

Nor do i...but we...go traditionally here.



The truth is out there doo-doo-dee-doo....dum....[clash]...woo-ee-oo-woo-ee-oo....


It's very rich, so a small glass is more than enough. What Eddie was drinking looked more like milk between the color and consistency. Good egg nog has the color of French Vanilla ice cream and is thick like light cream from the carton.

It might be an acquired taste, but I've always enjoyed good egg nog. Here in the Northeast part of the U.S., it's common from Thanksgiving through Christmas, but there are many recipes and they all taste different, some quite bad actually, so don't judge the form by one example. Around here, Hood makes a decent safe egg nog. I've never made it at home. I doubt many people make it at home as it's a dairy product and is more convenient to purchase pre-made.

FWIW, I've never had Plum Pudding and that fascinates me every time I see one of the many Christmas Carol versions. They sell them by mail but I don't want to try one if it doesn't do Plum Pudding any justice.


The Southern Comfort one is pretty good. It's non-alcoholic and sold in some supermarkets.


Yep that is a good one.


Ironic, since SoCo itself is pretty craptastic.



fruit cake was forced on me also as a kid - never again.


Isn't it basically the same as caudle? I thought our Dutch version tasted pretty similar to egg nog.

In Holland we have Advocaat, which is another alcoholic beverage made of eggs, only we drink/eat it with Easter instead of Christmas. I understand you Brits use it to make Snowballs?


Its gross
Do not try


We buy it by the carton and use with rum. So I have never made home made egg nog. Reminds me of last xmas when my bf and I were snowed in with a snow storm had egg nog and watched Nutcracker on television. Was a fun night.


Used to drink something similar called a Tom and Jerry.
I really have no idea what was in it other than rum and brandy.
It was served hot and topped with nutmeg.


Egg nog is vile - you are not missing much Dazed.


Liver is vile.

Everything else is a matter of choice. There are some vile egg nogs in the market so one shouldn't judge it on one sample. If Hood brand is available, it's decent even if it's isn't great. If someone thinks Hood is vile then they most likely won't ever like it.
