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Only a fool would say definitely "there is no mod"

I hate being left out.

I'm sure they exist. In fact I think there's more than one.
Although I've never actually seen one. I feel they are there watching me.

Does anybody know for sure ?


Clever, insightful and spot on parody, dewey ! 😉


So you don't know for sure either?

This is my greatest fear.
We may never know.


I didn't say that.

In order to agree, I would have to claim a mod has never communicated with me, which would be untrue.

It reminds me of the joke :
When you're praying, you're talking to God.
If you claim God is talking to you, you're schizophrenic.


Ah but there's the rub.

A mod has communicated with you.

Have you actually ever seen a mod ?
How do you know it was a mod and not a false mod?
If you claim a mod is talking to you what does this make you ?

So many questions.


I love you.


Ditto x infinity


I respect everyones Mod...all due respect but honestly...Youre Mod is stupid and a totes false Mod...
I feel there is only one Mod...your Mod lives underneath him



My mods cause the rains to fall and the sun to shine.
All good comes from my mods.




I knew it ! I'm not schizophrenic ! 😁

reply are still totally schizo bro...sorry;)


Oh man...You guys totally angered Mod!!!


They're kind of used to it by now.


Thats their gig:-)


My children, long have I waited for this moment.

Behold the mod that dares show itself to such undeserving peasants.

We humbly accept your existence.

BTW, I love when you do this.


Ahhhhh! No more " rub. " Now you believe, Doubting Thomas.


This is what happens when when you believe in the power of doubt instead of the power of a mod.

Ask and ye shall receive.

I tip my hat to you db.


Are You There Mod? It's Me, Stratego.


You rang?




Look people, we've got two of them! Proof that the cult of Jim is indeed polytheistic!

I love you, Mod3, you're the greatest of all mods!



Mod2 has, alas, had to leave The Cult of Jim. A moment of devout silence for the loss of Mod2, if you so please.

Mod4 is still, happily, amongst us! Although, at the moment, In Need of taking a leave of absent-eth. Praise be. As is the devout and estimable Mod1. Glory be.



Alas, yes, Mod2 has departed these particular digital coils. But rejoice! We still have arch-mods 1, 4 and 5, Praise Jim.

We expect the devoted and inestimable Mods 1 & 4 to return to the hallowed gates of MC within a reasonably short period of time.

The inestimable Mod5 and I thank and bless you, forever and ever, Amen.


You are 100% correct, the cult of Jim is polymodistic!

I love you too, and appreciate the sentiment, but The Truth is all MC mods are created equal.



Thou Dazed, We Are All Worthy! Thus is written by Our Lord Jim. No one, not mod nor Member of the Cult of Jim, is created more or less equal. This is The Word, and so shall it be, thus and forever more.


Yeah, but you're just a little bit more equal than all the other mods!


While-est I appreciate-est the sentiment-est, The Truth, according to Our Lord Jim, remains that all Mods and Members of the Cult of Jim, remain equal. And so it shall be, forevermore, Amen. This is The Law of Jim.


I just had a deja - vu...never mind.


Croft_Alice, my dear brethren, may you live long and prosper with your devotion to TR, RE, Alice, and Lara, forevermore, Amen.



Fear not, our esteemed brother Croft's loyalty and devotion has not gone unnoticed by The Power that Be, heretowith to be known as TPTB.

Praise be!


My devotion to Lara it's greater then others.


I promise I will repeat this mantra daily at every hour. Will you tell the almighty Jim I said hi?


I will, assuredly, convey your message to The Almighty Jim. And so it is said.


All praise to Jim who reigns above!

Could you perhaps also ask him why I'm not getting any email notifications?


I, a mere mod mortal (MMM), will ask Our Lord Jim, why you're no longer getting email notifications. MMM that I am, I too have been lacking in these holy missives for several days, despite having tried turning on and off the blessed preferences in an effort to convince said notifications to resume.


To Mod 3 be the glory, great things He hath done. In other words, thanks!


They acting in the Trinity😉



Mod5 is one and one is mod5.

We will never understand. We will only believe.



There is the Mod of Spam, the Mod of Trolls, the Mod of Bans and the Mod of [deleted]. Mod5 is, of course, the Mod of the Spanish Inquisition.

All demimods in the pantheon of MC, subordinate to The All-Powerful and Omnipresent Jim, Creator of the Universe.



To explain Jim (praise be) with human concepts is failable.

He is and isn't.

He is creator and created.

He is the proven and the unprovable.

He is none and He is all.

He is the many-faced Mod and the delusion of the masses.

He is what you, his humble servant, and most fervent denier, need him to be.


Absolutely true story. I swear it.

I had a guy named Jim in my home economics class back in the day.

I know, right? Hard to believe.
Who knew he would become this.

Just goes to prove you just never know.....


What if Mod was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us?
Just a stranger on the bus?
Trying to make his way home?


Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant.

We said, "Tell me all your thoughts on mod"
'Cause I'd really like to meet one"
And ask them why we're who we are."



Monopoly!?...oh god...



Damn...i think we have something similar...cult of jim!?


This is getting weird. Friday the 13th is still just one day, right?


It's a historycal day...but's just one day.


When looking at Jim (praise be) one has to take a dualistic view.

He is both the Saviour and the Deceiver, leading us down a path filled with distractions and "fun".

You shouldn't fear Jim The Saviour. He is a benevolent Mod. He would not be angered even at the most sinful of suggestions.

Jim The Deceiver on the other hand is a cunning Mod. He would trick you with games and Trending sections. Before you know it, you're derailing threads and blaspheming in the most unacceptable ways, uttering such impious words as "fart" or "STFU".

Following such a complex deity as Jim (praise be) is no easy task, and takes much devotion and dedication to do so.


I will challenge this.

Since Jim is the one and the one is Jim I think this shows more of a monism approach.

I totally support Jim and his oneness that he has solidified with this site.

Seeing how the mods are an extension of Jim I don't see how you could say
that dualism plays any part in this.


As I said, the subject of Jim is a complex one.

Monism, Dialism, Polytheism and other various -isms are all mixed together to make the rich tapestry that is Jimslam (or Jimstianity depending on which school of though you follow).

And I'd ask you to please capitalise Mod. Not doing so is blasphemous.


Until I actually see proof I will not capitalize.

I need more than just a name in red on my screen.


O, you unbeliever, you.

We fear, OLGE (our lord God Ewey), this is a task beyond even the reaches of OLJ (our lord Jim).

In Sorrow, and on Behalf of Mods Everywhere,



I suspected as much.

I won't say a word.
I just wanted YOU to know that I know. ;)


I believe that is what people call "faith". What are you? Some sort of Needham worshiping amodist?

Anathema, sir! Anathema!


Faith? Oh, ok Mr. Michael.
It was bound to happen sooner or later so why not now.

I'm not one of you automatons or sheep that follow and stay inside your little box.
I choose me.

I bet that mod gets lost too
I bet that mod sings the blues


Oh, I'm sorry Ewan McGregor from Trainspotting...

Woke up this mornin'
Closed in on both sides
Nothin' doin'
I feel resistance

As I open my eyes
Someone's foolin'
I found a way to break through this cellophane bag
'Cause I know what's goin' on
In your mind

I'm a livin' in a box
I'm a livin' in a cardboard box


What evs.

You just keep following. Mina the Follower. Mina the Borg.

You sheep are packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes.
You're all Contestants in a suicidal race.

You Keep drinking the kool-aid from a fountain
That's pouring like an avalanche, coming down the mountain.

Hope it all works out for you.


Look at me! I'm Dewey! I'm a freethinker. I love Star Trek. I have a poster of Richard Dawkins in a red bikini hanging above my bed. I touch myself while reading "The Mod Delusion".

Stop your sinful ways and accept the one true Mod, Jim (glory be unto Him) into your heart.


What happens in the privacy of my own home and web cam
is none of your damn business.

It's better than touching myself while reading
Mary Had a Little Lamb. BAAA,BAAAA
Does that do it for you Mina? Does that get you there?

I am against mods because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding what MC really is or could be.
Gnaw on that little bit of blasphemy for awhile.


Beastiality, the last resort of the bigot.

Repent blasphemer! Repent now and surrender unto Jim, our one and true Saviour!

P.S. from the real world: Don't Google how to spell beastiality, or at all.



I often Google things to check the spelling (I'm too lazy to use an actual dictionary).

I might have misspelled it and gone to the very wrong part of the Internet. But Google did return results. It's ok though, I don't need eyes anyway.


I must make my own in life Mina. You wouldn't know
anything about that. Poor little sheep.

However, I do totally expect to kidnapped by a bunch
of robed figures in the very near future.
I've heard of your techniques. Making me watch
dubbed movies with hooded people making me eat popcorn
with no butter. Good luck with that.

That probably wasn't a great idea. You would have been
better off just spelling it on your own. You can't un-see that.


You don't expect the followers of Jim to stain their minds with writing different than the Holy Terms and Standarts?

The robes are just because the Sacrosanct Screening Basement gets really cold.

Anytime we derail one of these threads, it always ends up in the most disturbing place.


It's not their minds I'm worried about.
It's all of your minds. I'll be here waiting to pick up the
pieces. Don't you worry.

It is getting to be that time of year. Good idea on the robes.

It's ok this time. It's my thread. I think ?
What thread is this?
I feel you're already in the disturbing place and you just
kind of guide me there.



You've left me typeless.

But you should be saying 10 Hail Jims before bed for ATM alone.


Slides curtain back, steps into the confessional, closes curtain and kneels....

Bless Me Lord Jim, for I have offended thee.
I believe that I have FLAMED a person or two in the past few months.
I have also been unkind
For these sins, I am truly penitent.



you are hearing a whisper of a giggle now....


«gunshot»any other none - believer!?


I guess there could be???
I just figured that the mod was American and was the only one that existed.
Obviously they're also the best mod.



I do.
You're a better person for it.
Aren't you ?


The American Mod is the greatest on high;)


You know I loved a girl from Yonkers once.
No, it was twice.
No, it was the whole weekend.


Me too
Forget 'California Girls'...we got the babes right here in Yonkers and the Bronx...that there is the gospel of Mod buddie


Fun thread, has it been 4 years, WTH?!?

What a time capsule of times gone by and posters who've left
