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125 degree heat kills hundreds

UPDATE: 1,000+ died

Westerners assume their air conditioning will save them from the climate crisis, but what happens when it stops working during a blackout?

Too hot for Hajj pilgrims trip to Mecca.

Two unnamed Arab diplomats told the Agence France-Presse news service that 323 people from Egypt alone had died, most because of heat-related illnesses. Egypt has not yet shared an official count, but other countries whose citizens flocked to the holy city of Mecca have been reporting tolls: at least 138 from Indonesia, 41 from Jordan and 35 from Tunisia.


I have never heard anyone say anythiing about air conditioning saving them from climate crisis.


Spending time in air conditioning reduces risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke.


That's nice. That does not support your claim in the op.


For you:

You're welcome!


Got it. You were just talking shit.


Weather is political?


Everything is political to these whackjobs.


I guarantee you the OP has at least 4 cars in her driveway. All of these climate alarmists are hypocrites.


Only political to the Watermelons.


The average high temperature in June at Mecca is 111 degrees. It's not like this is some staggering anomaly.


It was 125 degrees. The temperature has been rising steadily over the pass few years.


Mmm hmm. Who told you that?


There's this thing called Summer that's about to start and lasts for three months. It's really not that hard to understand.


There is no climate crisis other than geoengineering.


Summer in the desert is fuckin' hot, shocking.


this is a real thing & a valid concern.

it's also true that there are way more cold related deaths than heat related deaths each year.

it's very possible that increasing temperatures might reduce the number of temperature related deaths each year.

that's a point that a lot of climate skeptics often make flippantly, like there's nothing to worry about, we should welcome it if anything. that's not me. it's a serious thing & i think it's worth worrying about & addressing where we can.

but it is true that, based on the lancet study linked below, there are 5.08m global deaths due to non-optimal temps each year, and 4.6m of those deaths are caused by cold. increasing temps could reduce that quite a bit.


"but it is true that, based on the lancet study linked below, there are 5.08m global deaths due to non-optimal temps each year, and 4.6m of those deaths are caused by cold"

The OP is going to be in full rage mode when she reads that. Although her reading comprehension is at a 3rd grade level, she should be able to understand it.


that's a she? keelai is so pissy & angry & disrespectful i always figured it had to be some rage-filled adolescent dork.


Yes a 50 something angry woman with 4 cars in her driveway. That's what makes her responses so precious.



Your study is laughably flawed!!

They studied only 13 (out of 195) countries while conveniently ignoring all the countries in Africa and the Middle East which are near the Equator:

"We collected data for 384 locations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, and USA."

Did Big Oil fund your dopey "study"?

Unlike you, this "adolescent" can read.

For you:

You're welcome!


those are fair points.
though i don't know where you're getting 13 countries.

"The latest dataset covers 750 locations in 43 countries or territories (two countries in Northern America, 13 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 17 in Europe, nine in Asia, one in Africa, and one in Oceania; appendix p 4). Figure 1 shows the 750 locations with their average daily mean temperatures during the data collection periods. A detailed description of the data by continent and country is provided in the appendix (pp 2, 4). "

maybe you made a typo.

if you could learn to treat people like human beings, you might actually win people over to your side sometimes, lol.

it is true that there isn't a lot of data from africa/middle east.


Once again, my feeble-minded MC compatriot, the study is flawed since its data is overwhelmingly from cold areas while omitting Africa and the Middle East. One token African country in an attempt to legitimize an obviously flawed and biased study is laughable. I need you to become smarter since society is harmed by its weakest link. Stop being the weakest link!

Your study is as useless as your reading and reasoning skills.

"if you could learn to treat people like human beings, you might actually win people over to your side sometimes, lol."

"keelai is so pissy & angry & disrespectful i always figured it had to be some rage-filled adolescent dork."

Take your own advice, Ms. addlebrain, weakest link, MC compatriot. Stop being so self-unaware.


boy are you ever fun to talk to. it's nice to see you haven't changed.

if you really are a 50+ yr old woman, i plead with you to touch grass or pet a dog or something.

anyway, if anyone actually takes a look at the numbers that they do have from northern & subsaharan africa & asia & latin america, you'll see that in each region cold related deaths are much, much higher than heat deaths.

i sure wish there was more data from the middle east & africa, but i think it's safe to say the reason it's spotty is because of lack of reliable reporting from those regions. i don't know that, but that's a pretty reasonable assumption.

you can find the breakdowns on page 4 of the pdf in the study.

northern africa:
cold related deaths: 118265
heat related deaths : 7181

sub-saharan africa:
cold related deaths: 1070221
heat related deaths: 18368

those are very stark differences.

if these are not accurate or deceptive, then the lancet should retract the study.

but i don't think it's implausible that the poor populations of africa & asia & the me would be much more at risk from cold exposure than heat.

& whatever dangers & destruction a warming earth poses, it may be in the short to mid-term, it may actually result in lower deaths from extreme temperatures in either direction.

it may be that in 50+ years that will flip & the danger in hot regions will outstrip the cold. that may be baked in with the carbon already there. the best thing to do is to encourage economic expansion so those regions will have the resources to provide the kinds of things that prevent people in rich regions from facing temperature risk.


You need to stop attempting to resurrect your DOA faux study.


can you point me to any studies that show that the heat deaths from climate change will increase more than any offset from reduction in cold related deaths?


Because you believe the 1,000+ Hajj pilgrims froze to death.


Only you could whine about a study not being representative of the entire earth and in your very next post try to back up your claims by pointing to deaths in the Arabian desert, one of the most brutally hot locations on the planet.



The Hajj deaths was a news story, not a scientific study, my obtuse compatriot.




My kindergarten teacher told me the desert gets really hot in the summertime.

I guess she was correct!


But muh fact checker said that 97% funded scientists blamed it on global warming.
