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I can’t seem to get used to the idea of tattos being mainstream, they will always look trashy to me

Anyone else? When did it become so acceptable to be covered in tattoos, or even to have them visible?

Some can look cool and artfully done, but those are not most of what I see. People seem to go for quantity over quality.


I hate them.


I'm old enough to remember that the only people who got tattoos were truck drivers, felons, sailors and carnies.


I blame the current celebrity obsession. Millions of nobodys all famous through reality shows or instagram.
All competing for attention , and many of them getting covered in tattoos.


I know a lot of people who got tattoos because they thought it made them look cool more than they actually wanted one.
I personally don't have any.
What I don't get is people who get tattoos all over. What's the difference between that and wearing a T-shirt with the same print? At least you can change the shirt if you want.


My feelings are mixed on this one. I will never get one myself, save for possibly cosmetic reasons (long story, you don't need to hear it). On the one hand, if they are subtle, can easily be hidden by clothing, and have a meaning behind them, it's not really an issue. On the other hand, if you've got them all over your body just for the heck of it, that looks trashy, particularly if you wear clothing that deliberately shows it off. Tramp stamps are particularly trashy. People also make bad investments in tatts as well, which Jeff Foxworthy got into with his "Redneck Fashion Tips."
^^^^ He gets to tattoos at 0:10 in the 2nd video.

What was really interesting was going to the medical career college, and hearing about all the fashion restrictions we had for our future jobs as Clinical Medical Assistants. These included:

- keep long hair tied back
- no crazy hair dye jobs (wild colors included)
- no facial piercings
- no earrings other than studs
- cover up any visible tattoos (if possible)
- scrubs for your top and bottom
- possibly business casual for office work
- white leather shoes that cover the whole foot only

I'm looking at this and thinking I feel so sorry for all the punks and Goths that try getting this job. It was especially ironic about the tats, because at least 2-3 teachers I knew (both were very nice) had tattoos that were peeking out from under their scrub sleeves on their arms. They told us to cover those up because older patients wouldn't like to see that.


To not be inked up in 2020 is like being a punk rocker.


I think it looks particularly nasty when somebody's neck is covered with big tattoos.

And I don't get why today's Rockabilly scene has so many huge tattoos going on. You never saw that in the original 1950s rockabilly. It's just not authentic.


Tattoos lost their 'cool factor' when they became mainstream. That's a big problem. It's not rebellion, it's conformity.

I appreciate an artist making an incredible sleeve on the right person, but it's rare for me to like someone's tattoos.

I don't like that in Australia these days, the rules that tattoos must be covered while at work is gone.

We have police with neck tattoos.

In the grocery store I hate seeing highly tattooed people working. It looks trashy, especially if it gives them the crim look.
