MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How to make clickable links

How to make clickable links

I think this is how it's done. Enter your URL in the first part, then enter your text in the second:

Template (remove the spaces EXCEPT for the A HREF part):
< A HREF = ""; > Name of webpage here < /A >

Taken from this brief tutorial:

This is my test. Welcome to the Bates Motel boards

- Your URL must have "http://" in front of it to work
- Text part can be anything. The URL itself, or even a whole sentence, Mr. Anderson.


I'm not wearing my glasses, and at first thought this thread was titled "How to make dickable links" (?!?!?)


Bad image alert! LOL!


Go back through the thread and substitute that for "clickable"...EYE OPENING!

("That's odd. I feel that should turn dickable. Everything is there..." / "I honestly don't know much about this. Maybe somebody else can help out and tell us why 9's link is not dickable?" / "...I made it not dickable on purpose.")


Thank you for the info, AtomicReturns! Speaking of which, I believe Jim might have also had a similar post on this issue as well.





The "clickable" link coding works for me.

But, did I read somewhere here (can't find it now) that Jim disabled the rest of the HTML coding for the time being?






Bump. This should really be a sticky on top. Had to use minutes now to find the thread, as I needed to make a link in a post.


"This should really be a sticky on top. Had to use minutes now to find the thread, as I needed to make a link in a post."

And especially so if the method used to make links clickable changes like it has.


I think for now I'll just stick with copying and pasting the web address into a message.

I think everyone using the internet probably knows how to re-copy and paste...and if they don't, then too bad.


Does anybody know how to do Bold and colors on this site yet? I'm guessing that since clickable links are possible, that they should be too?




Thanks 9.

Damn you're fast!




Glad to hear it; I'm boycotting IMDb and Amazon.

Now when I want to look up something, I'll do search and usually click on the Wiki page, which, interestingly, is now the first result while IMDb comes second.
