MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is there still no way to manage your IGN...

Is there still no way to manage your IGNORE list here ?

Is there still no way to manage your IGNORE list here ?


I don't have an...ignore list...


You can put people on ignore on moviechat, but that is it as far as I know. You never hear or see from them again, or even know how many there are on your ignore list ... you are right ... it is not even a list ... well, somewhere it is a list ... but who knows? I was hoping they would put some kind of a page where it shows who is on your ignore list and gives one the option of unignoring them or checking out a last post or something?


You can now edit your ignore list in your profile page.


Thank, I figured it would come one day.


That's cool they finally added that feature. I wondered when they would. It seems like this site hasn't been being updated as much as it used to, the pace of development has really slowed down. Glad to see they are still updating things.


You never hear or see from them again...

Yeah...that is what the ignore feature is for.

As for it not being have always been able to check who is on the list and unignore if you wanted.


That is not true, the first time I ignored someone I went looking for it and there was no way to manage the list. It has been added since.



Not everyone knew that it was added though.



It's only been added somewhat recently, no doubt after you joined. I remember when the ignore feature arrived, and it was months afterwards before we've been able to see and manage our ignore lists. Before that, once you added someone to it, there was no way to see who you'd ignored, nor did we have the ability to unignore them.



I don't have anybody on ignore.

I was under the impression that you could un-ignore them now.
There is an ignore list under my profile.


Whenever I see a particularly mean or offensive, and I mean
something that makes me pretty certain that that person is
not here to discuss movies, but just to be mean to people and
spread anger, I put them on ignore. There is a troll on this
very page that predicted I would put him on my ignore list,
and then went stalking me and bothering me on other boards
enough so that I felt it necessary to put him on ignore. People
like that are just toxic to everyone else.


Why are you ignoring posters...
Serious question (not picking a fight)


Some people here are really jerks.
They troll and insult and so when I sure there is
a person where they is just nothing they have to
say is interesting, why see their posts or waste time
reading or responding to them. I cannot remember
their names, so I just put them on ignore.


I get it
There are dickheads here
Reasonable response
Thank you very much brux


I just added a guy now.
Handle was LibHater, and trademark appears to make
insulting and offensive posts about Liberals. There are
just things I see that I think the world would be a better
place without. People who use "snowflake", "libtard",
"butthurt" ... there is a whole list of stuff I find unacceptable.
Once someone signs on to say certain things they are
closed minded and have nothing to say I would want to
hear. I don't always agree with Liberals, and some go
off the deep end, but that kind of organized hate and
intimidation is unacceptable, whether it comes from Russia
or is home grown here.


I use offensive language too so ill probably be on your naughty list soon...
But nice to meet you and no hard feelings brux!


Fuck does not have to be offensive, or whatever.
I don't think piss off is nice, but it depends on the
usages. I put people on my ignore list for being
antisocial miscreants or too stupid to want to write
to or read from.


Copy that!!


Seriously??? You're the one who called croft_alice "a B"...


Youll be put on ignore like i was:..(


Oh noes!!!


Ha! Yup
Brux means business...dont get on his bad side or youll get beat up like i did:/


Mmm, sounds exciting.


Exciting...are you nuts!?!
I got a shiner!!


And I've got to say, it looks really good on you!


I get beat up a lot...


That doesn't surprise all...


Regular punching bag...
I think you took a few shots at me you bully woman!!


Only because you hesitated when I asked you if those pants made my butt look big!


Hmm...not sure that was me...YOU are a floozy!
I can appreciate a decent floozy...


Okay, then I'll ask you now, do these pants make my butt look big???


Your butt makes your butt look big...leave the pants out of it


Ah, so I should just take off my pants? Thanks for your advice!


I don't have one, but I would say email Jim.



I just ignore everyone...
Mostly just talk to myself
Im ... Amusing enough i guess
