MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What movies do you NOT want to see remad...

What movies do you NOT want to see remade or rebooted?

My answer:
Gone with the Wind
I know there are more; however I'm just not thinking of them at the moment.


They are rebooting The Matrix?

I didn't want to see GITS made starring Scar Jo. I am hearing it sucks. As expected :/


Any Hitchcock movie. No remake would ever be as good, so why even bother.
However, spinoffs like Bates Motel are fine with me, I don't consider that a remake.


I NEVER want remakes. They are usually a big dud and waste of time.


The Princess Bride

A reboot would be too risky and a remake is un- necessary.

It’s a well loved movie people like for what it is.


it has been made twice already, hasn't it?


Not as far as I know: just the one in 1987


oh i got "The Princess Diaries" starring Anne Hathaway confused with it


I agree. Part of what made it great were the cheap special effects. xD


They are remaking Hitchcock's The Birds, director will be Michael Bay. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Bay will probably throw robots into the story.



Of all directors to do a remake, this is someone who throws bombast into everything. Someone without even a scrap of artistry or subtlety. Damn.


Yeah robots and explosions. Probably the explosive robot-birds telecommanded by some evil mastermind. heh


Oh nooooo!


Lol, I know. Maybe he can make it a "found footage" movie, that would be an even bigger disaster.


Hitchcock should be off limits for remakes, no one remembers the 1998 version of Psycho.


I remember it and it was scene for scene of Hitch's without the goodness 🙄



Tom Bombadil was awesome. They should make a stand alone just about him.
Then one about the Blue Wizards and their adventures.

But yeah, they didn't need 3 movies to cover a relatively simple story.


Any James Bond movie, look how bad Never Say Never Again was, (it was a Thunderball remake.)


I hope and pray they leave the grapes of wrath alone. It was a period piece with raw material and true emotion that you can't recapture.


I hope so too but don't be too sure, Of Mice and Men has been done four times, two theatrical films, 1939 and 1992 and two tv films, 1968 and 1981. They should make a movie out of Travels With Charley.


That seems like a record. I guess of we got zombie pride and prejudice it's only a matter of time.


They could remake every movie ever made. Who cares?

If you don't like the idea of a remake, don't watch it. Simple. Why let it bother you?

It doesn't change the original in any way, and if anything will reboot interest in the originals by a young generation that may have never seen the original if not for hearing about the remake first.


Younger generations don't really need remakes to hear about classics. Remakes are usually quickly forgotten even if they're financially successful while the originals are always remembered.


No they don't Need remakes to hear about classics, but it helps.

I never watched the 21 jump Street movies, because I thought the trailers looked dumb, but it reminded me of how much I liked the original TV series and I went on a binge. Then 22 jump Street releases and I went on another binge. Even good old classics get forgotten about sometimes.
