MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Popular Films or TV series Have You...

What Popular Films or TV series Have You STILL Not Seen

I mean actually sitting down watching from start to finish, films that were shoved in your faces and advertised everywhere so impossible not to know about. Channel hopping and catching a film/show halfway through doesn't count.

My list:

X-men - 2000 to present (edit - I remember the reason I avoided this was because I hated the costume designs not being faithful to the comics. Petty lol.)
The Matrix - 1999 to present
Every Mission Impossible
Toy Story - 1995 to present
Harry Potter - 2001 to present
Tomb Raider - 1998 to present
The Davinci Code - or related follow ups
Snakes on a plane
Xena warrior princess - 1995 - 2001
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - 1997-2003
Game of Thrones - TV series
Friends - TV series
Slumdog Millionaire
Suicide Squad


Out of your list I haven't seen.....the sequels to the original Matrix, any of the Harry Potter films, Tomb Raider, Snakes on a Plane,Xena, Avatar, Buffy, Friends, or Suicide Squad.

So a fair amount. Does it count if you've seen scenes? I've seen parts of things here and there, but not all the way through. It's harder for me to commit to a film these days with tv being so good. Why sit down for 2 hours of something mediocre if I can get through one hour segments of awesomeness instead?

To this list I'll add I've never seen the Rocky series either, as well as a lot of the big, Oscar-award movies this year. Movies are just too damn expense these days!


Oh it is easier if you do not have cable. If the only thing you have is a bootleg website and a laptop, anything movie or show series is going to be watchable. I have to agree that when I had cable, it was hard to sit through a movie that I could just record on my DVR. It would just sit there for days, weeks, and months. LOL

Now I know what college kids feel like. Netflix it, although, I am not Netflixing.


It's far too easy these days to just amass a collection and never actually watch it, ya know? I have tons of stuff saved up, but just haven't gotten to a lot of it. Now that there is just SO much content out there with so many ways to watch it, it's harder to actually sit down and decide on something.

I'm not complaining about being overloaded with my favorite things, lol, but it's a bit overwhelming! And I was able to have access to other stuff before my better laptop up and broke on me. Oh well, I shall watch on!


And I think that is how these cable companies continue to loot us. How exactly do you pay for cable? Would you say daily, hourly, monthly? If you break it down into how much you can actually sit and watch at a time, does that mean you are wasting money for all the hours of shows you could not possibly watch? To get your $ worth, it would seem you would have to DVR every second of every day that you would be unavailable to watch. Most individuals are working full time jobs and that right there takes like 8 and a half hours out of your day. It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

I could definitely say that I tried that when I had cable. It was harder when college football season crept up. Man, I could never settle to watch a movie nor t.v. shows since all my time went to recording almost every game or games I wanted to watch.


"The Matrix" (the first one) actually has a very well structured story. I avoided it for years....but loved it immediately when I watched it. It's really, really, really good.

Most of the things on your list I haven't seen either. I always think most big budget "crowd pleaser" movies aren't going to have a sensibility that's my cup of tea. Although, then I do sometimes admire them when I'm actually forced to watch. I see most projects years after they've come out....not right away.


I remember The Matrix hype and advertising back in '99 with the slow motion special effects. I didn't understand what all the fuss was but that was my ignorance. I had the same attitude towards Lord of the rings until I got round to seeing it which is on reason why I will give the Harry Potter series a try. Just a matter of when lol.




James Bond - Any. I did sit down to watch the latest one, but I fell asleep pretty early on, so I don't think it counts.
Harry Potter - except 1, 3 and 4
Transformers - same scenario as James Bond
The Hobbit - except An Unexpected Journey
Mad Men
The Sopranos
Twin Peaks




As long as they keep making 'em, I'm gonna keep ignoring 'em (or try at least). James Bond has been parodied, and spoofed, and homaged so much, that I feel like I have a pretty good idea what it's all about, and I don't feel like I'd get much from that particular film series.


The latest one is not a good one to start with... Casino Royale with Daniel Craig is a better introduction to the character and a much better film in general.


I would not blame you for not seeing all of them within a given series, some of these series started out great and then were just cash cows with no substance.

James Bond now days are not as good as they use to be.
Harry Potter, I would think, died after the 2nd movie. People say that the 7th movie part 2 was great, but I still thought it lacked.
Transformers had a good story line and then it just lost it after there were too many heroines cast beside Shia (Megan Fox, Olivia Wilde, etc.. He does not even show up in the last two or three of them.


For some reason I have never watched Breaking Bad, even though I love Better Call Saul.


Saul focuses more on character development, while Breaking Bad is a little more like an action/crime genre show.
However, it is excellent and you should definitely watch it unless you can't stomach violence.


I was lucky to watch this show right after the series finished and can say, Breaking Bad is seriously addictive and a must watch. Just make sure you avoid spoilers, don't even type in a characters name in google as the drop down search bar usually says 'dies'. A fake spoiler almost ruined my whole viewing experience, luckily for me it was a troll on a wind up making the end even more enjoyable after believing I already knew what would happen at the end.


Most D.C. Superhero movies/ shows (Superman, Batman, Suicide Squad, etc)
James Bond
Mission Impossible
Transformers (only saw the first)
Agents of Shield
LOTR Return of the King (really want to see this one... but my younger brother wants me to wait until he finished the book, which he started a year ago and stopped halfway through)
Star Wars Clone Wars and Rebels

This list used to be much longer, lol. Only recently caught up on Marvel, X-Men, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter-- as in within the last 3 years.


List of most popular shows

I think from this list the most popular I haven't seen so far are Finding Dory, X-Men Apocalypse and Jason Bourne


<< Finding Dory >>

This title makes me think of DORA THE EXPLORER meets FIND WALDO...two products I don't get into, but that had a lot of marketing and are lodged in my brain!


I just watched it since this list reminded me. Good kids movie, anyone who liked Nemo would enjoy this one as well. I've liked all the Pixar movies except for maybe Cars.


Haven't got time to see all the popular series, so I have to be picky. In my series 'to see' list are:

Happy Valley
The Missing (Season 2)
The Path (Season 2)




Nope, haven't seen it. Will put it on my l list. Thanks.


Never saw any PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN movies. They could be the greatest movies in the world, for all I know...but I'm just not attracted to them.


Ahh another to add to the 'Still not seen list'. I think I might join you at the grave never seeing any of them lol


If there's a hell and we end up on the same boat there, maybe they'll make us watch them.


You haven't missed anything.
