MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever witnessed something parano...

Have you ever witnessed something paranormal / unexplainable?

When I used to live in my previous house (which was not a brand new home) I would hear a couple of times a week the light switch outside my bedroom turn on/off, there was no one there and neither was the light switch actually going on/off, but I could hear the *sound* of it switching on 'click', maybe 3-4 times a week.

I remember asking family members if they also heard it and they said yes. This would happen any time of the day. Maybe it was just the house settling? It was only that sound, nothing harmful so we ended up ignoring it even though it kept happening during the entire time we lived there (almost two decades).

At that house specifically when I used to watch the TV/computer screen I would notice 'someone' from the corner of my eye standing still, I would look and there was no one there... I don't know how to explain this one, because this is something that has never happened to me outside of that house.

And lastly, this was less often, but it has only happened to me in my entire life while I was living there. Maybe once every couple of years when I went to sleep I would wake up in the middle of the night struggling unable to move/wake up/open my eyes, and would feel like a child or small person sitting on top of my chest. I began researching online and found 'sleep paralysis' articles, also came to the conclusion that this was perhaps happening because of working out (doing push-ups and light weights) shortly before going to sleep, even though I did not always workout before going to sleep and this happening.

And just being there... even though it was not a creepy house, it was renovated and looked very nice... but I did not feel at ease, I thought it was just me, but after having moved out I have lost that uneasiness/uncomfortable feeling of being at home... I am currently typing this at my current home and it just doesn't happen here.

Even though these three things did happen multiple times... I never actually saw a ghost (at least what I would think is a ghost) or saw objects moving or heard voices, nor anything really wild.

I also was unable to find out if anything had happened at that house, like someone passing away or a crime... it was in Central America and there are no records.

Have you ever witnessed anything paranormal?


No. But I desperately want to.


I have had that sleep paralysis thing before. It really does feel like something is holding you down. And it feels like something is in the room with you. Freaky deaky shit.


That happened to me once when I was a pre-teen. I was enough awake to hear that my father listened to the radio in the kitchen, but I couldn't move. Then I fell asleep again. And it has never happened again.


It's happened to me hundreds of times. I actually enjoy it now.


Oh yes many times in my place. The ceiling cover on one of the evaporative cooler vents ( kept in place by magnets ) would explosively fly off and whack against anything in the way of it with such force that it broke off one of it's corner edges. This would happen even on a still day. Perhaps it was due to temperature differences and a build up of relative air pressure but none of the other vents would do it and this thing would fly off even in the middle of the night with no heating on.

An even weirder one was the man-hole cover in the laundry being lifted up and half displaced back into the roof cavity. I heard it thump and went and checked it out immediately and there was no-one up there.

As for strange sleep occurrences I used to be known for falling asleep with my eyes open and when that happened I could have dreams that took place in my physical surroundings. So I would see "ghosts" moving around and about me. I have also been physically shaken awake from sleep by "ghosts".


interesting, thanks for sharing


Hmm, and yet you do all you can to scoff, ridicule and try to discredit the possibility of Jesus and everything supernatural associated with Him.

Yup, makes perfect sense in today's Bizarro World ! *eye-roll*


And I have also had three quite powerful "religious experiences" even though I ordinarily have no sense of the spiritual or anything of the sort.

One where the Sun God Ra revealed itself to me. I "knew" it was aware of me and felt the colossal force of it's presence. Everything about me that was living, the grass and the trees, were shimmering and shivering with the same force.

Another where I was seated at a table alone when I had a vision. It seemed that the roof came away or in any case the room was suddenly much brighter and I saw seated directly opposite me myself but older. Regarding me with it's own self awareness just like any real person. It was incredibly vivid.

And another when I was very ill and near the end of my tether. My mind was shocked by a series of forceful waves that if nothing else took me out of myself at that critical moment. I have never before or since experienced anything like it in my mind that was so powerful.

What was the cause of these experiences ? I don't know.


And from this I'm supposed to conclude you're gifted, predetermined, the chosen one, when it's really about the shrooms you ingested?


You seem to have a talent for jumping to the wrong conclusion. I don't take drugs, smoke or drink alcohol.

So perhaps from this you might conclude that if an irreligious person like me can have what seem to be "religious experiences" then maybe there is something else besides religion going on. And also besides being gifted, predetermined or the chosen one.

For instance a Jungian psychologist would say that the vision I had was a meeting with my "shadow self" in the flesh so to speak.


Ok, now we're talkin' the Id, Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. We're getting closer to a possible meeting of the minds.


No, but you made me think of this:

Many years ago I was swimming at some Oahu beach and heard this soft rattling or clinking noise. It was kind of spooky. An acquaintance I was with then related some story in Hawaiian mythology about sea turtles and that the sound was somehow related (I don't recall how).

I went back in the water and discovered the sound was the chains of marker buoys rattling as the water rose and fell. When I went back and told him, he just shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't trying to pull my leg.


Once I was asleep, alone, in my bedroom. I had the feeling that someone was in the room with me.

I opened my eyes to see a small woman, around 45 years old, standing at the end of my bed, holding the closed curtain as though she was looking out the window. Her eyes were a crazy shade of light blue.

I blinked and she faded away. It was weird, just a dream. Weird in that my dream took place in my bedroom.

So I went back asleep. Later I started to wake up with the exact same feeling. Someone was in my bedroom. I opened my eyes to see my bedroom door open, but closing. I looked at it expecting to hear it bang shut but it closed without sound. I stared at the closed door and realised that in the 'real world', it was never open.

I felt like twice that night I had glimpsed the spirit world that was taking place around me.


A tiny 45 year old blue eyed woman would be Quite a babe to wake up to😜


I've seen a pair of boomerang looking multicolored craft floating over a local lake...I may be nuts but my Dad (A pretty sturdy retired Cop and NOT a guy to talk bullshit swears he saw the same thing with his second wife on the Taconic Parkway)

The Hudson River Valley UFO sightings were a really weird deal!




We need Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith right now!!

*I shit you not bro, I saw something over the lake that night that made no damned sense and I'm not one to freak out




I was pretty scared!
Imagine 2 multi lighted gigantic boomerangs flying in perfect formation ... it was the scariest shit I ever saw, I would never lie to you...I will never lie to you

Google Hudson River UFO sightings...that was some crazy stuff!


I would assume those were experimental aircraft. Was this anywhere near a military base?


There is a military airbase about 20 miles away but these things made NO sound, hovered in a perfect zig zag pattern for a few minutes and then totally vanished...I swear I was not high or drunk and if you care to check out my posting history, you will see I don't care for conspiracy theories and I have no faith in most people keeping shut about anything because most people are blabbermouths

I swear what I saw really happened, 2 multi colored giant boomerang shaped craft hovering and zig-zagging over a local lake, they were there for a couple of minutes and then just vanished

I may be half a weirdo but I'm
not certifiable...I know what I saw and have NO reason to lie

The whole event was unsettling to say the least!


Oh, those are just experimental Australian military aircraft. The pilots are kangaroos and the copilots are koalas. They run on Fosters.


You Aussies need to stop hovering over my local lakes!!!
Please leave some cans of of Fosters👍


Yes. One time, and it's messed with my head since whenever I think about it.

Early 2000's.. my friend and I went to this car dealership that used to be near our high school and had been there for decades. My buddy wanted to ask about an old Chevelle in the parking lot. This older guy comes out and starts talking to us, and eventually goes back in. My friend had more questions, so we eventually went inside as well.

As soon as we stepped in, my whole body just froze. The inside of the shop looked old.. like everything inside was from a different decade. There is a younger guy at the counter reading, and the older guy was nowhere to be seen. My buddy starts asking him questions about the car, and the dude acted like we weren't even there.

Eventually he looks off to the side of us and says something. I couldn't make it out, but it was like he was talking to someone who wasn't there. My friend and I looked at each other confused. and I was just like "let's go dude" because the whole thing felt off. He agreed.

Fast forward years later, I was having dinner with my dad and his friend, and he brings up that dealership. Apparently he knew the guy really well that owned it. I asked him if he had a son that worked there, and the guy said he never had a kid. But the guy in the store looked exactly like a younger version of the older guy in the parking lot.

Even thinking about it now it was like we stepped into a time warp or something.. I don't believe in that stuff but I get the weirdest feeling when I think about that day.


No, not that I know of. I'm reasonably open-minded to the possibility that there's more going on than meets the eye, and I've known people who swore they had paranormal experiences, but I've never had one that I'm aware of.

An ex-girlfriend of mine, who's the serious type and not likely to make things up for laughs, told me about three paranormal experiences she believed she had.

One was at a cemetery. It took place during Obon, a Japanese Buddhist holiday for honoring the spirits of the dead. My ex and her family went to visit her grandpa's grave on Obon, and while they were there, the car, which was empty, locked and didn't have the keys in it, started flashing the headlights on and off repeatedly. My ex's family believes it was the grandpa saying hello.

The other two took place at her grandma's house in Tottori (a rural prefecture in western Japan), which she believed was haunted.

My ex told me that when she was little, during a visit to that house she saw the ghost of her grandpa (I think it was her other grandpa, not the one from the previous cemetery story, though it's been over a decade since I was with her and she told me this so I can't be certain; I just remember that both of her grandpas had already died when I knew her), in his World War II Imperial Japanese Army uniform.

On the other occasion, during a different visit to the grandma's house, my ex was asleep when she got woken up by a sound like a cat or something was walking around in circles in her room. Over and over and over and over and over, in circles without end. They didn't have a cat or any other kind of animal, and though a wild animal could have gotten in the house, walking in circles around one room endlessly would be strange behavior. My girlfriend was too scared to turn around and look where the sound was coming from, and eventually she fell back asleep after an hour or so of listening to this. When she woke up in the morning, the sound had stopped and they didn't find any sign of an animal in the house.

I can't swear to the authenticity of these stories as paranormal experiences; all I can say is that my ex definitely believed they were. I would have liked to visit her grandma's house out of curiosity, but I never got the chance.
