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Chess masters...can a woman beat a man?

Has a titled "Grandmaster" female beat a "Grandmaster" male yet?

Of the top tier chessmasters, I can't name a woman.

Is their a cognitive difference that gives a man an advantage?

In the 1990's I have read that neurologist have cited that men are better at "moving 3d objects in their head" better or something like that.

Is this just male scientist bias/bullshit?

With the Netflix hit The Queen's Gambit... maybe this theory could be challenged in a few years.


I dont think its the 3d thing ,
Its the same reason there arnt many female computer programmers.
Whatever that is.
Women are just less nerdy?
Men are more predisposed to getting obsessed with things?

Must also be the same reason theres no female snooker players - thats a sport could mix sexes, its not a physical thing. Girls just dont want to spend the requisite thousands of hours in a dimly lit snooker hall pointlessly knocking balls around a table.


There is a Ladies Snooker tour. What I don't get is, why is there a separate Ladies darts tour? Surely that's a sport/game that men/women/+ can play on a level playing field.


Yeah. Just like best actor and best actress awards. Why would they need to be separated? Surely man and woman can be equal in acting.

There are no best male and best female director awards. There are no best male and best female make up artist awards. There are no best male and best female costume designer awards. Why acting is treated differently??


Discrimination. Women tend to get crappier roles.

Someone made an excellent point when they said many actresses spend their careers playing the girlfriend or wife of the protaganist.


And there are no discriminations in directing? Yet there is no best male and best female director awards.


Good point, nerdy game obsession is mostly a male thing.


> Has a titled "Grandmaster" female beat a "Grandmaster" male yet?

I'd be surprised if it hasn't happened. According to the International Chess Federation (, the top woman is Yifan Hou, who has a rating of 2658 and is 88th on the top 100 persons list. The 100th on that list is Maxime Lagarde (male) who has a rating of 2651. That's pretty close to being equal, but if the ratings predict as they should, if they played a game she'd be a little more likely to win.

> Is their a cognitive difference that gives a man an advantage?

Possibly. Been a while since my school days, but from what I recall the intelligence distributions for men and women are about the same, except at the extremes. In two groups of, say, ten million people -- one group men, the other women -- where none suffer from brain damage from birth defects or other organic causes, there will be about the same numbers of average persons, of dimwits, of fairly bright people, and so on. But at the extremes there are more males. In those groups there will be more super-duper-bright men than women ... and also more super-duper-stupid men than women.

> In the 1990's I have read that neurologist have cited that men are better at "moving 3d objects in their head" better or something like that.

Yeah, I remember that from school too. IIRC the theory was that the difference went back to our primordial hunter-gatherer days. Men did more roaming about, tracking woolly mammoths and such, and by necessity evolved a better spatial sense than women so they could find their way home.

> Is this just male scientist bias/bullshit?

Doubtful. The days when scientists were all male are long gone and have been for decades. Intelligence, neuroscience, etc wasn't what I worked on in grad school but was a closely allied field, enough so that I knew several grad students who were working on those things. That was in the late 1980s. About half those grad students were women.


It should be noted that while half of graduates in the sciences and engineering fields are female, it is because that has been socially engineered. They want more women to graduate and that makes it not only easier to get into these schools but to graduate, too. It makes them all look better. It does not mean they make equal or better scientists or engineers.


Fine reply, nice research.


Judit Polgár


My guess is chess competitions are very old and originally discriminated against women playing at all. Eventually, women only competitions were created. At this point, they need to consolidate.

Ditto other competitions which don't require physical strength.


its odd how the *only* sport i can think of where man and women sort of compete is "mixed doubles" tennis.
and tennis is very physical!


ooh , and rally driving , theres been quite a few women rally drivers.
Louise Aitken walker was one, had a spectacular roll-down-a-canyon crash.

Female drag racers too?
Shirley something?


Men crash. Women are new to those sports. Likely former discrimination.


Yeah ! right on brother!
Women drivers eh? hur hur hur .

I wonder why their car insurance is cheaper?


But, it's balanced.


Shooting! thats an Olympic sport.
doesent require physical strength

Surely they dont have mens and womens "point the little pistol at the paper target" events?
