MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > IMDb moderation was perfect.




you are only here because you liked imdb boards so much



IMDb boards worked. This place is similar at the moment.



It worked much better than what happens when humans moderate.


I had that red warning ALL THE TIME.


Is that how it worked? I was kind of confused when I kept hearing people say there was no moderation but I could clearly remember seeing "Post Deleted by Administrator" multiple times.

That IS a crappy system.


No it didn't work like that. It required you to be reported by users with very different ips and a certain no of users to get your post deleted. And you could just re-post it later on if you felt you were unfairly reported.

If someone tried to abuse it, their usernames got banned or suspended automatically.


Ah. Still seems flawed, though. Was that the only way you could get posts removed? If only one person reported something was that effectively useless?


Old posts were rarely deleted


He must be joking, or, enjoyed trolling IMDB. No one else would think IMDB's so-called moderating was perfect, or even vaguely adequate.

The lack of any kind of sensible moderating there is what lead it to become the joke of the internet it eventually became, due to it devolving into a virtual cesspool for most of the boards there.


Hey Cat ! Ignore AngryMan53. If he or she dosen't like a movie, tv show, or your reply he calls it racist.


I don't like the idea of what I say being censored do you?

I see no need for moderation. There is no need for it. I believe in free speech and tolerance of other people's words and opinions.


Yes, and use block/ignore if you don't like the other person. Unfortunately Jim is thinking of making some moderators, and i am seeing some eager people vying for the mod position so that they can abuse it


So I've noticed. I'd hate to see a troll at the helm.


Troll admin of imdb2 lol see how things are going there lol



He is trolling you Dazed.

But a fine point this thread brings up. Many who liked IMDB liked the way it was ran (Bar a few things like abuse of the report button). Why change it too much by adding power hungry people into the mix?


" He is trolling you Dazed."

Actually i am not

" But a fine point this thread brings up. Many who liked IMDB liked the way it was ran (Bar a few things like abuse of the report button). Why change it too much by adding power hungry people into the mix? "

Yes this is what i meant


It's odd that so many people are against the concept of no moderation whilst the problems of this place being trolled are minuscule at best.

I'm not against setting up some sort of community approved moderation but we don't even have rules to post by yet - how can someone moderate the wild West before law was even a thing?


The beauty of IMDb boards was the freedom you had. It was beautiful.

If you want to see how moderation can destroy a good thing, just look at that shitty imdb2 proboard


I've no need to go to IMDB2. The place was destined to fail before it begun and only idiots and trolls looking to exploit them would bother with that place.

I'll have the à la carte menu thanks.


Yep. I want decent intelligent people like you to deal with the likes of trolls who aspire to become moderators here. They are so earnest and genuinely concerned for the community. lol.


I'll never be a moderator here. I've no time for people's sore boo-boo's needing to be rubbed because they thought they could brave the ocean that is discussing art with strangers from all over the world.

I will though challenge those who think they can do such a task well. Those who come out the other side with integrity withstanding and the real salt of the Earth and people who would gain your respect just from saying what was in their heads.


No i just want to you keep fighting these vultures who are trying so hard to enforce their rules here.

One of them already implied he/she would ban me if given chance, and i have broken no rules here.


Jim, the owner here, is apparently a lawyer.

It is clear that he loves movies and the discussion of them. He has purported to say he believes in free speech.

Add these things together and we either have an Atticus Finch type character or someone looking for shekels.

Only time will tell and this moderation issue is certainly an important step along the way.


Let us hope for the best. I certainly don't want someone as a moderator who is already threatening to abuse his/her powers.


Those who liked the way IMDB was run liked it because trolls were allowed free reign, and would like to see the same thing happen here.

Too bad Jim's "common sense" rule isn't and won't be enough for some. Reasonable people understand perfectly well what that means, and have no reason or desire to push it. Those who object to it and live to push, well, I call a spade a spade.


Sorry dude we don't want you as a mod.


"I call a spade a spade"

Do you understand the racist connotations this phrase invokes in those who understand it's etymology?

There is no common sense unless you were purposefully trying to be racist here.


Did you not understand my meaning was one of the four suits of cards? You seem bright enough, but perhaps I'm overestimating you.


You just trolled another user, or flamed him/her. Should you be banned for it?

If you were serious about calling another user stupid, then i guess you just became eligible to be reported.


Your overestimation may be more of you overreaching Catbookss.

It is well known that "A spade is a spade" has racial weight these days and by your own definition you seem to think this is "Common sense" ergo you are a racist.

Did you see how easy that was to make happen?

That is the context moderators live in.


She is a racist ! How dare she! My african ancestors were treated like slaves because of people like her !


That is awful Ben, I truly feel for you and am sorry that you have to live with this awful constant oppression reminding you of the terrible struggles you people have been though.

If only 4 or 5 more people jumped on this bandwagon and turned it into a mountain instead of a molehill maybe we could get Catbookss fired from their job and fearing for their life because it is clear that they are the worst type of person on Earth.

I think I might have to go to Twitter, Reddit and Tumblr to express myself to the already formed and waiting army of people ready to be upset collectively towards their employer/university/community because we are the right side of history waiting to happen.


Are you and Ben the same person? It's sounding like it.


Nope, but as Ben says this is a tactic which is used often to try and discredit any opinion which is being effective.


That's funny. I've never seen Ben and his cronies use this tactic before ;)


I've only met (In the virtual online sense) Ben today but he seems to know how quickly the marching band becomes the jackbooted SS officers screaming "Papers!" in your face.

I wouldn't dismiss him or any of his "Cronies" as it seems, to me at least, they are trying to fight for your rights to post freely here. Even if you are a casual racist.


"Ben" doesn't have to fight for my rights, nor do I feel any need to "fight" for them. I have faith in Jim's common sense. Too bad you and "Ben" don't. Such is life.


Please don't put words into my mouth. I have never said I don't have faith in Jim's abilities.

This, this here is an example of trolling which would have you banned were the wrong person in charge of assessing the situation.


Stop flaming and trolling


"Ben and his cronies"

First of all what do you know of me?

Secondly it seems you are one of the haters from IMDb boards.


I don't know you at all, except for your posts here. But, I was responding to Ben, unless both accounts are yours.


What is it with these two, BenCaesar & Wilson? They've been raking you over the coals! And, before they doth protest, I call "a spade, a spade"! To the one who is so learned in etymology, he might wish to study the true meaning of racism. What he asserts is in fact bigotry. A person who may not like blacks is a bigot. But, if that person likes blacks, but believes they are inferior, is not only a bigot, but a racist as well. Nowadays everyone is either a racist or a NAZI if you disagree with the other one's belief, especially if the other one is black. PC run amok! Casual racism, safe zones? We may as well admit Orwell's "1984" is late in arriving....but it has arrived! Free thought? One day something that used to be....


Racism, bigotry, bias, discrimination, injustice, dogmatism, narrow-mindedness, partiality, etc.


Best check the semantics of the words cited. They are not all interchangeable.


Describe each and every one. then i will post more synonyms for you to deconstruct and construct your arguments. Tous inutiles...


Racism stands alone from the others as illustrated in my post. The others fall under Bigotry except for dogmatism. Example: you are dogmatic in your belief all actions, whether speech or thought against a person of color is racism when in fact it is BIGOTRY. Case in point: A joke about a Polish man is deemed bigotry. But, the same joke using a person of color is, as you et al believe, the rearing of the ugly head of "Racism". "Resistance is futile"


I am sorry but racism and bigotry are synonyms


a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others."
Read my posts again. A person can be a bigot without being a racist. To that, a racist can also be a bigot.
The bigot may not like blacks, he/she may not like the Irish, Poles, Italians, Chinese, etc. The racist believes his/her race is superior to all others. Hitler was a racist as well as a bigot. Members of the kkk (doesn't deserve uppercase) as a whole are racists, but some are just bigoted. The latter are probably just bigots because they're too stupid to know what the klan really is!
This country's history of slavery (shudder!) was an extreme form of racism. The country's history of the treatment of the Irish, Poles, etc. was bigotry.
I'm unable to reply again as I'm in the shrunken typing field. An iPad adversity.


But you do accept that the Irish and the Chinese were slaves in early America don't you?


Hey there kspkaps, thanks for further illustrating my point about how PC has run amok and why we need to be more vigilant in continuing to keep our freedom of speech away from minds who would seek to chastise them via inference and association.

It is pleasing to know that my point has been received (If in a roundabout way).


Obsessed with me like always huh?


Now she is accusing you and i of being the same person. I have seen her and her friends use this tactic before.

I am sure this person is also on imdb2 and gets users banned this way. she and her reddit friends.


Thanks bro. Haile Selassie my nigguh !


Keep it real dawg!




Are you bumping this thread for any particular reason?


No. Are you?

In fact I'm now trundling off to watch S1 of Lost. G'day, or g'night, whichever applies to you.


Lost? hmm


Oh, come on, Wilson. Don't tell me you believed him lol

I saw his pic, btw. He's not black.


What pic? buncha goddamn liars is what


Here in the US, it's an old and commonly used expression, as well as in a number of other English-speaking countries, without the slightest racial connotations. Perhaps you're unaware of this. People who are ruled by common sense are well aware of this.

I see how this is going, between you and your "pal" Ben. There's no point in continuing.


And so this is how you are bowing out of this?

You are using a well known racist term casually and then claiming that I, and at least one other member here, am a sock account pushing a particular agenda on you the one who is actually pushing an agenda.

That's some bag of trick yo!

If you are new to trolling then I would give you a 3/10 as you have kept it up for a reasonable amount of time.

If you are serious then you are an actual racist but won't allow that to sink through your cognitive dissonance because you'd rather have your lickle echo chamber hear you roar like the proud cuck you know you are.

Either way, sucks to be you right now.

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out and we'll get back to you with how successful you application for moderation of MovieChat was by Monday!


Sure, hearts and clubs are also racist code words, and I casually use both of them, even though they're not as well known. All three, in fact, and sometimes I use diamonds too, just for the heck of it.

If I wore socks, I'd name one TrollBait. Alas, I have no socks.


You think you are baiting troll then?


That's not what I said.


You said if you had socks you'd name one TrollBait.

I'd infer from that you would hope your socks would bait trolls.

Please correct my understanding of the situation.


No, I really don't have the time or inclination to bait trolls, or create socks. Life's far too short for that kind of cr@p. I didn't say I'm baiting trolls, so please don't put words into my mouth, either. Deal?


"Alas, I have no socks"

Hey if you are accusing the other person of using socks, might as well accuse you back. Only fair.


In the late 1920s during the Harlem Renaissance, "spade" began to evolve into code for a black person

" Perhaps you're unaware of this. People who are ruled by common sense are well aware of this."

You are flaming the other user.


'To "call a spade a spade" is a figurative expression which refers to calling something "as it is",[1] that is, by its right or proper name, without "beating about the bush"—being outspoken about it, truthfully, frankly, and directly, even to the point of being blunt or rude, and even if the subject is considered coarse, impolite, or unpleasant. The idiom originates in the classical Greek of Plutarch's Apophthegmata Laconica, and was introduced into the English language in 1542 in Nicolas Udall's translation of the Apophthegmes, where Erasmus had seemingly replaced Plutarch's images of "trough" and "fig" with the more familiar "spade." The idiom has appeared in many literary and popular works, including those of Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, W. Somerset Maugham, and Jonathan Swift.'

I consider myself to be in excellent literary company, casual racists though we all apparently are ... according to you and your friend "Ben," anyway.


When copy pasting, try to get rid of '[1]' ... it just looks bad. I copy paste all the time and try my best to get rid of such unsavory elements.

'according to you and your friend "Ben," anyway. '

Ben's my real name ;)


Cat you are confusing these trollers with facts about the origins of Calling a spade a spade. Ignore them. They should read more to educate themselves.


Are you completely denying the fact that spade was used as a racist term in the US?

How can you be so sure Catbookss isn't a casual racist?

Are you are racist too?


I noticed that asking people "are you a racist too?" is also an american thing. I guess we all have to adapt to american way of thinking here on the internet.


I'm not an American and so I can't answer whether or not I used that term as a means to homogenising American thinking here.

I can say though that saying someone isn't a racist for using well recognised racist terms seems a bit racist (Or bigoted) to me.

Don't forget, there are people looking to rule the roost here even though they don't know what the terms of service are and I find that to be disgustingly dangerous.


Just google the origins of the saying a spade is a spade. Even a shovel is at times called a spade. People need to grow up.


I'm well aware of the original use of it and how it wasn't mired in political prejudice relating to ethnicity .

But like faggot, gay and queer the original term has come into the recent public eye in a new light and one which is well known to mean racism.

Try googling modern parlance and what people get criminal charges for saying.



Greatly appreciated Dazed, thanks for pointing it out!

The evidence against Catbookss is mounting and they haven't even said anything I'd deem racist yet...where's these moderators to ban them now without fair process and appeal?


I know you're not an american. That's why I was surprised to see you use a typical american way to discredit the poster you were replying to.

Unless brits use that sentence too, to shut someone up and get them into defense mode. I'm not familiar with british customs. Maybe you can enlighten me.

EDIT: in case you're not following what I'm trying to say, to me asking "are you a racist" and being in shock to see a word "cunt" are the different sides of the same coin... american coin. You can't object to americans trying to ban a word, but at the same time use their ways when it suits you.


I think I'm more than following you Apis.

What you are addressing is cognitive dissonance and this is exactly what I'm trying to show when it comes to the potential for moderation.

I personally like Catbookss and don't think they are racist - but if certain words and thoughts are to be culled then it's time to really let people see how they can be hung out to dry if they don't speak up for their rights to express themselves just now by making examples of power abuse potential from moderators.

As for "Are you racist too?". I think that is just a question to ask someone who stands by a racist.

Amazing the power of words eh?


If they wrote "I don't mind KKK" and then you ask them if they are racist, I would understand that. But this is overreacting over nothing, and when you act like this, you seem like a typical american to me... the very thing you and me both hate. Just saying...


I don't hate anyone. That's a very harsh state of being in over another person.

You are right that it would seem that I'm overreacting. This is exactly the type of behaviour I'm trying to illustrate power hungry moderators of displaying if we don't make sure the right people are chosen and for the right reasons.

Think of it as a baseline test.


I didn't mean hate americans, but hate the way they impose their way of seeing things on everyone else.

If this was only a test, am I to presume that when you defended the use of the word "cunt" earlier, you were also testing and you actually want to ban that word?


I don't wish to ban any word.

Those using the words though should know what is acceptable and what is not around here and this "Common sense" thing catbookss was trying to state exists has been proven wrong by their use of a racist slur in casual conversation (If it is taken that way by the reader).

I'm saying Jim asked who wants to be a moderator here and a whole bunch of people volunteered without know what that role would require of them.

As much as I'd like to have good faith in their intentions moderation of other people's abilities to express themselves requires careful consideration and enough experience to know when someone is ignorant, when someone is standing exactly on the line and when someone has stepped over that line and into conduct unbecoming a board like this.

Those rules don't exist yet and so those who have already volunteered should be removed from consideration for those roles.

As for your hatred of Americans (Or how they impose their way of seeing things onto everyone else), it takes standing up and challenging these people to see if they have the wherewithal to stand up to scrutiny - and generally they don't in my experience.


It's not like internet started yesterday and no rules ever existed, and we now have to make up rules starting from scratch. TOS is a common thing on the internet, we can tweak it a little for the purposes of this site, but in general, rules are well established and known. This is not a wild west with Jim a first sheriff in town, ever.


I don't fall for that type of attitude Apis.

Jim has stated categorically that he is for free speech.

What that means has changed over the past decade(s) and always needs to be redefined.

The word "Common" can't be used either when dealing with all the cultures of the globe.

I'm not having someone with a hormone issue get to ban someone because they felt like it - not on my watching of the watchers.

Laws exist for reasons, I don't think we should expect people to follow rules which aren't set yet in the same light as court approach laws.


If Jim categorically stated that he is for free speech, I don't know why are we even debating this.

Free speech will be tolerated, trolling won't be tolerated, and that's about it.


How do we draw the line between the two is what I am asking.


Calling someone you never met or agree with a racist is just a cop out. BTW Wilson are you perfect? If not what are your flaws ? I know I'm not perfect. But being a racist I am not. If I was a racist there would be no Miles Davis or John Coltrane in my music collection. I like people for who they are. Race is irrelevant with me.


I most certainly am not without flaws bwbphile. In the case of moderation here I would say let they without sin cast the first stone.

I think I'd like your music collection, it sounds like it is not dissimilar to mine.


Time we put this stupid argument of people falsely calling each other racists, bigots, and trolls to bed. And get back to enjoying movies & tv show comments. Wilson I have a large collection of cd's, Lp's, movies, & dvd concerts. I gave up counting how many of them I have once I reached 1000 of them And I have a good low end of high end stereo equipment to enjoy them. LOL. My all time favorite musician is Treje Rypdal from Oslo, Norway. Just accept the fact there will always be someone who won't like someone for some reason or the other. But that is the way it is. Ignore any typing errors. I have extensive nerve damage from spinal stenosis. So I have to hunt and peck when typing. Hope to discuss movies and tv anytime with you. I live in Michigan. The Detroit area. So I get a lot of British shows from Canada to watch And I'm a big fan of German movies. Have a good day or evening. Time to watch NCAA March Madness.


You have a good one too and hope you have a great weekend!


Thank you. Where are you located on this Orb called Earth?


England, probably about the same latitude as you but on the other side of the Atlantic. I'm sure you'll have a couple of singers or songwriters in your collection from this neck of the woods.


My first concert back in the 70's was Humble Pie then The Faces. Big fan of John McLaughlin too.


All good names of that time in England.

Oddly enough, music from that era that I love is all Motown from your part of the world!

It's great that we share so much from all over (Both places and eras).


Marvin Gaye is my favorite Motown artist. You should come and see the Motown Museum. I like R&B music.


I like all sorts of music but North American music (From gospel and country up until rock and roll) has some of my favourite arrangements to listen to.

I don't think I'll be visiting Detroit any time soon though, we might get to go to Florida and see Disney World as a family but I don't have the time or money to take trips like that just yet in my life.

Sounds great though!


Disney World is not cheap. But your kids will love it.


I'm planning on taking them about 4 years from now when they are both old enough to appreciate it. Lots of time for saving until then (I hope!).

If I ever make it to retirement I think a road trip around the US would make for a nice long vacation. Only dreams at this point though.

You've been to England?


I'm a retired carhauler. Drove the Lorry's as you call them in 48 states delivering Chevrolet Corvettes. What a pain in the rear hauling them. New York City was always fun. Never been to England. My Mom was stationed in London during WW2. She went over on the Queen Mary. I should come over. I have English Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Dane, & German in my blood. My dad was a prisoner of war in Stalag Luft 1 in Barth Germany until the Russians over ran the camp. Should go over and see Europe. Retirement is nice.


If you do come over get it done before the Brexit happens as we don't know how borders or visas might be needed for continental travel.

You could easily drive across Europe in a few weeks and take in a lot of the sites if you wanted. It's nice here (In the Summer) if yo have family blood from the region you could soak up some old places where your ancestors would have been.

Great classical music too!


Have you ever seen the show Lilies. About the Irish family in Liverpool after WW1? Bought the show on dvd.


I had to look it up. I would have been out on Fridays when it was on and so I've not seen it - sorry.

Is it any good?


Yes. Could you tell the BBC to get the old crew back on Top Gear ? I miss those guys.


I don't think the BBC will get the old crew back now that they've made themselves look foolish over how it was all handled. I think they have a new show on Amazon Prime now though if that helps you see them again.


My radios are all tuned to CBC2 out of Windsor Ontario. A great station. Enjoy Florida.


Thanks, take it easy and keep on rockin' in the free world!


You 2.


"But a fine point this thread brings up. Many who liked IMDB liked the way it was ran (Bar a few things like abuse of the report button). Why change it too much by adding power hungry people into the mix?"

And just as many or more didn't like the way IMDB's boards were run. Or, essentially, not run. I posit to you, why keep it the same or similar by allowing power-hungry trolls into the mix? Why allow MC to become the same kind of laughing stock IMDB's boards became?


"Why allow MC to become the same kind of laughing stock IMDB's boards became?"

Your internet cred going to take a hit from posting here Catbookss?

Trolls are inevitable, this is what I am putting forward. The best way to deal with trolls is give them no attention and let them starve themselves in their own juices of stupidity.

Mods are inevitable, this is also what I am putting forward. The best way to deal with mods is to give them a very strict procedure to follow and give them no gain of their own.

I bet you all the money in the world there will be moderators who troll here.


My "internet cred" is going to take a hit? I'll just have to live with that, won't I.

Sure, trolls are inevitable, to a point, but they don't have to be given carte blanche here as they were on IMDB, nor should they be. Unless you liked it that way.

I have no problem with mods being given clear guidelines upon which to proceed, but then I really don't have any problem with mods anyway, or rules, especially those that are based on common sense, seeing as I'm perfectly capable of communicating easily within any common sense-based rules, and most likely any other types of rules, unless they're overly stringent.


"but they don't have to be given carte blanche here as they were on IMDB, nor should they be. Unless you liked it that way"

I am sorry but IMDb boards were a big hit, and they were closed because "freedom of speech" is now considered archaic.

People like you belong in places like facebook, reddit and perhaps even twitter.

There you can enjoy your very safe spaces.


As I pointed out earlier Catbookss, the use of the term "A spade is a spade" could easily be interpreted as racist by some people within the US. I doubt you meant it that way but an over zealous moderator could easily find it within their purview to ban you based on that "Common sense" term.

There is no such thing as common sense within a global framework and to insist there is is to try and colonise it (Which means instilling your values over those of others).

There are reasons for justice within democracy and the many minds and years spent on crafting our social contract aren't just for throwing away for the currently fashionable fascists to have a temporary success until the next war.


tumblr/reddit/facebook/instagram/etc. beckons her.


I honestly don't think she understands what is at play here.


I assure you I do. He, thanks.


I do apologise. I must have mixed up you and another poster who had previously claimed to be a woman. Sorry for any oddness or anything from my misunderstanding.


I think she thinks the whole site is her "safe space"


They could buy their own if that's what they want.

If they want to have a DI-A-LOGUE then they should understand how that word breaks down and see that it needs at least one other than them to happen.


I'm not a multiple; I'm a singular.


But you wish to interact with other singulars and so the DI part of dialogue requires at least one other for the exchange to take place.

If you want to use Jim's boards you have to tolerate others' opinions and try to express your own in a civil enough fashion.

Just try to keep the casual racism to a minimum please.


I'm unfailingly civil. It's my nature.

To the regular posters here, what can I say? I was bored tonight :)


I have to say that you have been very civil with me.

I'm hoping that your thinking about how moderation can be ill-opted though by those with a power trip.

That's my sole intention in this conversation.


Again, I am unfailingly civil, to you and virtually everyone. Leopard, spots.

I'm not worried about mods here.


Give it time.

Don't worry, I will say I told you so when it happens :p


Power tripping mods. The worst thing to happen to internet forums!


I'm not worried, and seriously doubt I'll ever have any reason to be. Being chronically civil has its perks.

And now I really am out of here.


"To the regular posters here, what can I say? I was bored tonight :) "

What does that even mean?


Those who will know, will know.


No i see that you already got a clique going here who are trying to control everything here. We hope to see thousands and thousands of users. We hope that this place doesn't turn into a private club controlled and held hostage by few people like it is happening on that imdb2 proboard at the moment (bound to fail that place)


I've got a clique? Who knew? And yet I don't refer to myself by the royal We. Perhaps I should start doing that, seeing as I've got a clique and all, so am plural.

I've never been to IMDB2. No interest.

In any event I'm off to watch numerous episodes of a show. G'day or g'night to you.


Ok enjoy watching Lost Season 1.


Or him, as the case may be, beckoning or not beckoning.


Nope. He and i are from the great age of internet when we had our freedoms and lulz and information too. Tht is what imdb was


"A spade is a spade" is a very commonly used term, used to refer to the four suits of cards, as anyone with common sense would know.

If you want to slice and dice it to have possible racist connotations, to prove, in your mind, there is no such thing as common sense, that's your prerogative.


It is a racist term you are racist against my African ancestors

In the late 1920s during the Harlem Renaissance, "spade" began to evolve into code for a black person


I'll have to rush straight over to my Reddit, Facebook, RT2, Instagram, Pinterist, Malvish, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts straight away and post about this.

Who knew a spade ever referred to a person of color?


Now you know bro. Let us discuss movies and tv shows and other stuff instead of fighting over future problems


I'm not fighting over future problems. I have no problem with or concern about future problems. I thought I'd made that clear, repeatedly, in this thread, and no doubt others.


There are no current problems unless you are trying to encourage trolls from rival sites to jump in


I'm sure you think your use of "A spade is a spade" as an innocent and "Common" term but others would easily see it as casual racism (Which, apparently, is the worst kind!).

We get a mod here with a hard on for drinking white tears from a mug and you are outta here and lucky to still be employed after they've virtue signalled all over social media.

I don't think you are racist (On purpose at least) but this is what I, and Ben I suspect, are trying to bring people here into understanding. IMDB may have been a hellhole with regards to trolling, and that trolling should be culled (When it is weak trolling) but giving people access to personal information and the ability to silence someone on a message board which deals with all the fine and delicate things which the cinematic arts prompt us to explore within ourselves is a very dangerous thing to do and it will be abused.

Perhaps have a cup of tea and ponder this for a bit. I'm not looking to "Win" anything here, just promote the idea that moderation without rules is asking for people to let out their inner trolls but you've handed them an automatic weapon too.


See, some people gotta ruin the fun. We are starting to discuss different movies and actors and directors, and someone has to ruin it by getting jealous.

I say participate and and don't instigate. No one is stopping her from being a racist in her safe space, but please don't enforce your KKK addled casual racism here bro.


You talking to me Ben?


It was in your favor brah



I think is a great question and one you might want to ask the wider membership in a new thread devoted to doing so.

As a general rule of thumb set of rules I'd state that:

* A minimum age for taking part in conversation here.
* A common language which everyone should use (And an understanding that it may not be everyone's mother tongue).
* Attack the argument and not the poster if you disagree with someone's opinion.
* No name calling or stereotyping of individuals or groups.
* No posting of someone's personal information.
* No flooding the boards with off topic threads.
* No posting of copyrighted material (Links to downloads or streams).
* No pornography.

Besides that I think everything else seems to be good sport for posting and the quality of the threads and posts will have conversation occur or not by itself.


BTW, I am in the U.S.


If IMDb boards were a laughing stock, why are you here? You are here because you used to post on IMDb boards. Face it, IMDb boards were great. They were entertaining. They had information. There was nothing wrong with them.



Yes ignore/block feature would get rid of most of your problems.

Also automated spam control will do nicely as well. I have heard of ways to prevent porn and other stuff being posted automatically.

Let us not kill this site before it even grows


Perhaps not get report button used at all



Yes i agree with you. Use ignore/block feature if you don't like the other person. Use [–] ! It works great!


The [-] is pretty good. But it only hides/closes comments and threads within a post. There is no [-] by the OP's name, so the original post will still be listed on the board. Such as the case for "Joe" on the Political board. There is no [-] next to his "posts", so there is no way to hide any of them right now. But god I hope Jim fixes that aspect of the feature and adds the ignore/block button SOON!!!! Right now the best people can do is to steel themselves and try as hard as they can to MENTALLY "ignore/block/pass on by" trolls....


Yes i know there are a few problems with this [-]. I haven't personally used it yet, but i advise individual posts that you don't like to be hidden permanently via this.

Until the block/ignore feature comes...


I've only used it once so far. To hide a poster that said I was a troll. Me? A troll!! LMAO!!!! I wanted to see if I used [-] if I would or would not get notifications still if somebody replied to any of my comments that were listed under the person I "hid". No replies happened so I don't know the answer to that question yet.


Yes a little work needs to be done. But still i am loving the IMDb like environment here. That trending thing is an update from imdb boards!


Jim has made a few things that are a step up from IMDb. Including being able to read replies within email notifications (well partially anyway). You could not read replies in IMDb email notifications without clicking on the link. And on MovieChat, you can now post on individual TV show episodes. You could not do that on IMDb. There was a message board listed on every individual episode, but those links always brought you to the shows one main board. So Jim is definitely building something good here!!!!


Whoa i didn't know that you could post on individual tv episodes. thats freakin neato!

Notification thing is great too.

I just hope Jim doesn't ever close this site like Col Needham did (their messageboards)


Excellent right?!?! But one thing though, the episodes don't seem to be listed under the shows main page. I believe you have to know the name of the episode then type it into the search engine to bring it up. I'm pretty sure that's how it works at the moment.


Yeah i just tried it out. Had to know the name of the episodes to find the relevant boards. Thanks man !



Boop-Boop-Eee-Doo April! Thanks for figuring this out and sharing it with us.

But honestly, I don't like this as the TV-shows' boards that I've posted on are so dead that I'd hate to think that I'm missing out on posts because people are posting on an episode's board instead (and people are missing out on my posts by skipping past the main page).

I think that Jim could hold off on that and maybe put it in waaaay down the road when the web-site has really taken off, and even then, only do it for VERY-active TV-show boards.


I think it would be good to list the separate episodes on the main show page. That way people can find the episodes easier and you can bounce around on all the separate boards more easily.


[–] does not block the user's posts, it just collapses the nested comments under that post.




I didn't like seeing posts deleted on IMDB that clearly had broken no rules and were totally benign. It was a clear abuse of the report button, but the real problem there was that 99% of that was automated, never seen or action taken as the result of any human being.

There's nothing wrong with debate. Even someone who's merely a contrarian, who may be a pain to some and worth putting on their ignore/block list for that reason, but that's not the same thing as trolling.


Once again, people would call some of your posts 100 percent flaming/trolling too


Regardless, this site should allow users to ignore other users. If we can do that, then it is up to each individual's discretion, whether or not, they want to see the content posted by that user. In other words, the ignore button would make it so that you cannot see ANYTHING posted by that user. All threads made and comments.

If you left it up to each person, there would be no abuse in ignoring someone, unless you really disliked that individual so much that you told as many people as you could, to ignore them and at that point, he would have had to have many threads and comments that really made people angry.




IMDB moderation sucked. in a word. Sorry, but it did.


Nope. Sorry, but nope.


Yep. Sorry, but yep. Sounds like you're extremely fearful of moderation, almost unnaturally so. Wonder why? Couldn't possibly be because you're a troll yourself with several socks and are petrified of not having anywhere to troll, could it?


I think you are describing yourself


Nice but incredibly lame try, Ben. I don't care if there's moderation. You're the one getting all upset about and Wilson, who are likely the same person.


Ben actually loves moderators, he said so himself, and I'm gonna quote him if he objects.


My guess is that Ben, Wilson,and a few others who are scared shitless of moderators (including another Ben here who was one of the worst trolls on IMDB) are really 1 or 2 very sad -- no, make that very pathetic --people who know their trolling days are coming to an end.


Wilson is not a troll, he just has some strange troll-feeding fetish. I understand why some people could mistake him for a troll.

Ben, BenCaesar and God on the other hand are the same person and they are a troll. On some other site Ben told his sad life story about why he became a troll, and that he wished there were moderators there to stop him becoming a troll. lol


Yeah, well you know that story was total BS. Ben's told that "story" several times. He was also responsible, if I recall correctly, for doxxing several posters under one of his many socks. And I disagree about Wilson; he's just another troll, or he wouldn't have a problem with moderation.
It would be great to have a troll-free board. Just look at all the space wasted here by the trolls crying about having mods

A few other trolls who will likely show up... there's one who goes by destroyer or dford, or a variation of each who just got kicked off another board for trolling. He's 100% useless. There's another called jmush or some variant. And there's one who uses a variation of steven or kermode.


I don't care if story is a BS. Ben wrote "Most of humans left uncontrolled start behaving the same way." and after writing that, there's no way he can argue against moderators. I have it in writing.

And yeah, he's a doxxer... that's why nobody wants him around. The owner of some other site, when Ben asked him why was he banned when he didn't break any rules, replied "you broke the first rule: no Ben allowed"


Yeah, but he's still arguing against them....


Well, too bad, cause he also wrote the thing about "humans shouldn't be left uncontrolled", so he pretty much painted himself into the corner.


Stop talking to yourself. I know who you are. I can smell you and your socks from a mile away.


Stop making up lies about me. Maybe you are just jealous of me.


Why would anyone be jealous of a troll, Benny? You're really running scared, sonny.


I am not scared i don't want to deal with an ugly Betty


No you are a troll. Don't talk to me again. and stop following me everywhere


"2 very sad -- no, make that very pathetic --people who know their trolling days are coming to an end."

I'm a sticks and stones may break my bones kinda guy mapsdufroid but as I've tried to state to others pushing for over-moderation - this post would likely break any terms or service and have you banned for insulting people via your use of the adjective "Pathetic".

Just a head's up prior to it coming back to bite you.

No harm no foul from me though, call me what you'd like if it makes you feel more powerful.


Sorry, Wilson, but you're protesting far too much about moderators not to be a troll. no matter how you try to couch yourself. And nobody is pushing for over-moderation...just moderation in general. It's only you trolls usi8ng he term as a scare tactic.

"this post would likely break any terms or service and have you banned for insulting people via your use of the adjective "Pathetic"."
Hell of an imagination you have there, Wilson. Do you have anything even remotely resembling something in the same solar system as proof of your claim? Sounds like the paranoia of a desperate person, frankly.

I for one have faith in Jim's common sense. And if any site is going to ban someone for using the word pathetic as an adjective, it was never worth much to begin with.


I have faith in Jim's ability to build a site which will last at least as long as the message boards on IMDB did.

I also have faith that you will be labelled a troll and banned from here because you already have me set as one because I don't think like you.

Don't say I didn't warn you when the day comes.


No, I have you set as one because you're arguing far too much about not having mods..there's a difference and you understand it perfectly, so don't play dumb. Your faith is pointless, ace.

And again, where's any shred of proof of your earlier statement?


Stop making up lies about other users.


No we have seen how moderation works in other imdb offshoots, and frankly any form of moderation other than that of IMDb will essentially kill this site, unless you want this site to be killed


Uh-huh. You really sound sincere, Ben, but anyone with a functioning brain sees through it


No we don't want this site to behave like imdb2. People are leaving that place in huge numbers. I'll proceed to ignore you betty.


You do that Ben, I mean Ben Caaesar, I mean Wilson, I mean God. I really don't care what you do except be prevented from trolling the same way you did on other boards.


Get lost troll


No, hopefully it will be you who gets lost...permanently


Keep hoping.


Won't have to as long as you keep trolling


You are the troll here not me.


Sorry, benny...your repeating the same lie isn't gonna magically make it true. Your troll days are numbered


Sorry, betty...your repeating the same lie isn't gonna magically make it true. Your troll days are numbered


please stop stalking me.


Nobody's stalking you, liar. Prove it. You're challenged, troll


Shut up troll


Uh-huh...too much of a coward to prove your accusations of stalking, troll?


Jim we need ignore/block ASAP


My guess is that you are the one with many socks and you want to be a moderator and try and destroy this site. No, i am contributing to this place unlike you. I am posting in many movies actors and other bs. I don't know what tf you are making up about me. i don't care. Keep making up lies though. I know your life sucks don't blame it on me.


Your guess is total nonsense, and you're completely aware of that, Ben -- or do prefer Ben Caesar or God or Wilson or one of your other socks? Your whole "oh, the site will be killed" act isn't fooling anyone. You're afraid of mods because you know they'll put an end to your nonsense. All your many posts -- all in only 12 days or less, interestingly -- are you merely laying the false groundwork so you can claim, as you just did, "Look; I'm contributing." You did the exact same thing on IMDB numerous times. Nice try. Again, if you were a legitimate poster, you wouldn't be so scared -- and that's exactly what you are -- of having mods.


Sorry but i don't know you and you are sounding like a total creeper accusing me of BS lies.

I'm going to ignore you. Until then [-] will do. Don't talk to me again. Now i am going back to healthy discussions.


You do that, troll


Get lost troll


Where's your proof of your accusations, Ben? Jim, sorry, but this guy is a known troll from the other boards. I'm sure you know him and he needs to be watched.


Ignored. You are a well known troll btw


Really. A well-known troll? Again, Benny, you're challenged. Prove it.


Shut up Betty troll


Afraid of a challenge to prove your statement, Benny? You just proved you're a liar.


You are a liar we know this You can't prove one thing you claim because it's all BS and every post just cements the fact you're lying


Not following you, troll, nor was I ever on proboard. Keep going. You can't prove one thing you claim because it's all BS and every post just cements the fact you're lying.


yes you are betty troll

You can't prove one thing you claim because it's all BS and every post just cements the fact you're lying
