MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who remembers when movie cinemas had a c...

Who remembers when movie cinemas had a curtain over the screen?

Here's my memory of it.

You come into the cinema, lights are on, maybe some music is playing. Then they start projecting as the curtain pulls back, creating a weird image over a curtain.

You watch a bunch coming attractions and commercials and then they curtain closes again, and then reopens even wider for the feature length movie.

I'm not sure what year they got rid of this but I think it was early 90s.


The older and fancier theaters still do it. But none of these new crazy multi-plexes they build. It's an awesome feeling when they pull the curtain back extra wide and you know the movie is about to start.

I'm not sure why they don't have curtains anymore. They still have to keep dust off the screens.


Keeping the dust off the curtains would also be a headache.


I'm old enough to remember them, but can't remember the last time I encountered one.

Probably here:


Yes, I remember it well!


The cinema I go to has a curtain that opens a little bit wider when the previews are over and the movie is starting.But it is never completely closed.


Of course I do and they used to have ushers to escort people to their seats. And most importantly, popcorn used to have real butter on it.


Didn’t cinema use to have an intermission too?


Yes !


Yep, and a cartoon and a newsreel


Yeah i remember cinemas b4 multiplex

"You watch a bunch coming attractions and commercials and then they curtain closes again"

They didnt have adverts , just trailers , in the uk , as far as i can remember.
