MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Popular Films or TV series Have You...

What Popular Films or TV series Have You STILL Not Seen

I mean actually sitting down watching from start to finish, films that were shoved in your faces and advertised everywhere so impossible not to know about. Channel hopping and catching a film/show halfway through doesn't count.

My list:

X-men - 2000 to present (edit - I remember the reason I avoided this was because I hated the costume designs not being faithful to the comics. Petty lol.)
The Matrix - 1999 to present
Every Mission Impossible
Toy Story - 1995 to present
Harry Potter - 2001 to present
Tomb Raider - 1998 to present
The Davinci Code - or related follow ups
Snakes on a plane
Xena warrior princess - 1995 - 2001
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - 1997-2003
Game of Thrones - TV series
Friends - TV series
Slumdog Millionaire
Suicide Squad




Twin peaks


Wow. Envy you big time! There is so many hours of excellent entertainment in that list..


Haha!! Your reply reminds me of a comment I left for someone a while ago who was about to start watching 24 from season 1 up to the latest series. I'm very curious about Game of Thrones so will have to find the motivation to give it a shot.


Envy you for Season 1, because Season 2, at least the first half, got all silly. But if you are going to see Twin Peaks you HAVE to see the film Fire Walk With Me, which is a prequel to Season 1. Excellent film.


The Harry Potter series. Saw the first two, maybe three (?), but have not watched all the ones after.


Star Wars and I'm not planning to go see.






This was one show I caught bits of when it aired on tv so didn't know what it was about. Got the box set and loved it.


Well I'd like to get around to seeing John Wick 2 when I find some time 😅


Oh...are you busy with something? :p
Go treat yo' self!




Make sure you when you finish each of these series, you discuss them with individuals on this website. The sooner we get the message boards running with new, recent threads; the better this website will become. To get started, it could be even as simple as asking people to join you on whatever message boards, the movie(s) you want to discuss, are on.

X-men - 2000 to present
The Matrix - 1999 to present
Every Mission Impossible
Toy Story - 1995 to present
Harry Potter - 2001 to present
Tomb Raider - 1998 to present
The Davinci Code - or related follow ups
Snakes on a plane
Xena warrior princess - 1995 - 2001
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - 1997-2003
Game of Thrones - TV series
Friends - TV series
Slumdog Millionaire
Suicide Squad

From this list, I have to say that I have seen Slumdog Millionaire due to one of my dorm mates who was able to bootleg the movie on a CD. I never saw it in theaters. I have also seen The Davinci code, as my mom was a fan of the book series. She kind of lassoed my dad and I to those movies. Harry Potter was old after the 2nd one because the original Dumbledore died or so I thought. I did see all of them though! Toy Story, I did see the first one, and felt that usually the first ones in the series are almost always the best.

I did like the Indiana Jones series, particularly Temple of Doom and actually, if you want to head over there, I have some posts when IMDb was up that could still be answered. Any takers?

X-men was not bad, but then again I never really cared to see the new ones. :/

Man, I feel so bad I am such a downer with this. It is hard for me to like a movie.




It really was not any movie in particular. I guess it was more of me being a part of a movie or finding a way into the industry. I did a lot of extra, production assistant, and stand-in work. I actually have an IMDb page with this same account name on IMDb.

Though, there have been a couple movies that I have actually liked though and they are pretty amateurish. I like The Hangover and I did like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Harold & Kumar was pretty good.

I think I tend to like comedy movies.

Would you say there was one movie that introduced you to IMDb?




I am not that old, trust me. I was born in the 90s and it was not actually until my Dad introduced me to Indiana Jones that I at least liked one of the movies.

My page on IMDb is not that spectacular. I was trying to get some of the movies to give me credit and right now I have like two credited actor roles, one uncredited production assistant role and one credited one. The former one I should be credited for. I had to slog my butt off to get everything done on sets. I do have a pending stand-in role in a movie that does not mind giving me a credit for, however, I have to check back often until after the "post-production" label goes away. Then I also have an uncredited stand-in role of which I could have my casting director vouch that I was there for.

For a film, they either have to agree to give you credit on paper or you have to wait until after a label goes away, apparently, to assure yourself that you get the credit.


I think An American Werewolf In London and The Shining were the first films to make me discover IMDB and the message boards.


The Shining I have heard about, but never really had the time to watch. I always heard it was about something paranormal and I love paranormal shows, particularly Ghost Adventures, A Haunting, and Paranormal Witness. I may have to check that movie out sometime. An American Werewolf I have actually never heard of.


The shining is not a typical scary horror movie, it will leave you confused and things might not make sense. The first thing you'll notice are the visuals, they'll stick with you for years. You will then notice something new on repeated viewings that will leave you asking more questions. The shining message board was a great place to go, there are things that some posters would post that nobody had noticed before.

Stephen King wasn't happy with Kubrik's version of his book so made his own tv mini series in 1997. It's faithful to his book and good in it's own right but Kubrik's version is memorable. I grew up with the Kubrik film before learning about King's book so I'm slightly biased towards the film.

I highly recommend AAWIL. I heard a remake is in the works so you prob might wanna see the original first.




Room 237 is BONKERS. I worry for those people, honestly.
Anyways, The Shining is a must see...well for anyone...but especially for film lovers. It's definitely a movie that stays with you. I would say don't go in expecting like a full on horror type movie, it's more creepy and unsettling than straight out terrifying, if ya get me.

But yes, give that one a go arvin!
