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Every mafia movie/show not directed by Scorsese (other than the obvious) feels like a cheap imitation

After The Godfather incited intense interest by the mainstream in the American mafia, Scorsese really perfected the art. Everything else I’ve seen feels like a cheap imitation, even the more highly regarded stuff.

I will never understand the hype that The Soprano’s gets, it is openly the king of Goodfellas knock offs. Those guys all seem like cartoon characters.


Sopranos is a TV show. TV shows are judged using a lower standard.


Yeah but same material, impossible not to compare it to the movies it’s based on


I don't see the problem there. Compared to movies, I don't think anybody would claim Sopranos is better than Scorsese's works. People just rave about it being basically the best mafia TV show. Because, honestly, what other TV show even compares?


Scarface, Donnie Brasco, Carlito's Way & Once Upon a Time in America don't feel like cheap imitations.


With the exception of Once Upon a Time in America, which was before Goodfellas, hard disagree. Scarface obv was also before Goodfellas but is still pretty amateurish in my mind.


All after Godfather, Al Pacino is excellent in all those movies you don't rate as much.


The Godfather has nothing to do w this though, completely different style of movie. Of course Al Pacino is excellent, that’s the only thing that makes those films watchable.


Guess you’re talking about Scarface? I'll disagree with you, even though I rate Goodfellas as the best gangster flick of all time, there's many more I hold in high regard too, and I didn't even mention the brilliance of the Sopranos!


What? No I’m saying this is about Scorsese’s mafia films, not talking about Scarface.


the hbo gotti movie blowed up real good.


I’m guessing you haven’t seen Massacre Mafia Style (1974). 😀


I've yet to see this though I've watched the trailer on YT repeatedly

I WAS fortunate to see Gone With The Pope in original 35mm print at a late night cult marathon a few years ago

What a hoot!! The audience was entirely cult and horror fans and we were roaring😆


That’s awesome! I wish I lived close to theaters that played cult films.


The Sopranos was a great show.


May have been entertaining and better than your average prime time fare of the 90s but still not even close to the quality of Goodfellas or Boardwalk Empire.


The Sopranos is a tv series of six seasons with each about 13 episodes. It's not surprising the overall quality isn't as high as a 2 1/2-hour movie.

I loved Boardwalk Empire, it's in the same league as The Sopranos.


See I can’t get into a series where I will be constantly comparing it to its far superior and obvious inspiration


So you've never seen the show.


No just not the entire series


So you've seen very little.


Scorsese's gangster films are generally boring dramas about the inner workings of the mob. I want to see gangsters killing each other with spectacular gun fights.


Lol whut?? His films are loaded w graphic violence. They also have substance and character development, you want just a shoot em up watch John wick.


You're not wrong. I do want a John Wick shoot em' up lol. Drama does add a nice extra layer too, but I like more action. Scarface is one of my favourite films of all time.


Miller’s Crossing has a fair amount of prohibition era machine gunning


That sounds good.


A Bronx Tale


Ironically that’s actually the movie that inspired me to make this post. I caught a clip on Facebook someone posted of a biker fight in a bar.


You should definitely check it out. Deniro directed the movie and it holds a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Yeah I’ve heard it is good


What, no love for Bugsy Malone (1976)?


What about Bugsy w Warren Beatty?


It's nearly 30 years since I saw that and I can't remember anything about it (not a good sign); I'd have to watch it again to be able to comment.
