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Do you cinema hop?

Like before you go into your cinema, you might go into another and get a glimpse of whats happening?


I don't do it a lot, but when I saw The Dark Tower last week, after it was over then I did sneak into the last half of Dunkirk on the Imax.

I used to do it quite a lot maybe 20 years ago, I would look at the times and actually plan out which movie to pay for and which to sneak into. I'd go to a matinee when there are fewer employees working and most showings are pretty empty, so there was always a good seat left. Pay the lowest ticket price and get a double feature..


Yeah I've paid for a cheaper movie and seen a different one. I don't really finish seeing a movie and feel like sitting through an entire other movie like I did as a kid.


Ok, how does that work? In the big Multiplexes here you enter through one door and exit through another. For me to snick into anything, I would have to leave the first movie before it ends /which is ok if it's not that good/.

The smaller cinemas /that I go to anyway/, though having just one entrance/exit, have just the one screen, so that eliminates any possibility of sneaking into another screening.

I just don't understand the logistics of it lol.


Most of the big plexes here, you buy your ticket and are directed to which theatre the show is playing in, which could be any of a number of them. All you have to do is walk into a different theatre and take a peek.

I've done it before if the film I went there to see hasn't yet started, and there's one in a theatre nearby I'm curious about. I've never watched the whole thing, just stood in the back for a few minutes to get an idea of it. Sort of like watching a trailer, but without any editing and overblown music.


Aah, well, they do the same thing here. But I've never had the guts to walk into another screening before mine. I've thought about it though lol.


They don't seem to care around here, or there'd be someone in the areas near the individual theatres to guide people in.

I wouldn't watch more than a few minutes of another film, and watching the whole thing would be double-dipping!


The theater I go to the most often has 12 screens, all the theater doors are off the same hallway. You can leave through the same doors you entered through, the hallway is also where the restrooms are so it's normal to see people coming and going from theaters even during the movie. If I see employees in that hallway I just go to bathroom to wait for them to go into a theater to clean it. But like I said, during the weekday matinees I know they are on a skeleton crew because there's just not as many customers. They have like one ticket seller, one concessions person, and one usher.
When I was working in theaters in the 80s, on slow weekdays we'd even close the main box office and sell the tickets directly from the candy counter so that we could have one less employee during weekday matinees. There's not enough people to watch all the theater doors and check tickets at the doors. They only do that on busy weekends and evenings.


Ah, I see. Thanks for all the info :).

The usher usually comes in a little before the film is over. But I suppose noone's going to stop you if you say you need to use the toilet and then just walk into another screening. The only problem is if you take someone's seet, since they are assigned. Breaking the law sure is complicated!

I just thought of something related though. It's clear I never snuk into a screening, but me and a friend used to forge our student IDs to make ourselves younger, so we'd get discount tickets. And I used my University booklet /a thing with all your marks and information/ way after I was done studying to get the discounts as well. So, I did cheat with going to the cinema, but in other ways lol.


The theater is never full on weekday matinees.
You don't leave the movie you paid for before it's over. You watch the one you paid for and then go into another one after it's over.(or, before your movie starts, but then you have to watch the time so you don't miss your own movie.)
And since you are walking into a theater that has a movie already in progress, all the paid for seats have people in them. The empty seats are not paid for. It's really not that complicated.



my son and his friends used to do this when they opened up a new Cineplex in our neighborhood - be there all day hyped up on junk food.


I have never done that. I guess I was a good girl.
I do remember, the Land of Long Ago, the early 60's, before the multiplexes. We use to go in and watch a double feature. They would play the same double feature then again, so we would sit through the same two movies again.
Now days, I can barely keep awake for one movie. It's something about sitting in the dark... I fall asleep. It certainly can't have anything to do with age!


One time, went to see Return of the Jedi Special Edition, then Dante's Peak, then Donnie Brasco.

Oh and not the same thing, but when my buddy and I went to see Ultraviolet, we didn't want to contribute money to it because we knew it was bad, so we paid for Munich instead.


You wouldn't download a car...

Cinema hopping is a crime.


and so is watching bootleg movies/tv shows


And charging overpriced popcorn should also be crime.


Watching a bootleg movie/t.v. show, not so much.

Downloading and selling that said movie/tv show, yes.

I mean the movie is open to the public like in theaters. The only difference is you pay for it. It cannot be a crime if it is a choice to watch it and you come up on it because the production company did not bother to secure it.




It's a victimless crime.


I certainly would download a car!


I know right?
That commercial always makes me laugh.




It is not worth it for me to do because I would need to see pretty much the whole movie. There really is no point in watching a movie when it is half over. Now, if there was a way to complete the movie I had watched and then sneak into one, where I could see the entire movie, yes. It definitely would be worth it!
