MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mondrian, Pollock, Duchamp. Great artist...

Mondrian, Pollock, Duchamp. Great artists or great trolls?

Pollock drank three cans of paint and some laxative, squatted over a canvas and sharted his masterpieces.

Mondrian drew random rectangles with a ruler and colored them in. These are properly called as doodles. He did triangles too!

Duchamp installed a urinal rotated 90ยฐ from its proper orientation and called it "Fountain". Troll art was truly born. Now it's called conceptual art.

Any more jokers like this?

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Mondriaan was a great graphic designer, but not exactly a fine artist. A bigger joke was Karel Appel. Absolute crap.


where can I get one of these ??


Just look in your garbage can or toilet bowl.


You apparently do not know what you're talking about, Stratego. Did you know that people said the same crap about your greatest artist ever, Vincent Van Gogh when he was alive? Do you know how many of his 800 paintings he sold in his lifetime? You don't, do you? That would be ONE, because people back then were just as ignorant as some of the posters on this board.

And now there is an entire friggin' museum in Amsterdam dedicated to him. I guess the last laugh is on the morons who scorned him and his work when he was alive.



Lol, you really have a way of alienating people who are still willing to talk to you here on MC, MovieMan! Come on, don't be so sensitive!

I know very well what I'm talking about. I also know I don't like what I see. No art critic will convince me otherwise.

The future is sad if Karel Appel will be as revered as Van Gogh.๐Ÿ˜จ

(It's Vincent van Gogh, by the way. No capitalization of 'van' if you put his first name before it. Be sure you know what you're talking about!)


As the great Winston Churchill said "If you never made any enemies, you never stood for anything." I stand for good art, and I stand by my words, no apology, no walking back.

And you're parroting that stupid old cliche "I may not know art, but I know what I like." Seriously? And I never said Karel Appel would be as revered as Van Gogh. So don't put words in my mouth.

And excuse me for capitalizing "Van" after his first name. I'll never commit that atrocity again.

BTW, apologies to Rembrandt, your other greatest artist.



Huh? I never said I don't know art. But I'll say it again, if so many people don't "understand" your "art", you're doing something wrong. Pollock and Appel suck, they're the ones who should apologize.

Maybe take off those pretentious shades, MovieMan.๐Ÿ˜Ž


Maybe open your eyes, Stratego.



I'm even wearing my contacts, it's all very clear to me! Maybe rub that shit out of your eyes, MovieMan!๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh, are we going to get nasty now, my little Dutch Girl? Before you complain about the speck in my eye, you should notice the log in your own.



More than just a speck, it's an entire forest! ๐Ÿ˜œ

Come on, MovieMan, don't talk down to people just because they don't like the same things you do!


I am not talking down to you. I never have. I'm just disagreeing with you. And no need to get nasty with that forest crack.



Dang, I never expected you to be THAT sensitive! You think that's nasty, but not the things you've been saying to other people in this thread? Lighten up, it seems you've been spending too much time over at filmboards!


Yes I DO think that is nasty. And YOU lighten up with the nasty, snarky comments! And don't insult filmboards. In at least one way, it's better, because over there at least you have freedom of speech.



"Sittin' in the movie show
Thinkin' nasty thoughts.
Better be a gentleman
Or you'll turn me off.
That's right, lemme tell it.

I don't like no nasty car.
I don't like nasty food.
The only nasty thing I like
Is a nasty groove.
Will this one do?"


WTF is that supposed to be, and WTF does it refer to?



Never heard of the legendary Janet Jackson???

I was trying to keep the thread lighthearted, but apparently you choose to be a jerk instead.๐Ÿ‘Ž


Yes I've heard of her, but I'm not a fan.

And yes I do get a little testy when morons say idiotic things like "Pollack drank three cans of paint and some laxative, and sharted his masterpiece." You have to be a special kind of stupid to say shit like that.



It's just hyperbole. You've been guilty of that as well. Don't take it so personal.


Not stupid shit like that.



Don't be so sure about that!


Oh but I'm totally sure, LDG.



LDG? Landing gear? Light-duty gasoline? Living dead girl???


LMAO over here, Little Dutch Girl. But you knew it meant that, didn't you?



Yeah, but I always saw myself more as heavy-duty diesel!๐Ÿ˜•





He claims to have me on ignore here which suggests to me that he can't handle me. Yet, he has touted that other site as " The Wild, Wild West " and "not for everyone." From what I've seen of the content there, it makes my occasional scrappy comments appear very benign in comparison. Could he be any more inconsistent ?


too much classical music on MovieMan's part


Maybe take off those pretentious shades, MovieMan.

I knew I could count on you to nail it down, Strat. He's given that otherwise cool emoji a really negative association on here.


I liked the movie Pollock with Ed Harris. He did exactly what you wrote.


Pollock was financed and popularized secretly by the CIA during the Cold War.

Without that, he would have been a nobody.


Well, that explains a lot!


Come on, froggy. You know that is bullshit.



I loved that movie, too. But, I don't think his "art" was brilliant.





Well okay then. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.



There's a fine line, but Mark Rothko probably deserves some derision and scorn here.


He sure does.


No, guess again, because you are wrong.



I don't want to sound rude but I don't think you know what you are talking about. Of course art is subjective and I know even some professional artists who don't like Pollock but to say he was trolling is just ignorant.

Theres great movement and rythm in his paintings and while it looks like something everyone could do I'll assure that it would be very hard to produce something that looks like his works. Theres a lot going on in his paintings and you can look at them closely and from a far and you'll always find new and interesting shapes and forms going on, a lot of them happened of course by accident but that is one of the great things in creating art.

Also one reason why Pollock is considered one of the greatest artist of his time is that he created and painted in a way that had never been done before. You cant do what he did anymore because you'd be just copying him. That is something that every artist hopes to do but very few succeed at.

Also pollock's, Mondrian's and Duchamp's work require a lot more from the viewer than more traditional art, like paintings from the old masters, I think you have to really be into art and know something about art history to truly appreciate their work. The more you look at different art and the more you go to galleries the more your taste develops.

When you really open up your eyes and start to look you can see the beauty in things that appear simple and mundane at first glance. Not everyone will be able to do that or want to do that and thats fine too.

But like I said before art is subjective and not everyone is going to like the same things, personally I find Duchamp's work really boring but I can appreciate what he was trying to do.


Very well said. A lot of artists like Dali, Pollock, Munch, Haeckel and all of the abstract and some expressionist artists are not understood by many, but their art is is museums all over the world.


If so many people "misunderstand" your art, you're doing something wrong.






Jeez, someone hit a nerve! You're an aspiring but unsuccessful "artist" yourself???


Yes they did. And no, I'm not an artist. I'm a retired Graphic Designer, and I earned a BFA at a major U.S. University.
And I studied LOTS of art history. LOTS. It was required.



Good for you, but what are you implying? That art is for the "elite" and can't be judged by the simple plebs? I've seen how Pollock and Appel created their "art" and I was not impressed. Appel pretty much admitted he was just messing around.


His knowledge of Van Gogh seems very elementary.


Well yeah, is there anyone who doesn't know that about him? What's he gonna tell me next, that Van Gogh liked sunflowers and cut off his own ear???


I'm implying nothing. I'm simply disagreeing with your negative opinion about Mondrian, Pollack and Duchamp. I'm defending three important artists who you disparaged.

You are the one who dragged Appel into the discussion. I have no real opinion about him, since I do not know much about his work. I would have to research that. And you say "Appel pretty much admitted he was just messing around." That is an odd and somewhat outrageous statement. Can you back that up with a reference?



You did not simply disagree. You told pretty much everybody in this thread they're ignorant or wrong. You were very condescending. You could've just said, "I disagree with you, I think Karel Appel is great!" But since you don't even have an opinion about him, I'm not sure why you responded. I didn't even say anything about Pollock or Duchamp in that post!

Here's the Dutch quote, for which he's pretty famous. I could translate it for you, but there's also a thing called Google Translate:

"Ik rotzooi maar een beetje an. Ik leg het er tegenwoordig flink dik op, ik smijt de verf er met kwasten en plamuurmessen en blote handen tegenaan, ik gooi d'r soms hele potten tegelijk op."



No, sweetie, that's just YOUR opinion and it's certainly possible to disagree in a more pleasant manner.

The Dutch Wikipedia does refer to this quote and mentions the source, but fine, because you're too lazy to look it up yourself:



Seems like a perfect description of yourself, MovieMan!

"He used to say: 'I just mess around'."

You don't trust the Rijksmuseum??? It was said in an interview in Vrij Nederland in 1955. Maybe this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn a second language!
