MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Erin Moran dead at 56

Erin Moran dead at 56

another child star who didn't make it


Probably drugs. Sad. RIP.



Yup. Or suicide. Very sad.


Yes. Another depressing possibility.



She was always mentally unstable. Well, according to reports anyway. And she did seem quite off in some of her interviews.





She died from stage 4 throat cancer. Someone that knew her said this yesterday on Facebook, but today it was confirmed.

I'm curious how she got from Hollywood to living in a house trailer in Indiana with her mother-in-law and her husband. I read somewhere that at one time she was angry that she was the breadwinner and her husband only had a job at WalMart, but that must not be the truth if she was living in her mother-in-laws trailer.


I just heard that. I guess I owe her and her family an apology for thinking the worst, but that's the case so often.



You know, I was thinking the exact same thing. Shame on us. But in all fairness, the things we based our speculations on were the public things we knew of her. She really must have kept a tight lid on her ailment. Usually The Enquire is the first to know about celebrity illnesses. But not a peep from them, as far as I know. Very strange. They're usually all over that kind of thing. But anyway, very very tragic. Poor Erin 😢😢😢😢


Yes. RIP.



Yes, I feel ashamed now too for jumping to conclusions. We've all been assuming the worst and calling it a "lesson" to not go down that path, etc -- now we learn she died of cancer.

Just goes to show, we shouldn't assume anything, even when it looks like something. Wait for the real information.


Exactly. Which is why the assessment of her life not being up to the standard she was seeking is apt. Any time her name was mentioned in the media it was to clue us in that Erin had not achieved everything that she desired. Had she come out years ago letting everybody know that she was happy as an everyday sort of person nobody would be making the conclusions that they are currently making. Further, these "everyday joe" celebs are out there and they and their friends can be readily accessed by the media to know that it is true these people are happy without star type money and publicity. We should endeavor to be accurate in describing how Erin came to pass as it affects the narrative but that detail has little bearing on Erin's life up to that point.


It's a shame but she was a hot mess and weird , apparently.


I agree. Very sad and i heard about her problems. I heard for a while that she was broke and a substance abuser.

Joanne may you find peace.


rest in peace , Erin - thoroughly enjoyed you in Happy Days
