MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you count superhero movies as real mo...

Do you count superhero movies as real movies?

I’m a huge fan of superhero films and I respect very much blockbusters in general.

But you know guys I think when Martin Scorsese made his comments on superhero films he opened a great topic debate and sadly everyone focused on why said it and if it’s offensive etc. Instead of defending their points on the other side of the debate so I’d like to open his debate again.

Personally I disagree with what Martín said and here is why...

I think blockbusters in general let us get closer with our inner child and for a few hours suspend our disbelief, blockbusters make families come together with films that we all can enjoy no matter how old we are.

Many films of the MCU touch good topics to discuss with teenagers like how not everything in war is black and white.

Civil War is about the The importance of limiting power and in some way the importance to follow the law because it does exist for a reason.

Sure we all know governments are not perfect and like Steve said have agendas but Tony’s point was pretty fair too if we don’t follow limits then they aren’t really exactly better than the bad guys.

This is something really good for kids to learn and discuss. Maybe not little kids but let’s say kids between 12-16.

The Avengers movies well as cheesy as it sounds talk about learning to walk as team and putting differences aside to work as that a team.

Harry Potter is about friendship and tolerance.

So he is wrong on superhero films not making people think or provoking debates or discussions.

The stories might be simple but there is a hard work on characters in good blockbusters we see characters arcs and they go slow like watching a tv series but doing it on the big screen.

We see when a blockbuster works when fans connect with the characters and choose favorites.

Maybe sometimes the stories are simpler but if the fans connect with the characters it means the film did a good job on creating emotional responses from the audience.

That’s my defense for superhero films and why I disagree with Scorsese. Again I don’t think he is jealous or anything but I just don’t think like he does.

Now he did something right about needing diversity in movie theaters. Definitely studios should green light more diversity in film genres.

I do think that 80% of film theaters are occupied by big blockbusters and fantasy or sci fy but I do like superhero films a lot and I don’t think of them as theme parks.




Too long.


Do most superhero movies have a run time longer than the average film? I had no idea.


yeah. They're not towering works of art or anything, but making an entertaining popcorn movie still is something.


Of course.




Does evoking a emotional response alone make it a learning experience?

Cartoons do this with kids, you can argue that it is so.

The same with super hero can learn from them

However I have to agree with Scorsese that as a ADULT you can't really learn about the human condition from them. Superheroes have abilities that TRANSEND the human condition, therefore they have options and abilities that we don't. Their points of view/history is so fantastic that it becomes unrelatable to adults.

The great thing about 'real' movies with 'real' characters is that during the story they come up with options or points of view that you would have thought of!

That said... I did enjoy the Avengers movies! Did I learn anything from them? That it another question.


But not all superheroes have that super human abilities. They just get the tittle of superheroes without really being super and they are the ancle to make us go into the whole super humans universe.

Iron Man has suit created by technology and his brain. So really a man can feel inspired in some way to be like Tony or a Bruce Wayne.


Good point. Inspiration is a good emotion, many young men and women are definitely inspired by the series.

You could say that Captain America is the new Uncle Sam.

Let's hope these young minds were not too inspired by the Oscar winning Joker movie.


Yes, I count them as real movies.


