MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you ever feel like life is more hassl...

Do you ever feel like life is more hassle than it’s worth?

My friend always says life is good and every time something annoying happens I want to punch him in the face. It’s not just one thing here or there, it’s all day every day one aggravation after another. People are rude and obnoxious everywhere I go.

I know my experience is no different from anyone else’s in terms of daily frustrations, I think some people are just oblivious too it, ignorance is bliss. Many are so inundated and beaten down they simply stop caring altogether. I think I’m still young enough to have a glimmer of hope but every day is a challenge to get through. The only thing that keeps me even remotely upbeat is looking forward to doing things I enjoy.


Oh definitely for me on a strict cost benefit analysis the game is not worth the candle. But I am stuck here for the duration so I try to enjoy what I can. And I take comfort from the fact that there are people who overall do enjoy their lives pretty well.


I don’t think there are many people who enjoy their lives pretty well. I think there are people who have deluded themselves into thinking they are happy. I am aware enough to realize having a good job and a happy family would still not be enough.


But how can you know that having a good job and a loving, happy family would still not be enough unless you had those things ? I take your point though. I actually think the nuclear family tends to be a pretty dysfunctional unit on its own.


Exactly, I assume this because every time I try to patch my unhappiness with anything emotional or material I am disappointed. Life still sucks more than it doesn’t. And why wouldn’t it? We are animals living in a false construct.


I watched this movie yesterday The first vignette which portrayed happiness, mirrored your outlook.


Yeah but being negative all the time can be a self fulfilling negativity kind of thing too. Someone once said that " I find that if you are nice to people they will be nice to you ". Mind you he could be a very charming man and we are not all blessed with such social skills. They are worth working on developing though.


You sound depressed to be quite honest. Life is the rarest gift of anything. Although I did get a laugh when you said you want to punch your friend in the face, and follow that up by saying people are rude. Lol

At the end of the day, I'd definitely rather be alive than dead.


I think anyone who lives in this world consciously and is not at least somewhat depressed is abnormal.




Not in the least
There is only one 'you' and only one 'me'
The world is beneath our boots and we can take every square inch of it Amigo

I taught myself a terrific trick some years ago...Be nice, be the helper of neighbors, the husband that's quick to kill the spider in the kitchen, be the guy that stands in the rain holding the door open for total strangers...none of this takes any real effort and soon they all come to depend upon you, you become the rock they all lean upon

They say it takes a village to raise a child, I say some tough SOB needs to be in charge of the goddam village

The world is what you whip it into shape to be Buff...we don't rent here, we own it

Professional therapy is also a reasonable option if you can't bear the weight of it all...Many of my dear ones have found it a useful means to a better, saner outlook👍


yes, very much so.


I'm very sorry to hear this Laura

You are a straight up trooper and always post like a charming, 'sharp as a tack' sort of person

Hang in there, we are breathing yet and we have our struggles on the run!

The world is OURS Laura


thank you for the lovely compliment, but I've got to give the 'sharp as a tack' thing a rest.
It has been brought to my attention that I'm a bit of an asshole on MC, and they're right, so I'm working on the sarcasm.


You are welcome...I really enjoy your company
Do as you wish good Lady but I have never found you to be an asshole...I really don't know who might have said such a thing to you, and I tend to keep an eye on this joint

Just keep being you...we're lucky to have you Dear Laura!


Who said that? What a load of rubbish. I've never seen you post anything that people could take exception to. Just ignore them.


Dude what? Don’t ever give the “sharp as a tack” thing a rest, you’re amazingly funny and hold your own like a beast! You’re one of my favorite chicks on here! Look, I’ll take the role of asshole and you just keep being you. Whoever said that probably just couldn’t keep up with you.


I’ve never thought such a thing. Every day can be a new chapter and your writing the book.


Damn straight mojo
'Every day can be a new chapter and you are writing the book'
Love it, I'm stealing it, apologies bud😉


All good man... pass it on.


When I worked yes sometimes I felt like life was more hassle than it’s worth. Did not like my job but I forced myself to go in everyday. I lived for Friday and Saturday. When Sunday rolled around I would get depressed knowing I had to go to work the next morning. Now that I don't work life is good.


me too, i hate working.......


Overall there isn't much to life. Some will fill it with people or make people to fill their lives with but often even if you make your own people it's no guarantee that you will out live them or they will be useful to you in the long run.

Religion is another thing which people like to cling on to but again there aren't any guarantees that when you die you simply exist to be in any form at all.


People will always be assholes and life will always kick you in the balls. The thing is, when you’re happy and enjoying life it doesn’t get to you as bad. If every day feels like a challenge you’re probably doing the wrong thing. Do the things you enjoy more often, or all the time if you can.
Many people in society would probably consider my life unsavory. I don’t give a shit. I do what I love and enjoy. If you’re dragging your feet to even get up in the morning then maybe you’re on the wrong path. It sounds hokey, but follow your heart, follow your instincts, do what makes you happy, and life usually takes you to the right place. Do it for yourself and forget about what you’re “supposed” to do.

Also, everything mr. shogun said. That was a damn good answer. I hope it gets better bubba.
