MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Hardest Retro Games You've Ever Play...

The Hardest Retro Games You've Ever Played.

Among mine:

Ninja Gaiden (NES). Infuriatingly impossible to complete. Constantly respawning enemies placed in insidious locations, and if you die in the final levels you're made to complete them again.

Super Mario Bros 2 (The Lost Levels). (NES). Like a bad fan hack of the oringinal SMB - cheap and difficult. Endless trial and error platforming that I could never bother to complete.

Punch Out (NES). Never had the patience to beat Super Macho Man and reach the final fighter Mr Dream (or Mike Tyson depending on which version).

Super Empire Strikes Back (SNES). Nah forget it...

Zombies Ate My Neighbours (SNES). 50 something levels and I always ran out of items towards the end.

Mega Man (NES). Being overly difficult and short is not a good thing. This game was lucky to receive a sequel and spawn an endless franchise.


Kind of a play on your name, eh?



Tank strategy.



I forgot to mention how much of a platforming nightmare the NES version was. I had only borrowed it off a friend for a week or two and was never able to overcome the early biker level. I can only imagine how much harder it would have been playing on a tiny monochrome screen!



Ugh yes! Hearing that Mario death music a couple of hundred times was something else.


Honorable mention is also Driver for the original PlayStation, solely for the distinction of the most nightmarish opening turtorial I've ever seen. Being forced to do a check list of elaborate car tricks in a crowded parking garage under a strict time limit before you can even begin having fun with the game...What a fucking joke that was. I felt sorry for all the kids who had money shelled out for the game and couldn't even pass the turtorial.



It was fun to finally get into after passing the tutorial by fluke.


Friday the 13th NES



I agree with every single game. I had so many issues. Several controllers got broken being tossed across the room.

I will add

Paper boy (NES)
Skate or Die (NES)
Maniac Mansion (NES) before the days where you could look up a walk through on the internet.


The last level of the original double dragon. That ass #*$ with the machine gun



Dragon's Lair
Space Ace



Never got to play Maniac Mansion but heard many horror stories. Not having the Internet also contributed to the difficulty of retro titles particularly RPG's like Zelda. Gaming back then required great skill and commitment.
