

Melissa McCarthy. I'm not a fan of broad physical humor in the first place, and she seems to be getting treated like she's uber-hot and popping up everywhere. I did like her Sean Spicer, but I couldn't recognize her and that's old news now anyway.
Best of luck to her, but I usually groan when I see her, and am not inclined to watch her movies.


Tom Cruise, I just don't get why everyone loves him.


I don't get Tom Cruise either, and that's aside from the weird Scientology thing.


He plays same character in every movie.


He does. The only exception, and not coincidentally why I liked it, was his role in Collateral. He played a chillingly convincing villain.


Will Ferrell, but it's not irrational: the man is patently unfunny, uncharming, untalented, and utterly ruins everything he's in.


Mark Wahlberg. I was especially annoyed to hear that he was the highest paid actor last year.


Actor Ron Silver used to annoy me for some reason. He's the only one I can think of.

As of lately Johnny Depp is starting to annoy me as well (and I used to like him). He just seems to get more and more arrogant and divorced from reality as he grows older.


Oh, yes, for Johnny Depp. He was a good actor, but now resembles a parody almost. What a shame.


Very true,Apis.


Please define "irrational dislike".

PS Mark "potato head" Ruffalo.


"Fruitcake anyone?"



Just messin' with you, dazed.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


I try not to hate anyone for no reason. And sure I have not met any of these actors so I guess you can call it irrational.

Emma Watson (can't act, deserves zero of the things she has in life)
Kristen Stewart (got famous due to connections, can't act, also unfair she is famous)
Tom Cruise (he is insane)
Mel Gibson (well duh, all his crazy rants)
All Jersey Shore people (disgusting people/bad lifestyle promotion/irresponsible)
Instagram 'models' (objectify women/reward them only for appearance)
Rappers (music is pointless/slurring words/bad lifestyle promotion)
Laura Harrier (she is ok, but when she acts seems like she suffers from a low grade narcolepsy, just wanna grab her and shake her and say "WAKE UP!!!")
Leo Dicap (tires too hard to look like a 'man' since he was a 'pretty boy' now he just looks like shizz lol)
Megan Fox (too much surgery and needs to eat food)
Will Shatner (messed with Leonard Nimoy, and is just a general azz)
And actors that just can't act/ruin movies in general


I'm releaved to see that MJ is not in anybody's list.



Loved your list, agree about Emma Watson, also thought she was poor choice for Belle.


Miles Teller.

Just his smug fucking face puts my teeth on edge.
