
Burial? Cremation? Scattered ashes or buried ashes? Burial at sea? Medical cadaver?

The whole shiny wood casket in a giant vault seems like an environmental offense and a waste of space. I saw smoke coming out of crematorium once and that was creepy. IDK, what a lousy thing to have to think about.


They are not getting rid of me so easily!
I think I'll hang around a long time and be a real pest😉


Sign me up for that plan too!


You're in!




I want to climb mount everest and deliberately freeze myself to death in a location where they can't get my corpse down so i can become one of those corpses that the climbers have to pass when going up there. If i could do it at the top it would be preferable. I would be known as the Peak Man.


A lofty goal!


True that.


That is an ambitious plan, but less ambitious than the climbers who plan to come back down alive.


Dark, but you have a point XD


Throw me to an all-female prison, or a lonely woman who could use me during rigormortis.


That first one would be sexy and terrifying in a weird mix.


Say what? Say it isn’t so....practicing necrophilia! 😳 Yucky! Ted Bundy, et al enjoyed doing this.


This way I can satisfy a woman even in death!



Who are you trying to fool? “satisfy a woman even in death!’. You’re just a horny toad who wants to go to the nether land with a smile on his face!

Reminds me of a long time ago when my dad, who was a hunter, shot and killed two squirrels engaged in “the act”. Got them both and remarked “At least they died with smiles on their faces!” I was speechless! What could I say to top that?


I bet the taxidermist spat his coffee out when he saw that.


LOL! 😅 Great reply!


But he'd have to give you a discount because one had been stuffed already (boom-tish!).


I can’t top that one liner either! â˜ș


I thank you *takes a bow*



This is very attractive to me. I really just wanted someone to toss my corpse into the woods and let it rot and decay naturally, and let critters eat me. Since that's mostly illegal I thought I would just donate my body to science, but this looks like a good alternative.



Not American. We do have a body farm opening in Canada but it's on the other side of the country. Although by the time I die who knows what will be. But even if it's not a body farm I can still donate to science.

I just don't want to be preserved in box. I am not opposed to cremation, but I think that it's a waste of energy. I know there are a couple of bio cemeteries where there are no coffins, just shrouds, but I don't want to take up space waiting to rot. So I do think that composting is a great idea.



Wow! I copied & pasted this in my notes. Deep thinking. I wish I could recall the “Hole Theory of Life” I heard decades ago. Somebody out there, please?


Exactly :)


ssissg, You can do exactly that. We have body farms here in the U.S. The donated deceased are put in various areas, climates, terrain, etc. in order to assist medical examiners. This is done in order to determine time and cause of death.

If I recall correctly I believe you are a Brit. The following may be of interest to you. It’s an older article (2015) but it will give you some info.


Canadian actually. As far as I know there aren't any here currently but one in creation in Quebec, which is on the other side of the country from me. :)


Cut me into chunks and smoke a shitload of babyback ribs with my charred corpse to eat at my service. That way, I'll always be a part of my family.


Eww! đŸ„ŽđŸ€ą You could have waited all day, week, month...hell...years before posting that! I think it will be awhile before I eat baby back ribs again! 😬


I don't expect a lot of people to show up,lol.


“Hey, Bob! What’s on the menu tonight at the farewell cookout for Burk? I’m famished!”

“Well, keep it a secret, but I heard they are smoking a cacađŸ’© load of baby back ribs!”

“Why the secret?”

“You didn’t let me finish! I heard they are throwing ole Burk’s charred corpse into the mix! Yep! That’s what I heard. I can’t wait to see all their faces after they’ve eaten; when told ole Burk will be a part of them forever. He was smoked with the ribs!”


Nobody in my family would be that surprised. In fact,they'd be suspicious from the start!


I had to post this:

The first article is titled:

“These 6 'Body Farms' Help Forensic Anthropologists Learn To Solve Crimes”

The article immediately following is titled:

“Smart Grills And Smokers Take Backyard Cooking To The Next Level”

So apropos! Again words fail me!



I want a Viking funeral where my body's boat is lit aflame.

But we are all on the same boat. I want the Earth to be my ship, my vessel.

When I pass.... BURN IT ALL! Engulf the world in the cleansing light of fire.


House Targaryen?


Dunno GOT


It's pretty good👍


health insurance, i dont care after im gone
