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Foolishly forgetting people’s name

I’m so embarrassed. People remember my name all the time but I never remember people’s name. I never really cared , I barely remember my own name. It’s embarrassing when people call out my name and I dont know how to respond.


All my male friends are 'mate'.
All my female friends are 'sweetie'.


Am I wrong to prefer mate to sweetie? Mate sounds, I don't know, friendlier somehow. But for you, you can call me whatever you like ☺️


As long as I don’t call you late for dinner, lol.


Exactly 🤗


Ok that's kinda bad. When I was in insurance, I carried around a notebook with EVERYTHING I knew about my clients and leafed thru it constantly... cuz my memory sucks.
But I don't think I've ever forgotten my name lol!


alot of the time i forget my own age... not sure if that helps.


I have come to believe people should just smile and admit you are spacing on the name at the moment. I think people understand. I'm usually great with names, but catch me by surprise and I might space. "I know you but I can't think of your name." If anything, it's usually MY name that Other people can't think of. What, am I supposed to get mad?


Having moved 7 times within the past year, I've had to learn a BOATLOAD of new names with every move. Not only people's names, but their kids, and their dogs. In one (very friendly) small neighbourhood where I lived alone, at one point I counted up all the names I had to learn it was 100! I know it was more than that by the time I moved.

Then all the new people at the next place, and the next. It was overwhelming. I think the name-remembering part of my brain became oversaturated and wouldn't allow any new names in it 😄

But lots of people have trouble remembering names. Many people say this, and I always tell people to never be offended if they don't remember my name. In all likelihood, I won't have remembered theirs either. It helps to write down their names if you think it's likely you'll run into them within a week or so. Otherwise, oh well, I'm going to have to ask again.


i call everybody old mate or old love.


Funny thing with me is I never forget a face but I am HORRIBLE with names. There must be a different part of the brain that function for sight versus name recognition.


I do this all the time.

Worse case scenario: I am talking with this forgotten named person then a friend walks up to join the conversation, and I am supposed to introduce them!! This has happened so many times I now fear going to social events with a big chit-chat component to them.


I hate when that happens. There are only a few viable options.

1. Don't introduce anyone, pretend no introductions are necessary.
2. Introduce the non-forgotten named person to the forgotten-named person and hope they volunteer their name by the time you get to the end of "This is [non-forgotten person]."
3. Never go out in public again.


1 and 2 never go down well with me. My nerves buckle and I flub it up. Guess choice 3 suits the times at least.


I've done both. With 1, as soon as the friend and I are safely out of earshot I've immediately apologised for the lack of making an introduction and explained why.

I've also just fessed up that the forgotten's name slipped my mind and apologised for it. This usually works out well because the forgottened usually confesses having a difficult time remembering names too and we all laugh.

But 3 does have that up to date coronavirus cachet going for it.
