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Summer is here!!?? 🌞

Summer arrived here today. 😊 It's 82°F and sunny. Well, sort of sunny because we're getting smoke from wildfires in Alberta, Canada and it's a bit hazy (I am sorry for those who have to deal with wildfires and their aftermath).

I'm happy! 🌞🍹🏖️


Dang, I'm sleeping with all the windows open tonight. Celebration! I love open windows.


I bird flew into my room and I screamed like a little girl. A storm blew off the screen and I'm too cheap to replace it.


I'd probably do the same. You just don't expect to see a bird inside.


Too early for wildfires. That's troublesome.


You'd think so, but we were under fire restrictions for a while this spring. The snow had melted, but things had not greened up yet. It doesn't take much for all the brown grass and dead leaves, etc. to catch fire. It was mainly aimed at "no campfires" or outdoor burning of any kind. Once the rains and "re-snowing" started, the restrictions were lifted.

Not too long ago, I recall hearing that California no longer has a fire season - it's a year-round issue now. Scary.


Warm Los Angeles area.... currently 59 degrees, overcast, occasional rain is back again, wind and uneven pressure, no consistency in the weather longer than a few days.


No consistency - that's the truth here, too. A nice day or two, then back to rain, wind, and well below-average temps, for days. We should call it "whiplash weather."


Hmm, yours is better. I used to call it rollercoaster weather. The worst I've experienced on that in SoCal was a spring/summer pre 2010 where we had at least a week or two of immense whips.

It would be like 90 for two days, and then literally overnight drop to 50 for two days, then suddenly back to 90 for two days, then back down.

I dont recall exact temps, but the 40 degree swing is specific in my memory, along with the 2 days, flip, 2 days, flip, and a few more flips following that exact pattern like clockwork.


We've experienced times like this, too. It's not fun. It's as though Mother Nature is laughing at us.


Actually Summer will arrive on June 21 as usual. It's 69 here, but will hit 77 on Friday,
and 84 on Saturday.



Hey, watch it! I already renamed it "summer weather" somewhere on this thread.

Or was that only in my head?...


Actually you did, but I did not see it until just now. Don't worry. I'm just messin' with you.



I know - I may just start calling you Messy Marvin... 😜


Sometimes, when I'm really depressed, I do go by the name Marvin:




MMMMC2...try saying that 3 times real fast!

I couldn't either LOL


I said it without much trouble. Guess I haven't had enough 🍺🍺 yet.


Get back to me in two hours😉


Sorry, I'm on my last one for tonight and I expect to be in ZZZland by then. Maybe tomorrow night.


Oh, and Messy Marvin is what Mrs Neighbor calls the neighbor next to me on the other side. I just call him Bozo.


You've mentioned this sloppy fool before
A bad neighbor is the worst!


Well, I have to give Bozo credit. Today he finally trimmed the trees in his front yard. He has two huge maples that have needed trimming for at least two years. Some of the upper branches have been banging on his roof for at least that long. I guess the noise finally got loud enough that he couldn't ignore it anymore. It looks a lot better, although he could have done more. Oh well, it's a definite improvement.

I have a sneaky suspicion his stepfather stopped by (Bozo rents the house from his mom) and read him the riot act. I suspect they've seen some fines appear on their property tax bill for stuff he's not doing - like cleaning up after his dog, parking his van in his front yard, garbage left scattered around, letting the grass get too long, old appliances sitting in the backyard, etc. I've reported him more than once for crap like that because talking to him does absolutely no good. He says he'll take care of it, but he never does.


HAHAHA. My roommates just "deployed" because the temp outside just hit lower than the temp inside. They act like it's a military exercise -- immediately open all windows and doors ! Emergency ! This is not a drill !
Let's just ignore that they just heated up the oven to 425 degrees F and then left it open to cool it off. I guess their philosophy is different than mine. But it's Free Pizza for me, so I won't complain Too much.


Mother Nature's AC, eh?


That's how I / we do it here. Get's nice and cool in the evening, so I don't have expensive Air Conditioning. My place is The Little House On The Prairie. Except it's in the x-urbs.


I don't have AC in my house, either. Too expensive to install in this old house. I prefer open windows anyway. I get a bit depressed when it gets too cold to have them open.


The yard work is done for the first time this year. A nice day all around.


👍👍👍 Mine needs mowing again already. Seems like I just did it. Ah, well. That's life.


We just got back from a short vacation to Monterey Bay, and, I know this is weird, but I welcome the heat. It's not summer unless the sun is out and it's over 80°F outdoors. For the past few weeks, it's been unseasonably cool where I live, with cloudy skies and rain, and it was like that in Monterey as well. So now, things have gone back to normal.


Where you are sounds a lot like here. Too much rain and cool temps. Thus the reason for my celebratory post when we finally got some nice weather.


I live in a place with a [mostly] Mediterranean climate: hot, dry summers; cool, rainy winters. However, because I live less than 5 miles from a large river, the humidity is a little bit higher here than in other areas nearby. The climate is very mild compared to the last 5 states I've lived in.

It's a shock after living in extreme climates most of my life. I keep expecting a huge thunderstorm, or tornadoes to show up in spring; for it to be so hot and humid in summer that the air is difficult to breathe; or freezing cold winters with blizzards. We get none of that here.
