MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any suggestions for soul-crushing, extre...

Any suggestions for soul-crushing, extremely depressing movies?

Share some potent stuff.


Anything with Julia Roberts scars the soul and tortures the spirit.


Just saw this:)
I agree...except for Pretty Woman
Those boots man!!


You mean the boots worn for the Pretty Woman poster and VHS cover?


Those boots were worn by a body double.

Deception and morose disregard surround Ms. Roberts.


I think you just ruined the whole 'sexy boots' thing for me:(
Is ALL of this just an illusion as well!?!
Mind blown💥💥💥


The Messenger (2009)


La Numba

Billy Jack


Sometimes in April

Cried like a baby when I saw this.


Elba is great
Ill have to find it
It does sound pretty heartbreaking though


IMO so much better than Hotel Rwanda.
And Hotel Rwanda was very good.


Much appreciated!
Im a sucker for a tear jerker (one of my many faults:))


Movies like this always get me.
Such a waste of life. Sad thing is the people who lived will deal with this for the
rest of their lives. Especially the women.


Jeez!! Sounds really awful
I only know of the violence there from things ive read and i agree with you...'waste of life...' You say and youre correct my friend!
I would add talent, art, music, offspring, commerce and trade, culture...many other things really...all wasted.
Nice post and thank you
I will seek it out and view it...and probably weep for humanity as well


sounds interesting - Elba was great in Beasts of No Nation


Great emotional movie.
It's bad enough the world stood around and did nothing during this.
This film really helps you understand and feel some of the things that happened to these people.
At least for me it did.


So did you find some good ones, ice?



Strangest thing lol
He seems to have came and went 3 weeks ago...crazy how that happens:)
Seriously, i like traffic here (to keep the joint jumping)
But i get a bit annoyed by socks...maybe its just me


Mmm. Strange it is, yes, yes. Mmm.



Post you must
The power you have





I mean you saw all the replies, more than what i bargained for.


Well okay then.



Can't really start double dipping on all of them right away, that would be lowkey suicide mode, don't you think?





Jump in all guns blazing and boots firmly strapped buddy
Nobody (except for some exceptions lol) means any harm


He lives:)
Its the weekend of happy returns!!
Now if only dear old Hownos makes an appearance ill schlep to the city A quite contented fellow Monday AM


The Red Riding Trilogy

Holy Shit, talk about DARK! All three meet your description but the 2nd one was definitely the most heart wrenching, soul crushing of the series:

Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1980
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1983


Ive heard of this one but ive never seen it
A lunatic is on the loose in England/police investigation/based on true story right?
I gotta find this series somewhere
Thank you


Yes, based on a true story. What starts out as a hunt for a "lunatic on the loose" turns into a discovery of an insidious multi-generation pedo ring kept alive by massive corruption in the system from clergy to police.

Your heart just breaks for these kids and their tortured, hollowed out, and utterly destroyed lives.


Jeez...sounds horrible...i will view it eventually
I enjoy horror stories for some reason ( im quite pleasant and so is my life so i simply cant explain my interest in creepy awful stuff)
I will seek it out and thank you:)
Also, pleased to meet you eYe
See you around good sir/madam


Yes, and it was stuffed chock full of some of the most diabolical characters I've ever watched on film, so insufferably corrupted it's hard not to see them as "evil" even though I hate using that word as an overly simplified label to describe complex human beings.

I used to have a voracious appetite for shock viewing too, although I've found my tolerance for it has lessened as time goes by. Too much of the soul crushing variety can make it harder for me to maintain the wall of separation from the escapism of watching controlled fantasy and having those emotions bleed into real life. Especially with well acted films based on true stories.

You enjoy horror? Have you seen Martyrs (2008) ? That's one of the few horror movies movies I saw when it first came out that really stuck with me.


I appreciate your opinion regarding 'shock viewing' as you put it (btw never heard that term but i love it and im stealing it lol;)
And i have NOT seen Martyrs yet...i know, as a horror/thriller fanno i should be ashamed but its $14 on demand and i already pay these Cablevision assholes enough! $250 a month!?!?
Unreal...but i digress
I will continue to lurk a certain place or two until some kind person posts it
You are cool eYe
Im gonna keep an eye out for you;)


Yeah if you're a horror fan you HAVE to see Martyrs!

And make sure you see the original French version from 2008 instead of the hot garbage bastardized American remake from a few years ago.

$250 a month cable fee plus $14 on demand? DAMN you're getting ripped off. There are far cheaper options out there if you cut your cord and streamcast to your TV.


Oh yes i meant the French one
And Yup!! My cable provider is ripping me off...everything here in NY is too expensive:(
I need a second gig just to pay for it all


you were right - it is depressing


lol. Well, given the subject of this thread, wasn't that what you were mentally prepared for? In my opinion, good horror is supposed to be soul crushing.

Stuff like Jigsaw is popcorn horror as far as I'm concerned. It's entertaining and meant to appeal to broad audiences, but it's too mainstream and cookie cutter for me.

Martyrs was not just soul crushing, but it was philosophically profound in seeking the answer to life's ultimate existential question. That's why its one of the few horror flicks that I actually remember because its plot and message transcended cheap tricks and senseless gore.


Don't get me wrong - it was very well done. Great premise for a horror/psychological thriller.


I've found Martyrs on Shudder so I am just about to watch it. Thanks


This is the reason i made this post, to unearth obscurities like this. Did this receive a media release treatment, i am old school in the sense that i actually need to physically own my movies, i don't do the streaming/renting online routine.


22 bucks on Amazon
Only 6 left though!
I usually hold out for free/ streaming myself


Shogun master, can you provide a direct link please?


Sorry i cannot (i have zero skills as anyone will tell you)
Im usually on my phones my friend...
Google Amazon and it wont take you long to find what you seek


Thanks, i found it but... The damn shipping cost and import fee is killing me.


I'm glad you found it but where in the world are you shipping to that requires an import fee?

If you buy all your movies I'm surprised you don't have an Amazon Prime membership to cut down on the costs, but of course if you're shipping to a remote part of the world I imagine you're going to take a beating on shipping rates regardless if you're a Prime member.

In that case I would say that the decision not to stream is costing you a boatload of dough.


Yea dude, unfortunately i reside in middle of nowhere in Europe and anything that you import outside the EU comes with the respective fee. On a more positive note this trilogy received a media release in EU as well and the UK amazon has it so i will be pulling the trigger from there :

Also, seeing you mentioned the original Martyrs, which incidentally i thought it was frame by frame one of the most disturbing movies i have ever seen, i am curious if you have any other recs in up your sleeve to share with us because it certainly looks like that you have quite the taste in grim movies going.


Well if you're into disturbing movies I assume you've seen one of the all time classics in Pasolini's Salo (1975) right? Probably the mother of all disturbing movies with images that are impossible to un-forget. Banned in many countries when first released.

Along the same lines there's also Men Behind the Sun (1988). It's movies like this that don't cater to Hollywood or mainstream audiences that are the most brutal and shocking.

For pure shock gore I'd have to point to the cannibal exploitation flick Cannibal Ferox (1981, It.) as earning its place as one of the most graphically violent films ever (so long as you get the unredacted version that's not heavily edited and cut) and includes numerous scenes of real animal cruelty. That includes ripping the head off a live parrot and eating its innards, a live turtle having its parts amputated before being torn open. Also a live piglet that is disemboweled on camera.

The cannibal exploitation flicks do a lot of de-skinning live animals to expose their innards before devouring them, so towards the end of the movies when they start showing them doing it to humans even though you know it's fake the fact that you've just watched them do it with with real live animals makes the identical process they go through with fake human corpses all the more unsettling and leaves you feeling really queasy.

Probably the most disturbing stuff I've ever been exposed to are fetish crush videos, absolutely disgusting! It's definitely not for everyone and I believe they're illegal in some places, but that's when I really started to draw the line and stopped seeking out the extremes of the visually repugnant. There's one scene that I can't remember the movie title off hand where an old turtle is crushed to death. Ugh, that was really awful to watch.

If you're into disturbing horror you've probably seen The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009) and its sequels. These aren't so much scary as disgusting in the depths of human depravity.


A couple others I just thought of:

Gummo (1997) Revolting white trash at its absolute worst.

Children Underground (2001) The most depressing movies are ones based on real life and this documentary on Romanian street kids addicted to huffing paint is 100% real and haunting in its misery.


Salo - watched
Men behind the Sun - watched
Cannibal Ferox - own, haven't watched yet
The Human Centipede - watched, felt like borderline comedy unfortunately, the 2nd one was much better tho
Fetish Crush videos - pass
Gummo - own, haven't watched yet
Children Underground - stumbled upon this one long time ago, but now that you brought it to my attention again i will be seeking to acquire it.

Also let me direct you towards a director named Marian Dora, he has an extensive disturbing filmography going on, i would suggest starting with Cannibal (2006) which is a dramatic re-enactment of a real life cannibalism incident that happened in Germany (Armin Meiwes)


Thanks! I'll check it out.

And I agree, the first Human Centipede felt a bit cheesy but the sequels got better.


Adored these! Love , love David Morissey


These are wonderfully done! And David Morrisey , oh yeah!!




"Katy Perry: Part of Me"


Repulsion - Polanski
The Seventh Continent - Haneke
On The Beach
Come and See
