MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you think of someone who is prom...

What do you think of someone who is promiscuous?

Would it be strange to meet a man in his mid forties who claims to have slept with at least 80 different women? And you find out that they've been doing that their whole life since their late teen's.


I'm 55 and the number of women I've known intimately FAR exceeds the 80 mark. I don't consider myself promiscuous. Despite my best efforts I've never succeeded in making a relationship last more than 5 years. The average is two years, the last 5 didn't last a year and the last 5 years have been single. My 20s and 30s were pretty carefree like most folks. I didn't keep track, that's not my thing, but I know myself fairly well.


I didn't keep track either.


It's childish. Adults simply don't think that way.


that's a lot of women.


Really. You don't suppose I could have been involved with, say, 90 women in the past 40 years? Seriously?


did you play in a rock band?


Well, yeah, for about 3 years. Ages 25-37 were in Miami - Ft Lauderdale area. Some of the greatest beaches in the world and local guys are popular.


So you've been incredibly sexually active with women since the age of 10? And you were a machine in the bedroom despite the preponderance of debilitating physical ailments (especially that notorious bad back) you've had to endure?

Superstud and expert on women R_Kane ain't got nothin' on you!


I don't judge ...I'm in no position to..and others have already explained the math.
It's not that difficult to do.

If it bothers you because this is someone you're interested in then rest assured that people actually can decide to stop being "promiscuous" with the right relationship and having sowed those wild oats under their belt.
If you're not interested then what does it matter?




It's disgusting for anybody to have racked up those numbers IMO.


Good thing we're not all you, then. Thanks for expressing your selfish inconsiderate opinion.


I never said it was me.


Yeah... I wasn't talking to you. Or was I? Did you forget your account?


It's just my opinion and how I live my life, I can't tell anyone to change and I certainly wouldn't try to enforce it. But I do believe it to be harmful to all parties involved. It just makes it harder and harder to build a lasting marriage or relationship if somebody's behaved like that. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it makes things a lot more difficult.


That's interesting. I've never had children or an std. Or child support, alimony, restraining orders, domestic violence charges... I can continue. You suppose that was by accident? After spending most of my life looking for that one who completes me and finally tiring and slowing down, I submit that you don't know what you're talking about.


I would argue that you're the exception to the rule. We will just agree to disagree.


Friend, there are exceptions to every rule. No one fits any one set of parameters. We're too complex.


See, I know I'm opening up another can of worms here, but I disagree. We have general rules in life that are almost, but not entirely, as accurate as gravity. Take smoking for instance. I think we can all agree that if a person is a pack a day smoker with a bad diet they aren't going to have a super long life. But sometimes there are exceptions to the rule for one reason or another, and somebody lives to be 105. But for the most part, the choices a person makes will have a fairly equal reaction across the board.


Aaand you've repeated my statement...?


Practice social distancing!


I think they might have COVID


More power to them!


he is no wilt chamberlain


I would have to conceal what I thought about that when talking to them. I don't think very highly of promiscuity, by either men or women. One thing is for certain; I would not want to get involved in a man like that. Guys like that are not made for monogamous, committed relationships. That, and their bodies must be riddled with STD's. It might even be possible that they suffer from a mental disorder, such as Nymphomania or Satyromania, depending on the person. Luckily, those disorders are rare.

My mom's first husband was like that. He was a selfish, lying, promiscuous bastard, and the best thing that ever happened to their relationship was her divorcing his sorry ass.


I don't have a problem with promiscuous people, and I don't have a problem with monogamous people.

The problem is people who actually are promiscuous, but who pretend to be monogamous! And who want a monogamous partner!

Better known as "lying, cheating, rat-bastards", like your mother's first husband.


But wait...promiscuous people do not automatically have to be cheaters. They may be that way only when they are otherwise unattached.
The OP was referring to a man that had been with 80 women over the course of nearly 25 years. It still doesn't seem that excessive even if he was in several monogamous relationships along the way.




"promiscuous people do not automatically have to be cheaters"

Well of course not! I see nothing wrong with being single and racking up some numbers, being in a mutually consensual open relationship, or living an openly polyamorous lifestyle. I'm glad to see people living their lives as they see fit, as long as they're honest and play safe, because not all of us were meant to be monogamous.

But there are people who want the benefits of both monogamy and promiscuity, who want the faithful clueless spouse at home, and the hot sex when they feel like it, and all the societal benefits of conformity. These people lie to their spouses and families, and they're the "cheating rat-bastards" of the world.

Edit: And yeah, 80 partners by age 45 doesn't seem excessive to me. A few hookups between long-term relationships can get you there.
