MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > why are british people so class consciou...

why are british people so class conscious

a bit odd, and the stupid royal family is so pointless



patriotism is for the vicious


he's from Kansas.


That's why he's patriotic, duh...


It's a way for them to feel better about their shitty, worthless lives by looking down on someone born into less fortunate circumstance, basically.


So, you're an American?




If you're from the USA you have no room to talk.
It's all about status over here.
We've created such banal billionaires as the Kadashions that basically exist to just buy things and do procedures on themselves and we treat the most vapid celebrities like royalty.


Would you be surprised if I told you that most of Kim Kardashion's earning's now come from mobile gaming apps? True story.



And she achieved this how? By her great skill, imagination, talent and genius?
Or of which she literally had nothing to do with besides her ability to invest and her connections which is a decision made by those she can now afford to hire to make those decisions for her from her main job as a "celebrity".


Your answer is spot on. If you make enough money, you can invest it in a bank, let it accumulate interest to make more money, and not have to work another day of your life. Smooth sailing, coasting through the motions. Not jealous or anything. Life is meaningful when we make the most of it, however we decide to do it for ourselves and others.



People constantly bring up the Kardashians in a disdainful manner, yet I see them all the time. Does E! Network do anything else? So how did they make their $$? I guess the Jenner's are part of this puzzle. This whole phenomenon makes no sense to me. Sort of like how everyone talked about Paris Hilton not all that long ago. Now they are doing "where is she now" pieces on her. And the Ks? They seem to multiply. I keep seeing different first names with K attached, and they are ignoring someone, etc. Who cares about all this?


It is a mystery. I never watch E! channel so I don't know what all they do on that network.

All I know is that Kim Kardashions mother was married to Robert Kardashion who was part of OJ Simpsons "dream team" in his murder trial. She then married Bruce Jenner, a famous Olympian athlete. These marriages put her and her family in a certain status quo of influential rich people to rub shoulders with.
Kim, the daughter, hung out with Paris Hilton of the famous Hilton dynasty and released a sex tape. Then a "reality" show about the family followed.
The rest is something I don't fully know or fully understand. I can only speculate on who likes or admires them and why they continue to be in the limelight.
I do think the mother has been a major force in orchestrating her family as a product.
But it feels like a sad reflection of American values that they will not go away.


Just so you know, everyday I scan my Comcast TV stations 52 > 71, (A&E > AMC), looking for a good movie or Chicago PD or newer SVUs. (I might try to watch Into Darkness in an hour or so.) #70 is E! I never turn it on, but it always seems to have Keeping Up with the Kardashians. You gave me a good little thumbnails sketch of who they are. So this gal married Bruce Jenner? Huh ! That took a weird turn.
Your comment about American values is rather serious, almost too serious. Considering the state of our politics, homelessness, income disparity, etc., we have other things to think about. While the Ks may be cashing in, I imagine it's a pretty thin slice of us who are putting $$ in their pockets.


the Kardashians wealth is inflated, if not just a facade


"Considering the state of our politics, homelessness, income disparity, etc., we have other things to think about. "

But that's what makes it so sad..and I was only answering your inquiry.
I was initially only making a point that we shouldn't judge the Brits or anyone else so harshly about status and class when we have our own skeletons of those we promote to upper status. The Kardashions are only one example of that..


The topic got a little lost for me. I don't have much to say about the British caste system. I hope you don't think I was taking issue with anything you've posted here. I appreciate the conversation.


the kartrashians are not promoted to upper class, they had money to be begin with, what drives them is not money but narcissism


They weren't poor because Robert Kardashion was a lawyer and friends with OJ Simpson... but they were not world famous millionaire/billionaires with their fingers in every pie.
But enough about them..Tired of the subject.


Because it's a means by which certain people can maintain their power and privilege, and keep the rest of us 'in our place'.


We (the US) are right behind them. The UK just had a few hundred year head start. Class war has been in booming escalation since the materialistic 80s. I actually had an old friend tell me once, "I can't be seen talking to you." What are you, a spy now? Ohh.... i'm a dirtbag. Got it.


Your old friend sounds like an asshole
I hope you let him have it for that one!


The whole royal family thing is a tradition/identity/celebrity affair that brings Great Britain sweet, sweet tourists dollars and symbolic prestige the world over.

Any society that has a wide gap or is seeing a wide gap come about in one, those people become class conscious. Here in the United States, our wealthy can afford to look nice and pretty. Even then, a lot of them dress in blue jeans and t-shirts like most average joes. It's the second and third world's wealthy who see their background as a privilege, dressing up professionally and physically displaying their fortunate upbringing, which would culturally be mistaken for flaunting over here in the States.



Class distinction is alive and well in the US. Plenty of rich jerks wearing working class clothes such as jeans and t shirts. Plenty of people who make 15 dollars per hour looking down at those making 11.10 per hour which is minimum wage here in NY. I do miss how it was prior to 1985 when there were far fewer elitists around.


The situation has worsened here in the States since the recession. In between experienced workers who are unable to retire off of their life savings and young workers struggling to make decent pay in entry level jobs, a lot of bitterness has seeped into our live-to-work institutionalized culture.



As someone who lives in the UK, this class conscious obsession is a fallacy.

It may have been true to an extent up until the 80's, but beyond that it largely died off.

Its been perpetuated in films and TV for years, but it really only rears its head among the upper class and people with money.

For the vast majority of people in the UK it means absolutely nothing.

Granted there are the have and the have nots, people on low incomes on council estates and those who live in large houses with good jobs...but it is what it is...we don't obsess over it or constantly draw attention to it.


In a way then, foreigners (such as myself) knowingly or unknowingly project popular preconceptions of what they think they know about another person's class culture (yours), turns around and tries to establish it as fact.

Reminds me of how common it is to mistake cowboys for being an American thing, when it really first came from Spanish speaking parts of the world and Mexicans, a lot of them are not even aware of their own history.

Thanks for enlightening me. I appreciate it. One thing I do know is that for almost 1,000 years now, the Normans still make up England's high society.



Pretty much what Rogue here says, I'm British and i couldn't give a shit what class anyone is as long as they're decent.
