MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > internet forums are way better than irl

internet forums are way better than irl

more people and easier access, i dont leave the house to meet people anymore.


May I ask, how old you are?


I think forums are fun because we can all be honest...being polite and silly also helps

I do like meeting new people irl's good to network for new opportunities : p




Silliness on the internet is way better. If I said "Fuck you!" in the real world you would probably punch me in the face, but on the internet it's all good.


I gave up face-punching about 15 years ago Amigo (wife's orders...) and frankly you are too amusing and fun to be all angry withโœŒ๏ธ
You are at least as silly as I am LOL


Farting ass. HAHAHA! I just said fart.


Are you Jumpin' Jack Flash?

Jumpin' Jack Flash is a gas, gas, gas...according to what I've heard


in april of 1945 Yonkers had a UFO sighting.


Yes...and during the 90s as well!

What those intelligent beings from across the universe expected to find of use around here I simply can't say...frankly, I think they were really stupid aliens...unless they needed a used Ford pick up truck...or a shit load of firewood..?

No idea...they probably got lost on the way to someplace way cooler

But I did see them, no lie๐Ÿ‘


people in Yonkers are also known for shouting YONK! really loud and totally at random.

reply your'e just spoiling my big finale bro!


I once screamed at a guy in the looney bin. I told him to shut the FUCK up. and I SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMED it at him.


Better days are ahead, the seas are calm and you wont see the inside of the gooney barn again Amigo...straight and narrow all the way, just a bit of drinking I suppose๐Ÿ˜‰


Robbie was an asshole anyways. This one other time he pooped his pants and the entire hallway smelled like poop, it was awful.


Forget Robbie...he's talking to the mice in his cell like they're his nephews...some guys just can't get by on the outside

Buy a beach towel , a kite and some cool SpongeBob trunks and head to the lake...Any dude kitted up like that should meet a super babe within minutes!...promise๐Ÿ‘


The problem is I am VERY insecure. To the point that I can even manage to blow it when a girl throws herself at me.


Throw yourself at her first Moose!
This simple strategy works all of the time half of the time...some really cold beers in your fridge are always comforting for the occasional misfire


Urban girl comes to get married is one of the best movies I have ever seeen.


I support the DPRK


This movie looks cute... I'm watching Hamburger Hill just now though:/ that a communist thing?
I really never follow the news anymore, each day is a big surprise for me;)
I prefer not to see all of the bullshit flying at me๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Hamburger Hill is a GOOD movie.

DPRK = Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Better known as North Korea.


When are you moving there, I here you can get a sweet condo for two pounds of rice...


I'm keeping the two pounds of rice. That shit can feed a whole family.


Solid plan...I doubt North Korea even keeps the powder dry...those condos are looking very affordable:)


I shouldn't have said that I support the country. That was wrong. Kim Jong-un is BAD! what I should have said is that I am fascinated by the country, it intrigues me and I love watching their movies.


I've seen a bunch of South Korean films (mostly crime and horror)

They make great movies in South Korea but I've never seen a North Korean film...


I just posted a link a few posts above. Urban girl is a GREAT MOVIE! I'm not kidding at all, it really IS one of the most entertaining movies that I have ever seen.


I'll have to check it out...The South Korean movies are often great

But I have this war movie going and some Guns 'N Roses blasting in the garage...I'm terribly busy at the moment my man๐Ÿ˜Ž


Best be blasting THIS song biznotch!!!!!


I'm playing A few of them...November Rain, Paradise City, Rocket Queen...Top band!


It is almost 2 am in the eastern time zone. Aren't your neighbors getting angry?????


Funny you mention this...I often help them with garden and house chores, lending tools or my time and so on but yes, I DO think I piss them off with my stupid loud radio:/

On the other hand a neighbor brought me a 12 pack of Miller and a 6 pack of boozy seltzers this afternoon because I bailed his wife out of a jam last week when their tractor broke down and she needed it forward Amigo!


Well now I really feel old. It took me a full 2 minutes "with wine brain" to figure out irl meant Internet real life...Please let that be right.


"in real life"


I was close enough that I feel ok.. Why did these shortened letter things become such a craze in the last 10 years? Is everyone copying IBM...I just don't get it.


Oh sorry phones texting yah I get it now... Blah Blah Blah whatever.


Well, there's this.

Access is easier, but really, how fulfilling is having no "real life?" Sounds a bit sad. A mix of both seems a lot healthier to me.


I am chronically single and I like it. I have known people who stayed in horrible relationships just because they were so afraid to be alone. Single life is NOT BAD!!!!! you get to do whatever the fuck you want. I like it. Much more preferable than being with someone you hate.


a lot of people don't leave the house anymore, for many reasons. Internet forums are a good way to get straight at what you want, while not having to alter your life.


the whole point of a forum is to have a discussion and share ideas, there are way more participants on the internet.


Doesnโ€™t quite have the same appeal as a fully stocked bar. Iโ€™m not going down the virtual drink route.



Virtual drinking: ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿคช๐Ÿป๐Ÿคค๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿค•

๐Ÿค” Um...yeah. Virtual drinking ain't gonna work.


LOL...real drink is the best sort sweetie๐Ÿ˜™


bozo is doing MORE than virtual drinking. Don't even get me started on lewdy Judy.


Let's get wasted!!!!




I like them because you can make your point concisely, without interruption, and receive someone else's point the same way. So if there are any discrepancies, you can clarify yourself easily and have everyone else do the same. There's no real way to misunderstand someone online.

But I think there's something to be said about talking to someone in person and just gelling automatically and riffing off each other on the spot. That's not something you can get online, no matter how much you enjoy a conversation.
