MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I have tested positive for Coronavirus

I have tested positive for Coronavirus

I was initially told that I wouldn't be tested as I hadn't been overseas or in contact with a confirmed case.

The 2nd time I went to my doctor she made sure I was tested and said I was a high risk category (which apparently, was her using a loophole.)

And I have tested positive.


Rest up and get well soon
In the meantime we will be here 24/7 to keep you company👍


Feel better soon!


I'm sorry to hear this as well..

Keep us updated if you feel up to it..and..
Here's hoping for you to have a mild case..


Sorry to hear the news - get well soon. Hopefully it's just a mild case. Don't forget to keep your pecker up (as we say in England)!


Well, this is one of the few cases when it's better not to stay positive. ^_^


all the best.

why would you visit two theme parks if you were at high risk? i had to ask.


I believe he said he worked for a theme park..That's why he was high risk.


that begs the question why were they open?


Good question.
How long ago did they close? A month? More?
Has it really been that long and didn't he say he thought he'd had it for a while?


They only closed 2 weeks ago. About a week or two after disneyland. I was like 'why are we open?'

But I think it may have been a CPR training session which had security guards who worked at the movie set of Tom Hanks. That's a cluster here. They were there, I hung out with them at lunch, that's what I'm thinking.


Tom Hanks the super spreader !


Feeling any better?


Today seems like a turning point, because I can taste food for the first time in over two weeks. My sense of smell was returning first, particularly for really strong things like perfume, but now I can smell more subtle things like hand soap again or linen.

I still have the light head feeling, slight headache. It's still in my system but perhaps with it out of my nose my immune system can kill it off in two more days.

This, for me at least, has been lasting 3 weeks. It's a long haul illness.
