or in Nasser's case, illness that came from being a chain-smoking workaholic). If the US was as all-powerful as you're making it out to be, they wouldn't have lost Vietnam and they wouldn't be losing Afghanistan now.

If the US actually had the capability to kill people in the way you're describing, they wouldn't have wasted this borderline-supernatural power on a singer like John Lennon while wasting their time trying to kill Fidel Castro with Wile E. Coyote tactics like they did. At the exact moment Lennon was killed, Fidel Castro was sending thousands of Cuban troops to help defend communist Angola from the aggression of the US's allies in Zaire and Apartheid South Africa. What do you think the US government cared about more? A musician who talked a lot of lofty ideals but had no power to back them up, or a revolutionary who held state power and was using it to combat capitalism around the world?


Mark Chapman said "I felt that by killing John Lennon I would become somebody and instead of that I became a murderer."


Funny how that happens.


Rubbish. The Nazis had learned how to brainwash people into killing people at the trigger of a certain word and then forget they even did it. Their policies were all carried over to the United States in Operation Paperclip.

John Lennon was assassinated because of his huge popularity and his efforts for peace and against the military industrial complex.
Think of it
JFK, RFK, MLK, Gandhi all assassinated by a lone crazed (yeah right) gunman, all who believe in nonviolent conflict resolution and who most opposed the military of foreever war that plagues our world today.

Look up Manchurian Candidate.


idk, have you heard his music? Thanks Mark.


Simple. Mark David Chapman was nuts. Probably still is.

And can we please drop the talk of right wing politics being part of the reason? If Chapman had those views, it was his nut excuse for murdering Lennon. 99.999% of political conservatives don't go around shooting people. Anyone wishing to make that association must also blame J. D. Salinger -- after all, The Catcher In The Rye played a big part in Chapman's "reasoning" too.


Rubbish. Yeah sure, it is always a nut that does it but why are the nuts always killing the good people? Way to downplay it into "politics" though. This goes much deeper than politics. The right wing are just the public face of a much deeper situation that controls our entire world.

The Nazis had learned how to brainwash people into killing people even at the trigger of a certain word and then forget they even did it. Their policies were all carried over to the United States in Operation Paperclip.

John Lennon was assassinated because of his huge popularity and his efforts for peace and against the military industrial complex.
Think of it
JFK, RFK, MLK, Gandhi all assassinated by a lone crazed (yeah right) gunman, all extremely publicly popular who believed in nonviolent conflict resolution and who most opposed the military industrial complex of foreever war that plagues our world today.

Look up Manchurian Candidate.


So that Jared Leto could give himself gout by irresponsibly gaining weight.


I don't know, but may he R.I.P.


So has Mark David Chapman already paid his debt to society? And has he learned his lesson?


I don't believe the conspiracy theories. Lennon hadn't even been very politically active for years.

Chapman admitted he wanted to be famous and decided to kill a celebrity to make that happen. He had a list of celebrities he he was thinking of killing actually, and stalked a few of them. I think David Bowie was one of them.
