MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Maybe the Movies Reflect Us?

Maybe the Movies Reflect Us?

Don't take my word for it, I'll take yours. I look at the movies people mention, those they name as one of the best, a favorite, and most are from the 1930-70s.... Then, from Reagan to Trump (and many other bad actors in between)


I think older people view older films with nostalgia, that's why their heart is with the oldies.


I'm in my 30s, wasn't alive then, so its not nostalgia.


Maybe you're a hipster?


Even though I don't know what that means, I know I'm not one of them... I belong to me. I'm an individual; not a group.


It is true that the best movies are from that era and I am generally a contrarian, I disagree with many of the so called best movies. Here is my top 5:

5. The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
4. Island of Lost Souls (1932)
3. Charade (1963)
2. Take the Money and Run (1969)
1. Hausu (1977)

For the record I was born in 1989.


Did you like some of Woody Allen's other 70s movies?


I also like "Bananas" and " Sleeper". I don't like "Annie Hall". That was when Woody Allen started to take himself too seriously. He was so great in the screwball days.


Not sure I understand what you mean. Among my favourites are movies from the 70's- through to now.


Same here
The older classics are good but I prefer 70s up to now


Maybe we're the same kind of person. 😚


Horror/Thriller/Crime for me😙


I think it's a long-held notion that someone's favourite movies (or any media) says something about that person.


What are your top 5, or 10, movies?


Oh definitely! People love movies that reflect their values and worldview, as well as their taste in stories. You can tell a lot about a person by their favorite films.


Movies didn't become bad in 1980 just because you hate Reagan. No more than movies in the 70s were good just because you forgot you hate Nixon.

But you're right about egalitarianism being wrong. Movie are not magically equally good in every time period. Good art is usually a result of strife. We would expect more good movies in bad times, and bad movies in decadent times. These are decadent times for Hollywood who has more money than ever. They are free from the constraints of the market to make bad indulgent propaganda movies and that's what they do. The politics are in your face these days. Time for piracy.


I wasn't even alive in the 70s... But when I look back, they definitely started to get shitty by the 80s, despite a great decade in the 70s. I'd say the same about music.


This is very true ctwdidswej.

Unfortunately, even bad times can no longer guarantee good movies, as they once did.

We now have a comic-book President and comic-book political discourse, and guess what types of films we're left with? Films with a simplistic and divisive comic-book view of the world (and I don't just mean ostensible comic-book movies either).

