New people

I like this board, I don't know anyone here which is what I like, IMDb's posters were a click and they all thought they had seniority over any new people, but they are all happy because they are together in some other site where everyone has a title. and I'm glad for them, I'm even more glad that I'm not there, I really like this site, hope it stays up.


Hello : ) Welcome.

I kind of agree with you, in that I'm not distressed that the ENTIRE imdb crowd isn't here. People keep posting "Where is everybody?" and "What are the most active sites??"....and honestly, I don't think I ever need to see 3/4 of the imdb posters I've crossed paths with ever again.


It has gotten really busy today. Lots of people making sure the movie message boards are getting new threads and the notification thingy is really good for keeping you notified when people respond when you are not at your email.


Welcome We're glad you joined us. Kick off your shoes and stay a while.


Welcome, Phantom.


Thanks everyone, never got a welcome at NCIS, it was just like what are you doing here? this is a private club, and you're right cookie, don't care to cross paths with any of them either.
like I said, I really like this site. ; )


I can't even express how happy I am to have found this place.

Film is a SOCIAL medium. There is a reason they refer to "Water Cooler" episodes. For all of it's vitriol, IMDB shutting down it's boards was just an unfathomably ridiculous decision robbing it's users of a new (and necessary) type of water cooler. Sure...a LOT of people there were just poison. But discussing film and TV comes with both good and bad. And I'm just ecstatic that I've found another place to do so.


well, let me welcome you and everyone else on this thread, hope to see you people around more often in the future,


A big o' Welcome to you, Adderbox76 and to you phantom8.

It's nice not to be considered a 'newbie', isn' it? I once commented on a thread on the other site and was told to get lost 'cause I was a 'newbie',and to stop talking like I belonged. You find find that here.


like I said, it's a private club, they started their own site and they are all happy they are together again, when IMDb said they were shutting down, that whole group was hyperventilating, lol


Can you imagine their reactions when IMDb shut the msg boards down early? Mid sentence..wth!!! I stopped gong to the boards 3 days before because of the overload of trolling flat-out porn, and congrats for the damage they tripled up on during the last week. The announcement gave them full license to go absolutely lethal.


yeah, I saw that mess, it was like the nuts just went wild and thought they would loot the site, most of the regular posters just stopped posting, it was a hostile takeover.


Welcome, phantom8, we're happy to see you here!!!


thank you. : )


Phantom, happy 21st day you've been here. And many more 🥂🥂🥂


Apis, thank you, I'm here to stay, I like the site, easy to use and very friendly : )


Friendly reminder to the newbies to becareful with Trolls and just enjoy your time here


I was dealing with them even from IMDB boards,and i don't care about the bad things that they saying about my favorite franchise.


I'm with you croft-alice, if I let the trolls bother me then that would mean they win, I just laugh at them knowing they have the intelligence of a flea, umm, sorry to insult the fleas.


Hi everyone. I just signed up yesterday. I never had an account or posted on the IMDB forums. Just lurked.


Welcome! Always nice to see a new face..... so to speak.
Kick your shoes off and get comfy!
Most of the natives are friendly! Hope to see more of you here and around the boards


Thanks Margo!


Are there particular types of movies and TV shows that you enjoy?


Yep, mostly fantasy epics and classic musicals and operettas. With TV shows it's sitcoms, some my parents used to watch as kids, although I also like "Monk" and "The Mentalist" (haven't seen "The Mentalist" in a while though, what with being in uni and having too many assignments, not to mention other things, so watching TV/movies kind of slips my mind).


Welcome in the club,friend.A tomb raider and resident evil fan salute you😎...and about Monk,i haven't seen that tv show for a while.I almost forgot about Adrian.

The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are.




How many posters her were on IMDb?


Hello fellow Monk fan and welcome 😀




Another Monk fan here! Loved that show
