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Is anyone else here getting sick of seeing people walking down the street with "Coronavirus" masks on?

I am. It's getting really tired. How long will this be a threat to us as US constituents? How long will our lives be in danger?

How long will we have to wear masks until we're safe again. I hate wearing mine. It's sweaty when I wear it, fogs up my glasses, it's burdensome, and scratches my ears. What about you? How do you feel about it all?

How do you feel about your mask? What do you feel about the pandemic?

I live in the Bronx in New York City, and it's opening up slower than like all other parts of the nation literally. It's weird.


The masks and other precautions are for your safety and that of others. And this is nothing new; you can find photos of people wearing masks during the 1918 pandemic.

I am willing to take any precaution necessary to get this virus under control, even if it means a temporary inconvenience. It's much better than the alternative.

The problem is with those people who are impatient and think this is just going to magically disappear overnight. When everything opens too early and too quickly it's like pulling a bandage off a cut before it is healed. You end up back at square one, and have to go through the process all over again.

There have been times throughout history when it has been necessary to make sacrifices for the common good. Look at the World War II era: there were rationing and shortages, travel restrictions, plus lights-out and curfew laws. This was done to keep the military well-supplied and the country safe. The nation pulled together and got through it. This wouldn't happen today thanks to all the "entitled" individuals who are upset just because they can't go to some bar (haven't they heard of liquor stores? The ones in my area are still open).

The virus will continue to surge in the U.S. for many reasons. There isn't a unified approach to safe practices. Too many people are still in denial, or are arrogant enough to believe that the problems affecting the rest of the planet don't apply to the U.S. Then there are those who feel the need to make it a political issue. All this accomplishes nothing.

There's only one way to get through all this... pull together and bite the bullet for a while. Yes, that's difficult, but the solution will come quicker this way.


Go get some bubonic plague masks, then you can be really stylin and terrifying all at the same time.

Seriously, wearing a mask is not my favourite thing to do, but I don't do it for myself because I know it really doesn't protect me. Why I wear it is to protect others in case I'm carrying it and don't know.


Unless it is a fully sealed, particle filter certified mask, then the only protecting you are doing is the big wet globs coming directly out of your face. What comes out and what comes in are largely unaffected by most masks. I am aware of my qualifying words and, yes, the mask does shield others (to a small degree) from your cough or sneeze. So some small preventative measure is better than none. I get it. But it is very very small. The social distancing is a better retardant.

One of those bird-beak plague doctor masks would be awesome ... to see. Gotta be gas-mask sweaty inside those.


I know it doesn't stop the spread, but it definitely helps. If everyone, and I mean everyone, wore a mask while out of the house, physically distanced themselves, and kept up the hand washing, we would be doing better than we are now.


Debatable. Possible but debatable. There are places doing more than us and places doing less than us that are in about the same boat number wise.

But yeah, it helps. Not much but it helps. That's why our High Wizards of Health initially said "don't bother with masks" but then some hours later reversed that statement. They knew it was a statistically insignificant measure but then realized it was pretty much all people had vs the pathogen so why take away the faith in that weapon? The psychological benefit is also very real. If it makes people feel safe then it is better for their minds and thus better for their health all together.

I wear my science burka when around people, wash my hands all the time, and keep my distance. I do not avoid my friendly gatherings. You can call it my own protest.


IS it true that countries where face mask wearing is already socially acceptable are doing better at keeping the infected numbers down? Possibly because so many people comply with the mask wearing?


Japan is generally a mask wearing population. Japan suggested that its population do three things: Avoid enclosed places. Avoid large gatherings. Avoid close contact. They made no laws that torpedoed their economy. They are experiencing similar numbers as we (the US) are.


Is us the US?


that's a BINGO!


Not everyone is in "danger." But the problem is we really don't know who is and isn't. Stats point to the elderly and those at risk, but elderly and people with underlying conditions have recovered and some younger people have not.

How long? Until we have a vaccine or have achieved herd immunity or the virus mutates into something weaker or we have really effective therapeutics that prevent people for reaching a critical stage. My Magic 8 Ball says - Ask again later.

I don't particularly like wearing a mask but I do it out of respect for others and feel a little more reassured when people around me have one on, especially when they cough or sneeze.


Also known as "forever." We have been looking for a vaccine for Corona virus for almost 20 years.
Masks are the new political football. Further stages of "what's good for you" legislation to come.


It is my understanding there was very good progress on vaccines for Corona viruses until about 2015 and then it was defunded or put on the back burner - right now I don't recall the reason, but I remember it was mentioned that one of the reasons scientists think they can fast track for C19 is because they could pick up at the point where everything stopped.


Oh nice! I didn't know that.


I haven't got used to it yet, it's still very weird for me to see other people with the mask at the stores, in the library, in the train but I will wear it for my family, for me all the time it is required in order to help as much as possible to fight against this pandemy


Well I'll tell you something scary. For the last few weeks I have been having "allergies", sore throat, little dry cough. I was not a mask person, and then a few days ago I felt really tired and lost my appetite. I thought, Oh no I've got it. Well I felt better the last few days, but If I had been wrong all the times I ate out at restaurants here without a mask would be very scary. So now I am a mask person.


I'm just sick of hearing about Coronavirus period! That's all I hear about on the news, newspapers, etc.


No. I like seeing smart people, who are in short supply here.


What is your flipping problem. Do you get tired of seeing people wearing glasses? I get a lot more tired of seeing people with tattoos all over, or piercings or weird colored hair.

Masks are people telling you they are working to save your useless life. Grow up.
