Has anyone

donated to this site ? Just wondering how safe it is to donate.


I was wondering the same thing.


So far, no, but I've only registered a few hours ago, and lurked for a couple of days now.

I have no problem donating if this is truly what I want as an IMDb replacement. So far, it looks to me like that's exactly what it is.


Me too.


We've received quite a few donations :)

Donations are processed by Square Cash so are completely secure (you can google Square if you're not familiar with them, but in short they're one of the largest payment processors in the United States).

As I've said before, donations are neither required nor expected, and I'm committed to continuing to operate and update this site regardless of whether I receive donations, but donations ARE very appreciated!



Jim looks like you're putting a lot of time and effort into building this site. Thank you. What is your next addition to this site? I'll be donating soon. :)


Just added real-time notifications (so you don't have to refresh the page) a few minutes ago. Working on trying to fix the "keep getting logged out" issue now.


Ignore any and all complaints from people. If they don't like what you're doing too bad. They can build their own site.




Hello again Jim!

I noticed that your site was down today due to some updates. Can't wait to see what you have in store here!


Thanks for the info, Jim.

I can't adequately express how thankful I am to you for stepping up to the plate here. I'll donate as I can, when I can, with gratitude.


I have donated 1000 DOLLARS ALREADY


I have. It was a small donation to start, but I'll donate more in the future, and hopefully it all adds up and helps. It was real easy to sign up for Square Cash, and I haven't had any problems so far with security issues. Every time you donate you are sent a new code in your email, and you have to provide the CVC code as well. I think that you can only use a debit card though, but I'm not positive about that?


Ok wanton87. Thanks.


Sure thing bwbphile. It was no problem at all, and only took a few minutes at most to sign up for it.

You might check out the link below for a simple tip should you decide to donate.



Will do. I'm calling it a night here in Michigan. Got a Dr. appt. tomorrow. Can't shake this bug let alone keep my eyes open. Night folks.


I got bitten by the same or similar persistent bug. What a pain being sick for so long. Hope your doc fixes you up and you're feeling well again very soon, Bwb!


Well Cat I think I'm going to change my middle name to co-pay. Dr. said I still have the bug and fluid in the left ear. So I'm on the couch going up and down the dial and chatting here tonight. Might watch Humans again.


We may have actually been bitten by the same nasty bug, Bwb. I've got fluid in my left ear too. Do you also have the won't-go-away-no-matter-what cough?

Good idea to rest as much as you can. I'm doing the same thing. Sooner or later we've got to beat this bug into submission … right?


Same cough as you. Anything good on tv tonight ?


Nothing I know of, but I just stream stuff on Netflix, so rarely know what show airs on which night. Hopefully someone else will come along and suggest something good for you to watch :)


Think I'll just flip channels in case I nod out on the couch.


Why dont you both make out already?


Do donations of incessant posts count? Than yes....if I could donate in dollars and cents, I would!


You're one of the site's BIGGEST donors!



Thank you for your validation donation :p


I have to say that both your and Dreamers' posts are part of the reason I decided to register here :)


Aw, really? That's great. I'm so glad you liked what you saw and decided to join!


Yep, really. I'll also add 9 to that list, and probably a couple of others whose names I can't think of at the moment. I'm *very* glad you've donated your posts here!


There does seem to be a really solid community popping up here, it's been better than I anticipated! Thank you and I'm very glad you're donating now too ;)


I agree! I'm really enjoying the way this community is shaping up.

You're welcome, and I'm glad to be a poster-doner here, along with the rest of you ;)


Wow-sa! So happy you like our posts!

I'm glad we're building a nice, smart community here, too : )

After the original boards closing, I was feeling a bit like THIS:



Agree! We'll donate our time, effort, and intelligence to making this site gloriously fantastic!😄

... I would donate, but I'm a college student dependent on my parent's contributions. And I don't have a job. Oops. 🙄

I /might/ volunteer to be a mod, when/if that becomes an option.


Not yet, but now that you mention it, that sounds like a good idea.
