MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Award shows are a joke

Award shows are a joke

Who cares who wins? A bunch of fabulously wealthy people that's who. A bunch of fabulously wealthy people eager to pat one another on the back for mostly mediocre work that will be outdated and unendurable twenty years hence (if not much, much sooner). Why anyone would want to stomach this "circle jerk"? I'm really curious to know ...


Yet dimwits watch reality
programs, pro wrestling and American Ninja Warriors (what a travesty: Ninjas are Japanese, and they are assassins, not warriors; Samurai are warriors). They watch The Country Music Awards. Hell, they watch Cops, Unsolved Mysteries and Parolees and Pitbulls. People are fucking stupid, hence, award shows.






"Reality" shows are nothing of the sort; they're totally scripted. I will on occasion watch some shows like Pawn Stars when there are antiques and such. While the people bringing them in are likely setups, the items themselves exist and we get small back story on them.

Award shows? What a waste. Rich narcissists who dress up and preen in a self-congratulatory orgy and pretend they understand social issues from which they pontificate from their sheltered make believe worlds.

I'll pass. My favorite channel is AHC.


There are American everything: American ninja, american gladiator, american pizza, american chinese food (which is totally different from chinese chinese food), american english...


I dont believe that its real.


Getting back to the OP. I used to enjoy the Emmy awards and the Oscars many years ago. The winners usually had some classy things to say in their acceptance speeches.

But then it all became political. I remember Susan Sarandon and her husband/partner Tim Robbins using one award show for their political platform. It went downhill from there.

So many in the entertainment world feel the need to lecture the rest of the country about their political views which they feel are totally correct.

Just be entertainers and keep your political views to yourself! I gave up on watching any of those shows years ago. Just too much stress.

Anyway, the shows have multiplied in number. These people love to award each other and give each other praise. How all those egos manage to fit in ONE room, I'll never know.


I don't mind these people having political views. I do mind when they take the stage and filibuster. By doing so they draw more attention to themselves than to their causes. I was never a fan of Bush Junior but for Michael Moore to use his win to excoriate this dismal president made my stomach churn. There are much more elegant ways of expressing your views than how a blowhard like Moore did here. If anything, people interested in politics should watch these shows so that they can see how not to call attention to something. Sarandon and Robbins too come across as egomaniacs who care far more about drawing attention to themselves than to the causes they champion -- which makes them, in my book, far worse for these causes than the detractors of these causes ever could be.


They are political and won by campaigning in the industry. Most of the voters don't even watch most of the movies. This has been noted many times.

It's why women like Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence among mothers tolerated Harvey Weinstein and likely had relationships with him. Because he above others had the money and connections in the industry to win them Oscars and get them nominations.
