MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who are you from The Breakfast Club?

Who are you from The Breakfast Club?

If you had to pick one of the breakfast club that you were most like who would it be?

Molly Ringwald (Claire) Prep
Emilio Estevez (Andrew) Jock
Judd Nelson (John) Badass
Ally Sheedy (Allison) Weirdo
Anthony Michael Hall (Brian) Nerd

Include the principle or janitor if you like.
Or John Hughes and reclusive.

Allison for me.


Terrific movie and a great post!!!
Unfortunately i wasnt any of them...but i hope it takes off cuz its got legs
Cheers Daisy🍻


I think I would actually be a mix of John and Allison.. if that combo is possible. haah


They say anythings possible!!!


Never saw it...but i think...i'm going with Allison,i'm a weirdo,too...girls power,baby!


Its pretty great
Kind of a classic imo
Hope you can find it over there buddie


Sorry,mate...i didn't understood...find what?


I meant i hope you can find the movie... Its really American High School classic about decent kids that got not sure if you guys got detention in know...if you screwed up or cheated on your tests or got punished by having to sit in a room and NO TALKING...pretty standard teenage punishment back then...
Molly Ringwold is reason enough to seek it out...shes one of our cutest girl stars from the 80's ever...
look for this movie dude!


I'm not from Bulgaria,mate...but,maybe i'll see it😉and also i finished school since 2006.


2006 ... Good luck young buck!!
Cool dude
See it if you can find it wherever you are...not my beeswax
Its a great movie


Remember her talent? Haha


She was soooo cute when i was a crush on her!!
Now its Rosaio Dawson for me...but i should google Molly and see how shes looking ( my bet is yum lol!)


She was on a teen drama for awhile "Secret Life of the American Teenager", so was Josie Bissett. I think I had a woman crush on Josie Bissett in the 90s haha. I didn't watch the show but caught a couple episodes. Molly looked good though, not sure what she's doing now. Guess that's why we have google. ;)


Molly was starring in Riverdale just recently, not sure if she's in the upcoming season. It took me a while to figure out it was her considering The Breakfast Club is one of my favourites. She looks great though, especially for 49!!


Nice. Its cool that she always continually was working and doing tv and stuff but that she still kind of seems like a "where are they now?" type of character. She's lucky.


Just googled..YUMMY!!
She looks finer than lots of young 'uns...
Total mature babe
Me likie...


None of the above


I was a mix of three of them, Claire the prissy prep, Allison the weirdo, and Brian the nerd. So I was a weird, prissy misfit nerd, lol.


actually yeah, I could probably ad in Brian to my mix too, although I tried not to let it show back then. Clearly today that is not the case :)


Allison all the way but i would never let the princess wash the black shit off my eyes.
I hate that ending, everyone else can get accepted for who they are but Allison has to change in order to be accepted. That scene ruined the whole movie.
I think Allison should have given Claire the makeover and put black shit ON her eyes.


Good response for sure. I hope you understood I meant weirdo in a good way, clearly you did. You are right though, that make over was totally wrong. Bad message. I can't believe I never thought of that in that way before, even though I would relate most to her.


I was in college when that movie came out and all the coolest people looked like Allison. Boys and girls shared eyeliner!
There was no reason to make her over. I saw it in a theater when it came out and i was so mad at the ending. What kind of message is that sending. If you want a jock boyfriend you have to be a barbie doll? Screw that. Alison could do better than a jock bully, she just needed to wait til college and find a cool weirdo art student boyfriend!


Popcorn. You got me buy a couple years​ . I would lean Allison was a Cure fan and also like some punk? She would also listen to the smiths.


You know, I get removing the black shit because she was basically hiding behind it, but the whole make over was nonsense. And why the hell does Emilio only make his move afterwards and why are they immediately a couple? Bullshit.


I need a sequel where she plays The Cure for him and puts eyeliner on him.


And some bright red lipstick, of course! Give him a Robert Smith make over!


I suspect he might have enjoyed that:)))


I'm probably a mix of John, Allison and Brian.

Coincidentally, i have Pop Vinyl figures of those three. Still need to collect the others.


I'm so the principal!


A great movie, and a great question, Daisy!

Oddly enough, I was a cross between Brian (nerd) and Andrew (Jock). Early in my high school "career", I was a nerd, but I got my fecal matter aggregated in my Sophomore year, and played football as a defensive tackle. I was awesome, and our team was awesome!

Just kidding, we were actually pretty bad. After that I was closer to Andrew rather than Brian. We all change.


"I Am the FBI."


Yeah, well I guess you just grew up and changed like you said. But you lived a little bit of both worlds. :) They used to always portray jocks as a**holes on most old teen movies, I'm glad they didn't do that with Andrew as I'm sure you were not...


Thanks, Daisy. Yes I did, and not all jocks are a holes. Some of us are nice. It's funny, where I used to work there were two other guys who played football in high school. I dubbed us the OFGs (Old Football Guys). Unfortunately one died, so now there are only two OFGs left. We have lunch periodically and talk about old times.

Interestingly enough I got my athletic talent from my Mom, and my brains from my Dad. Mom played tennis and golf, and bowled. She once bowled a 702 series (that's for three games), an achievement I never got near. My Dad had a 4.0 grade average in college. I could only manage a 3.2. Not bragging, just reminiscing.


"I Am the FBI."
